/plg/ - Powerlifting General

Welcome to /plg/ - Powerlifting General.


>oreo thread

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Reminder that this is the average /owg/ poster

his webms are the best webms on Veeky Forums desu

what is your current bw? when is the comp? will you continue cutting? if no, why not? I think it would benefit you if you cutted then gained some muscle to really fill(kek) out the 105kg class


Last night, I was doing some OHP, and some of my fingers went numb. Mostly the tip of my middle finger and a bit of my index finger, maybe my thumb. I waited, and the sensation did not go away. I attempted to do more, and the sensation extended further down into my fingers. I stopped immediately, and it went back to the original "tip" numbness.

I could still move my fingers fully then. I've iced them, showered in warm water, massaged them, and they have still been numb since last night. I don't know what to do. Nothing seems to stop it. I had to leave the gym early yesterday because of this, and I don't even know if it's okay to go today. Has anyone experienced this? Do any of you have advice other than to check with a doctor?

I would like to add that I had poor wrist form on one of my reps. I'm worried I may have incurred some nerve damage from jerky movements and poor positioning.

I literally have a bulging disk and trapped nerves or something like that


That's what you get for meme pressing

>swedish powerlifting champion

104.8kg this morning after doody and weewee

no, I didnt really cut desu I just had a really hard time for a while and had no apetite :( but I got my protein down so in the end it was just like a cut or something

Nah, im gonna try to get up to about 106kg before peaking starts

okay, I had tape today but didnt try /facepalm


Do the trips of /plg/ think trappy is a qt?

Feel free to answer anonymously.

Rate my DUP scheme

3x6 @ 70%

4x4 @ 80%

1xAMAP 4x3 @85%

Friday for bench, Saturday for squats. Or should it be the other way around? And should I do my amap set before or after the triples


trip on trappy

How much weaker are you with alternate mixed grip? Sorry to hear that your wrist is still bothering you.


is your programme literally one week you dumb shit


My trip is a word you dingus

you can't just slap a trip on and hope no one sees it

Ummm I dont really know

Last year I injured my bicep and had to do alternated mixed grip for one competition. I didnt really prepare by training that way, and I ended up deadlifting 270-280x(hitch 2-1 first time ever)- 280 . I did 290kg on a competition 4months before that.

So its not horrible. 300+ should be doable, quite honestly. Maybe even more.

Today, it felt really really good. So thats something.

Dude. shut. up.

Fake isley pls go

i guess

but cute like a puppy, not in a sexual way - im gay

I think you still have the meet in the beg desu. At least you have time to experiment with hook grip and alternate mixed so you can see which works better.

No, but it's the same every week save for weekly 1RM increases. I'm an intermediate, I don't need monthly cycles.

I hope she just leaves...

what im trying to say is that question is meaningless unless you specify the progression unless you intend on doing the same weight every week

which trip am I speaking to?

Doctor. It's usually fixable.

Not as qt as PRutus

home.woot.com /offers/ powerline-ppr200x-power-rack-2? ref=hm_cnt_wp_6_4

Significantly on sale, so you fucking chinks can knit better.

>tfw being bullied by trappy

its over between us

Man don't talk to me, I am here to train I am not here to talk

dank dsg meme there

Fuck you, you can't work in with me, I'm supersetting on the machines and your gonna fuck up my workout, so no, fuck you, you can't work in.

kekked, but I guess you're forcing my hand here.
I'm very, very indifferent.

post nipples, cuteboi

Its okay mang, you can still pump me full of your man juice. I wont tell

Do they allow you to bring backpacks to the gym?

Yo bodorio, for thumb tape get some white hockey tape, instead of regular medical tape, it's way stronger

fuck off sean

that melanin-enriched gentlemen is very close to true zen Enlightenment

how wise of him to see through the folly that is human self-importance and to wish for a simple yet pleasant desire that fufills him as work fufills the ant and destruction fufills the storm.

clearly ahead of his time.

>all the twinks are posting
>/plg/ is really gay all of the sudden

I wonder why...

>Doctor. It's usually fixable.
What would a doctor do? Refer you to a physical therapist and then it just boils down to resting and stretching. They don't usually go for surgery unless it's really fucked.

Sure if you live in a shit country with shit medical care

Lads I just got mired by an 8 year old and her mom

get this CP off my board


fuck off chad

bitch's probably older than you

Not surprising, they're the only ones that would be impressed by your bench.

fuck you, now i have to reformat my harddrive again

new rare

dont ask how i acquired it

hey lads

how do i train shoulders without stressing my back?

doc told me to take a few weeks off spinal-loading exercises

cute af


you clearly edit these, cos you speed em up and shit

so why dont you crop out the walk-off?

looks a bit chubby -93kg when?

>tfw you just came and now this gets posted


Bench/incline bench, facepulls, cable lateral raises, etc.

I'm not him senpai fag. I just post saved this fuckers meme

and what is walkoff?


>you will never be fil even for a moment

What a stud

Seated lateral raises, reverse flyes, bench?

no more fresh ones today, too risky

see you tomorrow

>Bend over sideways
>No fat folds
youd need to be pretty skinny for that
look down on your abdomen right now

skinny is not the same as lean

Test post



well done
u did it


I sent you a snap and you haven't opened it please open it

Incline bench press 110kgx5x5 today. Got the form down on the last set. Tight as fug. Went from @10 to @8.5 pretty fast.

Oh, and does anyone in /plg/ play OW?

Is this the best app to use to pass the nasm?

>pic of his CUTE gf in bikini
thats in boardie
youre on my list

Will we ever hear you talk?


>tfw Zarya is more swole than you

im like 80% sure im gay, but Zarya's shoulders make me wonder...

He's posted stuff with his voice before. Pretty damn sexy, I must admit.


stop teasing senpai

I imagine your English makes you sound like a mong like all foreigners. Hope it doesn't desu

He has a deep voice and not a very thick accent

It's sexy as hell

a lot of scandinavians are really good at english. you wouldnt even guess they're not native speakers most of the time

Do people ever make fun of you irl for your... odd tendencies and lifting technique?

are you kidding

have you seen what bodorio looks like? aint nobody going to be starting beef with him

>FILIP will never make a how-to video on the deadlift, his best lift

Those people are probably dead.

>odd tendencies and lifting technique?

At least I'm not fat like Phil is.

I didn't know you played

he played you like a damn fiddle

Are you implying you go hulk mode?

fucking pedophile

how ironic

How do you get your trip code to be a word?

about to do 2 sets of 9 at 72.5% wish me luck

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Boardshorts, you closet /fitpol/?

google "trip cracker"

>370 4x3
Sabre what the FUCK

that should be easy, deadlift?

Joe what spreadsheet are you even using?
At literally no point in the most updated one is there 370 4X3