Explain why this isn't the best routine for aesthetics and post a better one (assuming the big 4 lifts are done 3x5 except diddlys 1x5)
Explain why this isn't the best routine for aesthetics and post a better one (assuming the big 4 lifts are done 3x5...
Well thought out response
because not everyone has the same body type as yours.
some people need to do other exercises to gain more on certain muscle mass you fucking idiot.
there is no perfect routine besides the warm up routine for beginners. which than it is discussable depending on what the person wants to go for.
Delts getting paired with legs when you have a chest day is retarded because delts (and tris) are very involved in pressing exercises. You're doing shoulders 4x a week which can very possibly interfere with benching heavy.
Also, basing the best routine on a before/after picture with no semblance of a time frame or how many drugs he injected is dumb.
>Not maximizing your week
Superset DB Lat and Front into a 2x8-12/2x8-12
Do same for BB Curl and Hammer (change BB Curl to DB)
Aside from that, kick Bent Over Row or Pull Ups; basically the same thing. Routine should look like:
3x8 Squat
3x10 OHP
2x12 DB Lat Raise/Front Raise (Superset)
3x12 Leg Curl
*Optional: 3x20 Calf Raises
3x8 Deadlift
3x10 BB Row
3x12 BB Shrugs
2x12 DB Curl/Hammer Curl (Superset)
*Optional: 3x10 Seated Rows
3x8 Bench
3x10 Incline Bench
3x12 Chest Flys
2x12 EZ Bar Skull Crushers/EZ Bar Close Grip Press (Superset)
*Optional: 3x10 Dips
Ok, so what are better routines/splits?
>the gregorian calender literally controls time and is categorized as "7 days" for a "week"
P/P/L (leddits linear ppl is pretty decent but I'd switch some exercises around)
My routine is similar. I agree, it's the best possible utilization of muscle workout 2x a week for aesthetics.
A: Chest/Triceps
Benchpress 5x5
Weighted Dips 3x8, 1xF
Intensity Incline Dumbbell Press 5x5/Volume Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8 (Alternating)
Cable Crossover 4x8
Triceps Pushdown 4x12/Skullcrushers 4x8 (Alternating)
B: Back/Biceps
Deadlifts 5x5
Widegrip Pullups 1x8, 1x6, 1xF/Closegrip Chinups 1x10, 1x8, 1xF (Alternating)
Volume Dumbbell Rows 5x10/Intensity Dumbbell Rows 4x8 (Alternating)
Lateral Pulldowns 4x10
Hammer Curls 5x10/Dumbbell Curls 5x10 (Alternating)
C: Legs/Shoulders
Intensity Squats 5x5/Intensity OHP 5x5 (Alternating)
Leg Press 4x8
Leg Curls 4x12
Leg Extentions 4x12
Volume OHP 4x8/Volume Front Squats 4x8 (Alternating)
Lateral Raise 4x10
Facepulls 4x12
Seated Shoulder Press 4x12/Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4x8 (Alternating)
Thing is you can't specialise delts if you do them with chest/push for the same reason you listed.
>Specialize delts
Benching hits delts hard. Incline bench hits delts harder.
Why are you 'specializing' exactly? You do everything else 2x per week, but delts and triceps need 4x per week because why? So that you can OHP for your first exercise instead of as your 3rd? So you can do front raises, which are weak shit?
>benching hits delts
nigga it aint sposed too
>nigga it aint sposed too
If you bench with anything approaching proper form you will utilize a lot of anterior delt
>deadlift on back day
>deadlift day after leg curls
>le 1x5 deadlift meme
it's literally a brosplit made into 6 days. retarded as fk
It is.
This is what benching does
>The bench press actively works the muscles of the anterior shoulder girdle and the triceps, as well as the forearm muscles isometrically. The primary movers are the pectoralis major and the anterior deltoid, which drive the bar up off the chest, and the triceps, which drive the elbow extension to lockout.
Same reason I always give when I see this stupid shit routine...
If you have the energy to do shoulders after a leg workout, you're doing it wrong.
>After a leg workout
If you can call squatting for 3 sets of 8-12 a leg work out
>implying one can't press before squats
>implying they're not 2 different ends of the body
you are now aware of why BB bench isn't actually an optimal way of building up your chest
>having an entire day for legs
tip top kek
wanna know how I know you don't even lift?
what is?
incline and flat DB press
>being weak and getting tired fast
IMO combining shoulders with legs takes too long for me. I have a 4day split very similar to OP's pic, but I separate my shoulder and leg isolation lifts. I still end up spending 1hr lifting both days
This made me laugh
What if I ran a PPL, or OP 3x a week instead of 6?
Or is there a push/pull or A/B split I could run AxBxAxx BxAxBxx that's not SS/SL/beginners routine?
Something like this?
Deadlift 1x5
OHP 3x5
lat pulldown 3x8
db OHP 3x8
db row 3x8
curl 3x8
hammer curl 3x8
Bench 3x5
Squat 3x5
db Bench 3x8
dip 3xF
overhead tricep extension 3x8
face pull 3x8
Leg curl 3x8
i remember trying to do albo's routine way back. was trying to do it on a cut. fucking mistake that was. if you do this shit fucking eat food. otherwise you'll make no gains.
I cut on this but only once a week A B C with rest days in between. That worked
>Weighted pull up
Throw in Farmer's Walks for assistance occasionally
OP, your grasp of fitness/muscle building is obviously fairly stunted, do more research before posting embarrassing shit like that
>once a week
what is this shit?
do you honestly, HONESTLY think that the OHP and bench aren't gonna just stall in a month or two with that shitty frequency and volume?
My nigga. These kids do not know about DB pressing.
>barbell dyels with fucked up shoulders
How the fuck do you do this? You can't plan for shit. Are you all neets?
>A direct quote from the SS book
>implying anyone on SS isnt dyel
Literally the only reason to be on that program is if you're DYEL
But the biomechanics and physiology are sound. You have to be retarded to not realize any press also incorporates the shoulders.
this desu I'm thinking I should kind of make this into a 4 day thing but I'm trying to figure out how
>No swimming
What the fuck is wrong with you weirdos
What about the printing press?
ESPECIALLY the printing press
Man, I don't know half those fucking abbreviations.
Worthless guide.
>Starting back day with deadlifts
You will be gassed from the get go and all of your other lifts that day will suffer. Plus Squat/Dead/x/x is taxing as fuck. Quick ticket to overtraining.
Anecdotally no, they won't stall
And 99% of people won't have the drive to do more frequency than that after they hit a hard plateau anyway
>doesn't know BB, DB and EZ
I just compress this into two days split and work it 3 times a week each.
Found the heretic
Fuck legs srsly. Just work them so they dont look shitty and it's all K. You wear pants, don't u?
Mind posting the split?
Good for roids, bad for natty
so you'd rather do your heaviest, most important lift, with the biggest margin for injury/error AFTER you're exhausted?
Im actually a professional greek statue so I must be aesthetic during work hours.
>Getting exhausted in his diddymuscles by doing rows and pullups
>biggest margin for injury/error
Lrn 2 lift