Last one got taken over by fat liberals and tumblrinas
Fat Hate
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems to be a thing these days, getting hijacked by those freaks.
Don't freak-shame, shitlord.
No problem senpai.
>tfw you aren't attractive enough on Tinder to match with in-shape girls so you just have a never ending stream of cute chubby and fat girls who don't get much attention and you can easily get them to succ and lick out your asshole on demand
A Goodman feel
I FUCKIN HATE FAT BITCHES. Whenever I turn down a fat bitch or seem not interested they always bite me in the ass whenever I start flirting with a qt p2t 3.14
How do I let them know I think they're disgusting without hurting them.
is that his dick buried in the fat?
OC from TITP.
>How do I let them know I think they're disgusting without hurting them.
You don't
Brutal method is effective
> weights herself in the evening after eating all day
> oh look i gained weight because this morning i was so much lighter
great human bean she is,10/10 would feed again
I want to murder someone
overpopulation solution plus free candles and soap from fatties
She's 100% right though, she shouldn't have to lower he standards, nor does she have to do so.
What she does have to do is lower her expectations, that or her BMI, preferably both
Yea, normally it wouldn't have been that bad for him, but because he was so fat they couldn't fit him in whatever container they stuck him in properly. So his back-fat and front-fat got pushed together and smothered his junk.
That's why those parts are both flattened out, in case you didn't notice that bit.
Admittedly, that is a shitty thing to do. Let the hamplanets have their space whence they may whine; not much else they can do.
Women ruin everything brahs, they're toxic attention craving wretches, it's a shame they found our sanctuary and feel the need to state their opinions, at least misc is free of them for the most part
180 lb 12% bf social democrat here, I can tell you're very frustrated because your biggest achievement in life is that you're skinnyfat and not normal fat, congrats bro back to readddit neck yourself hahaha
I hate being fat..It's fucking gross and it's nothing but bad for me.
I am so ugly that eventhough I am other mode I do not even have fat girls matches :(
You're definitely not alone user.
That guy sounds like a Chad desu.
Make a rope out of the delusion in your mind and hang yourself with it you imbecile
>manlet social democrat.
>White people
just found this on /mu/
great movie.
>that scribbling noice
eminem ripoffs.
some parts had decent flow, but I think they should have used more rhyme to connect the sentences.
also why is it so hard to eat less?
>Starting a phrase with "But also" in a somewhat official tag
jesus, merrica, never change
but user, she eats like 1400 calories a day, it's her thyroid and the patriarchy that makes her fat
Jews actually ese
Take a look at carl the cuck here's facial structure
Retoasting something from late in the last thread.
This kind of thing is what prevents me from going from an normal empathetic human being to a fatlord killer full of rage. Although desu I tend to oscillate a little in between senpai
Wait, I've already seen her but in another pic where she was eating something else in the same fashion. It was maybe mayonnaise + spoon or cheddar. Can't remember exactly which she was (maybe even something else), but I'm fairly certain I saw her before.
Shut up Brandon noone here gives a shit.
All fat people look the same desu
You thinking of this fat piece of shit?
>I hate to see big dudes doubting themselves
>while desperately trying to cover up his bitch tits
From a biggest loser contestant given like ephedrine or something to help losing weight
A future Myss .America if this shot continues in our country
hey don't call her a fat piece of shit that's my mom
fucking hope not, wouldn't wish that on anyone.
>mirin all those calves
fucking fats privilages
>implying jews aren't part of the white cesspool
Apparently dadbod wasn't good enough
>Math is hard
>Lets get drunk/high/doped
Funny, those are all things you hear from niggers a lot. Also "WE WUZ KONGS N SHEET".
> That bodytype is my fetish
I cannot lie to myself
>Math is hard
>Let's Get Drunk
No It's Whites, It's always whites.
So you like pepperoni nipples ? Disgusting.
Could you theoretically cut someone open and tear out fat and it would look like they lost fat weight naturally?
>that disc spacing on his L3 and L4
no kikes are turkic khazars or sometimes semitic
It's called liposuction you idiot
I mean with a knife. I know it's liposuction you sack of shit, if I was asking to suck it out I'd say.
I'm asking if you started attacking fat people and all you did was cut out fat with a knife. Would it look naturally if you were careful?
No, of fucking course not. What kind of question even is that? Are you planning something?
Oh shit doggo got some bad news :(
nah fat is like marbled into some meat and capillaries or some shit. pretty sure they cant imo
How do they lipo it then?
Besides all of the scars I fucking guess? You'd just gain it all back.
I could see an extremely thin or malnourished person using this, but I doubt that was the intended audience...
why are these threads Fat Hate now instead of Fat People Stories
t. someone who haven't browsed Veeky Forums since 2011
>Implying Demo isn't stealth bearmode
i hate fat people but that's mean...
fatscum has feels too.
Some people who commented saying they were awful looking got attacked by others saying the girls were all beautiful... This is why America is fat. Everyone caters to the fatties.
soap yes
candles no
unless you want your house to smell like bacon
>intermittent fasting
>focus on fat intake
>drink lots of water
>coconut oil and avocado
This is literally how I lost 40lbs. Is this someone really stupid, or someone trolling the weight gainers?
they take an electrified wand and jab into the subcutaneous fat (not the fat that's interpolated into other tissue)
the wand liquefies the fat, and it is sucked out. It's a pretty gruesome and painful procedure.
bro, I thought the same thing. Intermittent fasting is basically almost this....but if they are fat as fuck, they are going to put away a shit ton of food on gorging days sooooo...
It takes a lot to gross me out due to going on /b/ when I was young but that made me sick. That's straight fucking disgusting.
And I would plow Ashley Graham into the wind.
kek, that video
OH god, they're all twice the size of the "plus-sized" model
You made it sound like a wizard attack though.
>"I've been fat FOREVER"
Some children are born weighing slightly more than a normal baby, they're never born weighing so much that they're considered fat. They're fed shit food from shit parents and become overweight very fast
>been eating less last cople of months
>lost 40lbs
>now at the point where I have to remind myself to eat because I rarely feel hungry anymore
If I ate when I feel hungry, I would probably turn into spooky skellinton mode in a year or two.I just don't want to lose the miniscule amount of gains I've made over the years by dragging my hulking mass of fat everywhere. Is it even worth keeping my "gains" instead of dropping all my fat as fast as possible?
fucking garbage ass music famalam.
I actually give her props for trying though.
The girl with the fuck ton of cellulite in her thighs made me gag.
I know, and some people were complaining about it haha
Fit girls: I wake up every morning feeling just fine, then I go do whatever I want! Men love me, my friends love me, and most importantly, I love me!
fat cringe coming through
>that tuba at the end
hey ho
>your first single is a blog post
>nothing even rhymes
>draws herself as an hourglass shape
>is literally a pair of sticks with a blob on top
she has that steven universe gem tattooed on her chest
there is no hope
not unless you're a surgeon, but yo ucan find videos of this procedure. i've seen them
>tween girls
>making anything 'unsafe'
Truly, the are worse than the KKK and Daesh combined.
They're children, fatty is an adult. Kids do insensitive shit all the time, they don't mean it, they are just dumb. She needs to get over it.
Are there any of these with a Veeky Forums person?