>Yes goy. You need muscles to succeed in life. Listen to what the media tells you. Pay your monthly membership like a good goy and never question your motives of "picking up and putting down" things. Continue being a rat in the wheel, a sheep in the herd, a puppet on strings. We own you.
Yes goy. You need muscles to succeed in life. Listen to what the media tells you...
Delete this thread.
Bro we all know you've spent our entire weekly gym commitment, monetary and temporal, in one day on Veeky Forums multiple times this year
The media tells me its ok to be fat.
5/10 got me to reply.
>home gym farm masterrace
And believing that improving your physique is something that the jews want you to do is even more retarded. Go to bed now tommy
Thank you Merchant , you are our greatest ally
I want /pol/ refugees to fuck off.
Buy those supplements
20 dollaridoos per month is less than the allowance I got when I was 14, stop being a fucking jew.
shoo shoo gains jew
*rapefugees :^)
>Shitpost on our board
>Harass our high test women
>They don't even lift
I lift to fight for Europe in the coming war, schmolo
>Jew trying to use reverse psychology to prevent the upcoming crusade and subsequent cleansing
Not today, overlords.
The jew-meme needs to die, there is plenty of leftist jews in EU and USA, but the big majority of leftists are really just self-hating cucks, so dont blame da JOOS for your fuck ups.
>jews behind weightlifting
?implying they even lift
Last time I met a jew, he was auschwitzmode
>Yes goy, stay plugged in to your virtual reality. Don't worry about Susie, Tyrone will keep her safe. Who needs that disgusting woman when you can have simulated sex any time you want without any hassle.
>Yes goy, the Jews WANT you to improve yourself. Stay at home and watch the goy box, play video games and eat fast food. Get fat so you can never attract a white wife and can't fight in the upcoming race war.
>encouraging you to better yourself
Pick one. The thing that the Jew is most afraid of (other than the samurai, of course) is a strong, aware, white man.
Cute_Tomato you forgot to turn on your trip
If anything the jews are behind "lifting culture" in an attempt to turn rational people away from it so they won't survive the happening.