Brain vs. Brawn

I believe it's more than possible to be both really smart and get swole at the same time.
This meme is a false dichotomy and most likely proposed by jealous nerds who have nothing else but their smarts, and feel superior to everyone else.
What does Veeky Forums think?
Is the stereotype of the dumb strongman true?

Other urls found in this thread:!po=0.381679

It is a myth.

One prof that stuck with me was my physics prof who was a punjab. Dr. Aslam was his name.

He talked about his culture that the smartest guy was always viewed as the fittest guy as well. Because if you were smart enough to exercise your mind you were smart enough to exercise your body.

>durr jus cuz i l-l-lift don't mean i s-st-st-stooped

You need time to do both. If you enjoy doing both, then is fine. But if not then dont expect to be swole and have brains to match The best. At The very best you will be avarage, which is worse if you really like more one thing, also there is other things in life.... so... I say manage your time with what you like, and not with what other people think is good.

Yeah that guy sounds alright.

"Mens sana in corpore sano", exercise helps you stay focused and aids short term memory.

The myth that all smart people are physically degenerate is Jewish propaganda that aims to damage western civilisation.

Half the people in my STEM graduating class this year are pretty fit, some lift, some do sports. Typically they are also the better performing graduates with jobs in place for when we leave.

The skinny nerd types tend to have less plans in place for after uni.

Basically it's just salty skinny kids, like i used to be.

This is OP

I go to an ivy league school and the gym is filled with jacked guys and fit cardio bunnies. The dedication and work ethic required for top tier academics and a fit lifestyle are one in the same.

A healthy body corresponds to a healthy mind. The Greek Philosophers would hit the gym hard before engaging in philosophical debates.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born with an IQ of 135. Frank Zane has a Masters in Chemistry.

Hahahahaha i came looking fot the get recked one but this got me

The thing is, that he seems impresive to you, but he is a nobody in The world,(not to sound rude) you can have both, but you will never be impresive in both.

Me IRL. Obviously not op because he is a faggot

t. I'm studying physics and have left humanity behind

I think there is some trade off between physical and mental abilities. You cant be great at both. But you dont have to be an idiot just because you lift.

It's jelly skellies and fatties trying to pretend that they have at least one thing going for them. They're so skinny/fat because they're too busy and spend all their time reading and advancing the arts and sciences to eat/put the fork down and go for a jog.

I think there is also a reluctance to accept that some men really do have it all. Look at the HEIGHT, FACE, and FRAME posters. It's become a meme just because of how much people hate it yet at the same time halo effect them.

Go to the gym for an hour before work.
Meal prep so you arent eating like shit all week.

There you go. That's the secret recipe to success in brains and gains

you will never be impressive in either

don't pretend that you can be somebody by just "trying", managing to get into a situation where you are not a nobody is almost entirely down to luck, and if you believe otherwise you're incredibly naive

you will have a healthier mind if you have a healthy body, this is not up for debate

It stems from cognitive dissonance.

Generally people today think that if you're great at something, you must be deficient at other things, because otherwise you are absolutely advantaged over them, and it induces stress to acknowledge that. They would rather attack the person than permit them to be of superior ability. Notice you don't see anyone being called a polymath or any of its synonyms anymore -- because the implication that you could be of superior ability in many areas stresses the average person.

He was happy being a professor and teaching what he loves. I can't speak for his personal life but there arent that many true educators and mentors in the world and he has a notch in his belt for both. He's accomplished more than most.

I think fit is more The word you are searching.
You cant get a good body if you spend your time thinking about your carreer all day and not thinking about lifting, nutrition, etc, The same can be said The other way around. You can be fit and intelligent, but not "swole".

The whole dichotomy was birthed by scrawny "nerds" who called the larger guys meatheads to gain a sense of superiority.

The thing is, most of said "nerds" are just social rejects. Their supposed intelligence is just as false as the implication that larger males are duller.

That's not true at all, especially in light of the fact that if you dedicate your ENTIRE life to lifting, there's no guarantee you'll ever be competitive on the world stage in oly/plg/strongman/bb, you'll STILL be a nobody (by your standard). Similarly, you could spend your life studying in a given field and never get major recognition STILL remaining a nobody (again by your standard).

But the thread isn't about being notable on a world level, it's mostly just posing the question of whether brainsxbrawn is compatible. I know a guy that has a PhD in geophysics and deadlifts over 6pl8, I have my bachelors and pull over 4.5 with good form, so obviously people are able to balance academics and training. But again, to say "focusing on both is what disqualifies you from being notable on a global level in your field" is absurd as there's no guarantee of that in the first place if you focus on just ONE of the two. You can't speak with any confidence that what you said holds true.

Well here's the thing, famalamamadingdong

It's really easy to workout.

You lift weights, get the hang of form, and just eat a lot.

To learn or get new skills, it takes a lot of work.

So that is the stereotype of meathead, but you can be both. Be a fucking alpha male who is talented and skilled and also buff.

Nobody on this board (shit, nobody you will likely ever meet in your life) is of the 1 in a million people who specialize themselves enough to be prestigious on a single ability alone. This is dependent on plenty of things that are out of their control: genetic gifts, environmental factors, societal upbringing, etc., etc. hence why it is so rare. Personal dedication is important here, sure, but it's that among a shitload of other things.

However it's a lot more feasible for the average person to develop multiple skills into an effective and adaptable package. This is only a test of willpower. This is why normies get upset. Ever notice how brain v. brawn is usually the argument posed by people who practice neither of these things?

He does more teaching than reaearch but still

Dr oliver sacks held the californian state powerlifting record for a while, and his essays are worldfamous

Yukio Mishima won bodybuilding contests before his seppuku, and his philosophical works are similarly well-received

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

- Socrates

Sleep 8 hours.
Work 8 hours.
work out 2 hours.
Read 2 hours.

That still gives you 4 hours a day to do whatever you want. why would this be hard?

>he's not famous
>so he's a nobody

Found someone who needs brain exercise.

>Got on my level
>I'm studying
lol. Soon you will graduate to shit kicker coffee bitch!

>studying physics
>thinks he's left anything behind

Cooking, Dishes, Laundry, Cleaning. You know, the stuff women are supposed to do but don't do anymore. Oh and socializing.

Dolph Lundgren has a masters in biochem

You're right to a degree, I suppose.

Working out is easy to those who do it often, similarly, people who are adept in certain fields - say physics, would find things such as equations easy. Neither of these things are really exclusive given enough practice.

Just my 2c anyway.

Who would count as a modern day polymath? Who is our Da Vinci?



there is no reason for them to be mutually exclusive, other than nerds telling each other than smart > strength in order to feel good despite the fact they were bullied by the muscular quarterback in high school.

Remember lads, civilise the mind, but make savage the body.

I'm swole (enough to be >the fitness guy that everyone asks for lifting advice) and also go to Harvard (not as a recruited athlete, accepted for academic and musical abilities)

The dichotomy is bullshit, as illustrated by the joocy roidmonster law students who use the same gym as me.

There are numerous studies that show regular weight lifting and exercise increases blood flow, small blood vessel count, oxygenation, etc of the brain.I'm not saying it would inherently make you smarter but it sure beats sitting around doing nothing reading a book and laughing at all those idiots in the gym who went to go workout and then study.

Well rounded > Specialized

Intelligence, height, attractiveness, and probably a bunch of other positive traits are positively correlated. A lot of robots were born robots, stupid, short ugly, and with awful parents. The only reason this stereotype is still around is because "nerds" (not actually smart people, buzzfeed, lol im so nerdy people) want to feel better about the bad posture, pudgy face, pudgy body and pudgy brains.

Honestly, a lot of the smartest people in the world tend to be low key, and if that's not possible, they generally present themselves to us as idiots, jesters, or meat heads.

Take Arnold for example, do you honestly believe he isn't secretly fucking brilliant despite the fact he presents himself in his movies as this dumb muscle head? One doesn't just immigrate to another country where you barely speak the language, become famous, star in movies, marry royalty, attain public office, and even distract yourself yet still win the public back by being of even normal intelligence. Sure you can say "oh he's lucky", but this guys been "lucky" for 40+ years, and if that's not skill, discipline, and secret intelligence, than what is?

This same logic applies to other folks like Jackie Chan, Conan O'Brien, Seth MacFarlane, Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Fallon, etc., every single one of them are fit and yet smart enough to only be fabulously rich and famous but also realize they shouldn't portray themselves as smart to us the general public because, if they did, we would feel threatened.

>he's one of those "mathematics is the most pure science" autists

don't make eye contact, kids

No one is going to want to be identified that way with tall poppy syndrome running rampant. You would only make yourself a target for attack.

There are people that exercise, study mathematics and other topics, and make millions in financial services and have absolutely no interest in their life or name being brought to light in public because being all-encompassingly successful hasn't been venerated since the baby boom. There's a somewhat clandestine event called the wall street decathlon, which is basically only advertised internally to raise money for charity -- because if they ever advertised it publicly that smart, wealthy, powerful people were also in terrific shape there would be riots.

>got called out for being a stupud and arrogant undergrad
>hurr I'll call him autistic
Silly freshman

>Is the stereotype of the dumb strongman true?
The fact that you're actually posting this shit thread is starting to convince me it's true.
Fucking idiot, why would you even waste this board's time on something so asinine?

If you work and lift at home maybe
suck it jocks

>Xenophon Socrates

>Jewish propaganda

Guys who are literal geniuses are usually literally autistic too and thus cannot see why looking good would be useful

This is not true

this is true

This is literally the dumbbest thing ever.

Take a walk around a HYPSM school and you'll see smart, fit, sexy as fuck students everywhere. Very few fatties at a top universities. Some people are simply better than others as a result of their talent/hard work.

The autistic savant is rarer than you think. The true geniuses have amazing social acuity and are charismatic as fuck to to go with their intellect. Less than 5% of autistic have the skills like rain man.



Jack of all trades is a master of none.

Sorry, I meant 10%!po=0.381679

Oh yeah? Why can people hold More than one MASTER degrees in unrelated fields?

Only exceptional geniuses (i.e. Perelman, Euler etc.) can afford to act like autists and be taken seriously. For other moderately smart to intelligent people we have to be able to socialize, since we need to collaborate with colleagues and new people to make breakthroughs.

Wait, you don't trade off with your girlfriend on who does what?

>Master degree makes you a master in anything.
nice try

There is a good association with being a fit healthy individual and being intelligent.

So what you're saying is, we must become a king of all trades, a master of all.

Jesus christ. Just do SS or Madcow 3 days a week. Dont eat like a pig.

Read a lot, do your fucking work and profit.

No one can be a polymath to the extent of the ancients. There had been so much specialization throughout the ages that it takes 4 years postgrad to just learn everything you need to start your own research in one extremely small area of mathematics or physics. The closest you're gonna get would be people like Von Neumann, Poincare, Grothendieck, John Nash, etc. who's made a number of significant contributions to many relevant fields of math/physics.

There are "recent" mathematicians who do have a working knowledge of things outside of math, like Helmholtz and Euler, who both did some work in acoustics and music theory.

>missing the point
Thinking isn't your thing, keep lifting.

>Not wanting to be a renaissance man
Why limit yourself to one thing?

Where do you think you are friendo?

Is everything ok user?
Do you want to talk to us about something?

But often times better than a master of one

Don't forget the other half

but better than one

Not entirely
The worst party one can attend is one of mostly grad students, they have little else they know but their field, and even then I only a very particular bit of that field. Knowledge a mile deep, but an inch wide.
Academic advancement involves a good degree of specialization these days, so it's not surprising.

Specialization is for insects.

I've got a 3.9 in engineering school & work out 3x a week. I haven't made it, but I'm making steady progress. And I'm a single dad. And I still find leisure time. Limited, but I make it.

Grecian Ideal lad

we have plenty of time, work on everything

does an hour of gym time 4 times a week really hurt? people act like it's a huge commitment

>single dad
>making it

>can't even manage a 4.33 in engineering """""""school"""""""
>making it


Lead singer of iron maiden is a polymath.

Bruce dickinson

Fencer, singer, writer, musician, entrepreneur, pilot etc etc

Yes, of course it's true. Test is a hard cap for IQ, look it up.

>"Mens sana in corpore sano"
Iuvenal actually thought athletes were dumb, that's why he advised people to pray for brains alongside strong bodies. That's were the proverb comes from.

Of course, as a dumb meathead, you can't know that.

>you will have a healthier mind if you have a healthy body, this is not up for debate
Written on a board full of autists and schizophrenics.

I'm currently working for the university doing a ph.d in astrophysics and I've been lifting for 2 years now (left dyel mode at least 1 year ago for normie standards).
I realize that you can be a ph.d and fucking stupid - to an extent.
But desu my goal in life is to prove that you can have both the looks and the brains. Be a living "in your face" counter argument for weak and lazy people who take the fact that they read a little as an excuse to have an utterly shitty body, and for the other extreme, ie the meathead stereotype.

>its all a myth! DEDICATION and WILLPOWER guys! im so smart! Its definitely a conscious decision to get fit and you have to be SMART to make it. theyre just jealous!
how can you be so incredibly insecure?
Of course the stereotype has a point, just like most stereotypes.
Is it a strong relation? No
Is it possible to have both? Obviously
Will growth in one area mean reduction in the other? Of course not.

i'm always curious how elitists like you act in real life. every pure mathematician i've ever met has been a sniveling autist with clear signs of autism, but i've let it go because you clearly appreciate maths on a level i can't as an engineer. but yet there's such a huge amount of hostility towards non-mathematicians on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. why does this happen? is it because if you act like an elitist in real life you're laughed out of the room due to your many other shortcomings, so this is the only place you can vent?

You know how I can detect a physics pleb miles away?
They think math is a science.
Nah, your shitty science uses math a fuckton. But you're still a science and math is being used by science - which makes math an abstraction higher than your regular brainlet field.

If you know about ladders, which I assume you have then you can see it this way.
Abstraction ladder:
Everything else.

You should be glad I consider your pleb tier feces flinging pursuit even on the ladder.
You should be glad that you're not on the ground like everyone else.
Now go back to your shit flinging and sit the fuck down.

and yet being a true master in any field is out of the reach of the majority of the population, including you.

Moral of this picture:
>they BOTH look deformed

>calls out some arrogant faggot who thinks he's not another meathead for just studying physics
>hurr you must be elitist
Defensive much? Good job affirming the insecure stereotype as well.

You cant be a polymath professionallly im afraid.
The economy is too specialised for that now

Dolph Lundgren

I doubt that.
Its basically a jew get together

But only the healthiest of autists and schizophrenics

Not exactly all trades, just 2 things

Are you euphoric?

Myth nigga.
Myth to anyone who lives in the age of the internet where you can do fucking anything.

Just got my bs in physics, going to grad school to get PhD in geophysics. I know plenty of nerds who are skinny as fuck and others who are swole. Who cares

people like to forget about hormones and how the chemistry inside of your head also determines your mental health and therefore braingains
there's a reason why every therapy when it comes to depression advices doing sports
being active keeps you in a positive hormone balance which then leads to happyness, energy and the will for accomplishment
I don't want to imply that lifting will make you smarter. But being a happy person willing to learn something new everyday does

it's called med school