>tfw no Korean gf
Tfw no Korean gf
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They are terrible in bed, like literally fucking a bond pillow, but they make weird squeaky sounds.
Is this another thread about being short?
You don't want a korean girlfriend man.
>bond pillow
body* pillow
tfw no A V E R A G E Korean gf
Fucking newfag reddit cancer scum, learn my old maymays before you come to my board.
Says the guy posting frogs and feels about girls.
Fail. OP meant to say :
Tfw no average Korean gf.
Good try though
If you say so ..I was only trying to help
Fucked a few koreans, have you?
I honestly think that's part of the fetish though. Like me and most korean women I know can take a lot of punishment in the bunk.
>tfw too ugly for any gf
>spend my money on Korean massage parlors
>get to have sex with qt koreans
inb4 >paying for sex
beats having nothing
This, they play dead
How do you know which ones? Also how do you initiate it?
Here in Dallas almost all asian parlors are korean.
Not sure if theres korean parlors in every city.
>Also how do you initiate it?
Just leave $100 on the table before the massage to indicate that you want "full service"
Mine moans and mumbles 사랑해
>tfw no A V E R A G E korean qt3.14
I miss feelbrah
>doesn't say 사랑해-yo
Why would a girl ever say say yo while fucking.
This ain't no 회식 son.
Does your gf actual say yo when speaking korean to you? It's not necessary dude.
I'm fucking jelly
>tfw no Korean bf
translation: "I have so much plastic surgery, you dont even realize I used to be a man."
That's what I'm banking on you fag
I bet you're irish cos you don't like ass.
It actually means "I love you" :)
and im telling you korean girls are so fake they make porn stars seem authentic
Even though ur a cunt. I'll entertain your fantasies.
Look up sung-gui
It means plastic surgery monster. There is a lot of funny comics about it.
>supporting human trafficking
come on Veeky Forums
Koreans are gross man, probably the worst looking out of the civilised Asian countries. The only good looking ones have had a fuckload of plastic surgery just so they look more Japanese.
Their culture is also pretty fucking dull and usually just bits of Japanese and Chinese culture blended.
koreans are just inferior japanese girls
thats why they do so much plastic surgery
If you live in Gangnam yeah I've seen it a lot. But I live in Tongyeong so plastic surgery is not really a thing you see everyday.
When i go to Busan I see plastic surgery faces at night time near the clubs on occasion . But most of their procedures aren't major reconstructions like you assume. Most just get minor shit like eye-lids or nose.
Why so negative?
Better then being with Chinese
No manners and they shit on the street. And more xenophobic.
Why would you date a ethnic Chinese. They wouldn't even give you the time of day unless you speak the Ching chong language
not negative, just honest
koreans seem like the most insecure girls on the planet
These people who don't even like kgirls take time out of their day post their hot opinions in a korean thread.
It's like being anti-gay and constantly posting on /hm/
>using a trip
>calling other people Reddit scum
Have you actually fucked a korean or are you just making a fox n grapes scenario.
I'm not disagreeing with you.
>Being a low test beta cucklet.
I see the commercials when they show starcraft or whatever on twitch
they all look plastic, and the same, it's kinda creepy: like a stepford wives type of deal.
but I prefer japanese girls so im biased
This made me laugh so hard I spit out some food I quite like their plastic faces but would never gamble away genetics on having a kid with them not knowing what it would look like
You realize that less than 1% of the population looks like those girls right?
There's a good % of koreans that get some kind of surgery but most do not go very far with it.
The difference is that facial cosmetic surgery is a totally accepted thing, like getting braces in the west. There is no kind of stigma connected to it even though people who get plastic surgery have a much higher suicide and depression rate. I think Korea is one of the top 5 suicide rate countries in the world or something too.
Unnatirally changing what you see when you look into the mirror is a jarring thing. And the whole belief in uljong or however it's spelled is also a messed up mentality resulting from the widespread Korean plastic surgery. The whole double eyelid surgery is also weird and seems like they want too much to be like the west. At least Japan still thinks they're great and have their own identity, Korea just wants to be like the US, especially in the media.
Korea is #1 in suicide rate per 100,000 people
cunt i'll fucken knock you out hey, coming round here talking like that.
Date a Filipino for your ultimate wifey experience. My roommate is a Filipino grill and she is a huge wifey material.
wife is not a good idea.
wives take half your shit and your kids, if any. i'll pass. at least the gym wont cheat on me.
>tfw you will always be alone
Thanks for the nightmare fuel
Soyul tho...
The numbers are artificiality inflated...
id d-date you cheekie
>tfw found /averagekoreangirl/ at my friends gym lifting
>tfw she passed up a full ride for culinary arts to pursue electrical engineering
>tfw she has years of "date with waifu" shopped 2d photoshoots
>tfw she always wakes up at 630
>tfw she always cooks breakfast and dinner
>tfw she loves to go hiking and shit
>tfw she was a professional dota player around 2008
>tfw she is legitimately good at 2d fighters
>tfw she knows pathfinder well enough to dm her own table
>tfw she would do anything for me
>even take it up the ass
>tfw she actually likes it up the ass
I agree with you, marriage is so risky for men it's unreal. Iron is loyal
I'd date you too if I wasn't an autist who got of out of relationshit and is keeping my distance from dating
tfw korean and korean gf
tfw korean and white bf
> wanting an oversized fleshlight that sucks your wallet more than your dick
Literally the worst choice in east asia. Still better than a burger though.
Women just aren't worth it anymore. Social media ruined everything.
Still working on it