I've begun to bald, I'm only 18. Fuck it's over

I've begun to bald, I'm only 18. Fuck it's over..........

just rock it man, if it gets too obvious shave it all off. There's nothing more unattractive to women than a man desperately holding on to a few plucks of thin hair. Be confident in everything you do

I'm 23 and fully bald. Started balding at 15. It's pretty soulcrushing at first but you stop giving a fuck after a bit

My pal is balding at age 20 and he slays pussy.

Started balding at 18 too, i'm 25 now and still have quite a bit of hair. It's a pretty slow process you still have time.

22 and shave regularly.

report frogposters

If anything OP could buzz cut it for now, usually works for receding hairlines

>wear a baseballcap to the gym

Started to bald At 21 and got more pussy with my head shaven.

I was bald at like 21. I'm 35 now and it never really affected my life in any way. for some women it's an instant turnoff, but it gets easier once you realize some women find bald guys hot or just don't care. just find those women and ignore the others.

Time for you to go skinhead.

I have a friend who is both a skinny manlet AND balding at 22, just straight-up shitty genetics

Life just isn't fair.

Hop on Fin you fucking mong

> Use low dose of creatine for about 5 weeks
> Suddenly worry my hairline is receding


aren't there treatments to prevent balding
finasteride + minoxidil

Did it, but I was just hangin with a shitty hairline and I'm a broad dude and with some jaw, so shaven head kinda suited me. Fuck my hair tho, was the shittiest thing ever and I think it actually fucked my chances with woman.

> high lat inserts
> narrow rib cage
>thin waist
>thick wrists
>7.5x6.2 peen


tfw 5'5 manlet
tfw balding at 20


Don't even worry about it. Hair is less important overall than it has been in decades. If you can maintain a decent body and a job, you will crush more than your share of pussy.

thats what u get for taking dangerous drugs like CREATINE

I'm 25 and had to go full bald because I lost it so fast.

I literally have no chin and a weak jaw.

Haven't gotten laid or even gotten attention from women since.