>hit the gym for two months straight after work
>literally no difference in appearance, and my back actually hurts more now
What the fuck? Is this lifting thing just a conspiracy to get people to buy gym memberships?
>hit the gym for two months straight after work
>literally no difference in appearance, and my back actually hurts more now
What the fuck? Is this lifting thing just a conspiracy to get people to buy gym memberships?
It's called form and eating habits, genius, have fun in snap city.
Are you fucking stupid? Have you done any research at all? Go look at the exercises you are doing and look up the right form asshole.
>hit the gym for two months straight
Wow! Impressive. How did you get that superhuman-like endurance?
Have your lifts improved? If they haven't, you've been wasting your time.
If they have, strength gains in beginners are mostly neural anyways and it will take time for noticeable improvements in muscle mass to appear.
What study does that come from? That the majority of strength gains for noobs is CNS adaptation? Because I have a hunch, after coaching a couple people, that it's complete bullshit. I've been wrong before though so let's see the science
>it will take time for noticable improvements in muscle mass
is there a known time table for when people should start noticing those muscle mass improvements?
>Two years in
>Look pretty much the same
Don't feel bad.
You retards must be doing something wrong. Are you new to fit life or you just don't pay attention to anything fit related?
The first time i noticed was maybe 4 or 5 months in. I was in a dressing room and could see my back with the mirror. You see yourself from the front everyday it's impossible to notice the subtle changes. Pay attention to the scale and one day you'll suddenly need new clothes or someone will comment on your appearance. Just takes time.
>Thinking "working out" is going to do anything at all if you dont change you eating habits
>Thinking your going to get good results after only two months
Are you guys lanklets or doing something wrong?
I'm cutting, barely lifting, and I'm stronger than I've ever been before, only been losing weight for a month.
Man sucks to have shit genes I only needed to curl 10 kg for 20 reps and I had to slow down I was reaching Richard man piano levels.
You can gain strength far, far faster than you can gain muscle. Especially as a total beginner.
k € K
2 scenarios.
If your lifts don't increase:
You don't sleep enough, you don't eat enough or you don't progress the way you should. When you can lift a weight every time for the given amount of sets and reps your program requires, that's when you need to increase the weight. Put on 5lbs more to every exercise everytime you enter the gym until you fail to meet the needed sets and reps. At that point reattempt that weight the next 3 times you go to the gym. If you never manage to get it, deload to 80% of that weight and start progressing like before.
If your lifts do increase:
Most of it was you neurosystem adapting to move weight. You didn't make that many gains really and you're probably too fat to notice too.
I'm at about 20% bf and the only thing I so far growing after 2 months was chest. Take progress pics under the same conditions once or twice a week. I for example now look like I did with a pump a month ago.
>tfw only been lifting a month
>tfw 80kg
>tfw bw squat and 2pl8 diddly
>tfw by 6 months ill have surpassed all normies
why are normies so weak
>doesn't mention routine
>doesn't mention form
>doesn't mention # of gym days
>doesn't mention # of rest days
>doesn't mention type of back pain (spinal or muscle)
>mfw you want advice regardless
At this point for all we know the stance of the sun in correlation with Jupiter divided by the distance of the moon could be what's causing it
Muscle mass takes a while to grow, if you have back pain in muscles it should be solved pretty quickly if you do correct form during exercises, if it's spinal consult your doctor cause lifting can make that worse
do you eat big, every bb says they noticed a change when they actually started eating big
Nice going, t-rex.
either you have shit form or you're a fat guy
im a skinny guy and after 2 months i noticed i've begun to develop wings
dont try to lift the heaviest weight you possibly can to impress people in the gym
you're only gimping yourself on your progress
focus on form
change your diet
unless you have difficulty putting on weight dont just eat w/e is convenient ie mcdonalds or kfc
start cooking at home
you'll save money and eat healthier
also chicks dig guys that can cook