Do you warmup before weighted pull-ups/chin-ups?

Do you warmup before weighted pull-ups/chin-ups?

Other urls found in this thread:

>weighted pull-ups

>weighted pull-ups/chin-ups

doesn't that destroy your joints and ligaments?

Been doing weighted chins with 50-80kg extra for like, almost 4 years now (dat maintenance) at a weight of 88-93kg (fluctuate) and my joints are all fine, had 0 problems. Just do them correctly.

Who said that?

i haven't heard anyone say that but it just looks unsafe to me

Go to bed, mom


Also do you warmup with exercises like barbell curls or dips or calf raises or hip thrusters ?

I'm doing them as accessory work, not main lifts. All 8-12 reps. Is a warmup necessary?

No different from doing literally any exercise with weights

Pullups seems like the thing you do when you first walk in the gym and blow all your energy on so no warmup

If I'm not feeling lazy I'll do a bodyweight set or two. But generally just go right in with weighted. Assuming were still talking about chins, I aim for 3x5, since they're more compound than accessory and I'm also cutting.

I'm amazed how people can lift that much weight, ffs I can do 20 wide pullups and only 5-6 with 0.5pl8 lol

This. Weighted pullups are tough. Though it seems, reading the words on the mirror, that he specializes in "extreme pullups"

I do 5 unweighted ones and then I do 5x5 with 20 kilos. If I did bigger weight I would probably add another set of warmup.

As long as you don't bomb the bottom part you should be ok. Pretty easy to get tendonitis on these things if you yank the bottom part.

Does a lion warm-up before it takes down a gazelle?

how the fuck are those two comparable at all you massive autist?

how do I even progress on weighted pull-ups?

the traditional 5x5/3x5/3x3 stuff just doesn't seem to work
i've been spinning my wheels on this exercise for a while now


>8 with 1pl8
>10-12 with no weight
I guess my endurance a shit

do a couple with bodyweight

then slowly add weight working up to working weights

zombieland, probably

5x5 ain't enough volume for the upper body. 5x5 is a prepatory weightlifting program that came out of England in the 40-50s. It's only meant to get a novice lifter (or someone only used to high reps) ready for 1-3 reps and to be done for two months max.

Do 8x3 (with the same weight across all sets and if you miss reps continuing until you reach 8x3) it's still low reps but has enough volume to get you progressing. 2-3/week.

>5x5 is not enough volume
>8x3 is enough volume
>one is 25 reps the other is 24

u wot m8

Quit reading right there.

today I did
12 bodyweight
+10 kg 3 reps
+20 kg 3 reps
+30 kg 5 reps
+31.25 kg 5 reps
>1 RM chinup is nearing advance mode on symmetric strength
>still novice on bench/OHP because shoulder problem
>intermediate dead/squat
fucking kill me pls

i progress the best when I do 1 working set PR
kinda strange but it works for me

I can only do 5 pullups so I cheat 5 more for a 3x10

I weigh 200 and only bench 150 3x8 since my shoulder is healing

Is this a good combo for balanced growth? I think I hurt my shoulder pushing too much, getting bench to 180 and thinking boxing is ok for post-workout and recovery days (its not).

Pls tell me those are bumper pl8s.
Was proud af of getting to 20kg (lmao1pl8) for reps.

Ivanko omezh (revolvers)

Isn't that guy the founder of extremist-pullup site and misc "extermist pullup" crew

If i remember correctly, one guy there did full rom pullup with some ridiculous weight (like 350 or something)

why would you not warm up?

I generally do some scapular stuff before weighted pulls, followed by a couple real slow and easy pulls. I feel much stronger this way and don't feel metabolically drained.

If they do heavy weighted sets, then yes.
One or two bodyweight set to 3 or 5 or 8 reps (depending on what their max is) is usually enough.

Joints and ligaments also adapt to training.

Weekly progression and DUP.
Have a volume workout, a light workout, and then an intensity workout where you try to max it out.
Use lighter increments.

If weekly progression doesn't work anymore for you, go for bi-weekly or periodize your training.

You'll be using more weight on 8x3 and it certainly ain't ramping like most 5x5 programs.

This would be clear to anyone with experience lifting rather than experience shitposting on Veeky Forums all day.

How much stronger have you gotten eating at maintenance for so long?

Stop going in 10kg jumps. You don't need it.

Do either:

>your max 5 (31) across all sets of 5. Increase weight when 5x5 is completed. You'll probably only get 3-4 in the 3rd-5th sets, so work slowly (i.e. a rep per session, or slightly above) until you can get 5x5 again and repeat. Consider deloading 80% for one session after hitting 5x5 if you feel it necessary.

>Stop ramping up in 10kg jumps - it's too much and you should be doing half that. You should really be doing 11/16/21/26/31 and the bodyweight set is next to useless for increasing weighted reps. (Feel free to do it as a 'pump' set afterwards though.)

>Cut out the ramping. Do 15/20 warm up and then three sets at 31kg. I'd recommend increasing reps slowly until you hit 3x5 before adding weight.


Try light windmills (10kg)/db shrugs (20kg)/ breathing pullovers (10kg)/dymanic stretching - arm swings/rolls back for your shoulder problem. 1x20 for all a couple times per week. That should improve mobility and make them feel stronger within a month.

i blew my pec minor on the pec deck a few years ago, seeing a physiotherapist for it right now
he told me it healed like shit and the connective tissue is all messed up
he gave me deep frictions and he wants me to start maxing out on bp/ohp to see when the pain starts
i did bp 70kg x5 today and ohp 50kg x3 and my shoulder feels alright.
also thanks for the info, but what about the bodyweight set? do you recommend not starting with it for a warm up? straight into weighted chins?

Whats DUP?

Also, how the fuck do I do more than 2 o 3 pull-ups? I train at home. Its negatives the only way?

I hope they do, need to make more room for these scoopz

Listen to the doc and ignore my shit, he knows best.

>do you recommend not starting with it for a warm up? straight into weighted chins?

Yes. The b/w set will only tire you out for the weighted pressing and dropping it will likely make your weighted max go up after a while. You'll get more than enough warm up doing 11/16/21/26/31 or simply two progressive sets before 3x5 31.

The 'pump set' concept comes from Bill Starr's The Strongest Shall Survive. It's a 80% of 5x5 done for 1x10 at the end of a 5x5 and really helps with growth.

thanks m8 will do

Trappy pls respond

I'm at the exact opposite, I can do 5 with 17kg (0.85pl8) but only 9 or 10 at best with bodyweight. Shit endurance I guess.

Daily Undulating Periodization
aka varying the load and volume on a daily basis
TM and Nuckol's programs are examples.

>how the fuck do I do more than 2 o 3 pull-ups?

Train your muscles.
Losing weight also helps.

>I train at home. Its negatives the only way?

Do you have a barbell?

Not a transvestite, but here's the down and dirty to improving bodyweight pull ups:

1.Find max. I.e. for you 2 or 3. If you can do only one 'grease the groove' until you can do 2.

2. Depending on max do 12x2/8x3/6x4/5x5/4x6/4x7/3x8 . I.e. if your current max is 4 reps do 6x4.

3. You'll likely only be able to do a few sets with your max before you start missing reps. Don't worry. Keep going slowly until you can hit all reps in the set scheme. For example in 8x3 if all you can do is 3/3/3/3/2/2/2/1 then add a rep (or reps depending on mood) each session until you are doing 8x3.

4. When you complete a rung move onto the next and don't think about skipping.

5. You can do this 2-3 times a week. After completing a rung feel free to have a deload session if the mood arises. I.e. if you're doing 4x6 do 4x3 for the deload before moving to 4x7.

This is an old school style of lifting which favours increasing reps before weight and has been popularized again by the Pavel Tsatsouline because it is perfect for static weight exercises like kettlebells or bodyweight.

I've used it for going from 4-8 pull ups using this rep scheme and increasing my pull ups hanging with a kettlebell through this rep scheme.

>Train your muscles
You know what I mean

>Do you have a barbell?
Yes, a little home gim.

What do you think about this?

This sounds nice. Thanks

>nor recognizing the sage wisdom of the brofessor

Im doing pullups at home and i dont have weights like in OP's pic, any reason why cant use a backpack and load it up with heavy shit instead?

There's no secret to it senpai. There are many methods and most will bring results, because you're a novice. You adapt and get strong fast.

But here's the answer:
Train your muscles (barbell rows/db rows/chinups/horizontal pullups/negatives/cheating)
Train with frequency (3-4x per week)
Get good rest.

At the level you're in you don't need periodized training or even make it too complicated.
Just get stronger. If you're skeleton, eat well. If you're fat, losing weight will make it easier.

A set or rep scheme is the last thing you should worry about at this point.

Warm up even without weights, just in case. Pulled a muscle yesterday for rushing straight to the pull up bar, lol.
>inb4 you fucking idiot

>user completely answers question about pull-up progression
>completely accurate on how to progress pull-ups
>trappy still has to reply in order to get attention
>tells a newb user to do do barbell rows to help his ability to do pull-ups

Barbell rows won't help chin up or pull up strength at all

I row around 100lbs as an accessory lift, not even on the same day I do chins, I never even done these before, I've always done pull ups or chins as my main back lift

I do 5bw
Then can rep 75lbs with ease for working weight

Doing the movement bodyweight style, even if it's a little, or negatives will help more than some kind of useless lat pulldown or a row

Barbell rows will make your pull up stronger.
You're training the same muscles.

>100lbs rows

No wonder you don't see results.

I spent 6 months only rowing, no pull ups, and when I decided to try pullups I could do weighted with 90lbs added for reps.
I row 2pl8 for reps.

Is he not talking about DB rows..?

100 lbs barbell rows are weak as fuck. Keep doing them and progress until you can do 185 at the same bodyfat and see if your pull ups don't improve.

>I could do weighted with 90lbs added for reps.
>doesn't post own bodyweight
130lbs manlet confirmed

Someone comes in and asks
"Hey I can do 20kg squats, how do I squat 50kg?"

What do you answer?

Is your bodyweight 100lbs?


I do 3x12 with 60lbs and I only do one warmup set of 10 reps using bodyweight going slow and controlled.

My weighted pull up and chins always improve at a good pace, even when I was cutting. I've switched more to a power building program and I'm recomping. I have to do pendlay rows on Day A and I don't like them, boring lift. It's an accessory lift in the program, I could go heavier but I'd rather slowly improve them because again, it's boring.

>is that safe?

You're programming is right but I would recommend stopping a rep or two before your max on your first sets. So if your max is 4 you should be doing 8x3 and so on.

Only reason is being that training weighted pull ups to failure on every set is gonna be one hell of a day especially if you got more exercises in your program.

Most 5x5 discussed in here usually involves sets across.
And 8x3 would only involve slightly more weight.
There is no reason to be salty.

not same guy, but it obviously harder to add that much weight if you weigh less.
>what are proportions

Been doing weighted Chins in my workouts for a few years. By Injured my tailbone, so I only did weighted dips and chins exclusively for a few months. Started getting elbow tendinitis.

nightmare mode: no retarded broscience

if you seriously think being 130lbs and doing +100lbs pull-ups is as difficult as (or somehow even more difficult than) being 220lbs and doing +100lbs pull-ups, then you're a retard

Hopefully this helps

I'm still a weak fatty so I normally do 25 chins unweighted as a warm up in as many sets as it takes. I then do 10 reps minimum with 10kg, 1-2 reps per set.

I usually just warm up with bodyweight reps.

Usually a few muscle ups, that's all.

I bet you read it all

Go to bed mom

Haha, fucking fag.

I don't warm up for chins/pullups. I start doing 3x5 weighted. I work my way up to 5 and when I can do it each set, I increase weight currently can do 65/45 #

I do chins and dips.

I do 3x5 for chins, and 3x10 for dips

I started at 25 pounds for both and do both for 2 workouts each then add 5 pounds. Today I just hit 70 pounds on dips. Tomorrow I'll try 70 on chins. I did 65 for 3 workouts since I fucked up my first chin section and it was really hard so I added another one till I felt comfortable.

My progression has worked for me though. I mean, it's still hard but it's coming along and I'm surprised I got by 65 since I thought I was done for on the first day for both.

It might work for you. Drop your weight by 10 pounds if you're stuck. Then do for 2 workouts and move up

Don't cheat the pullups. I literally just got a clicking shoulder from fucking around and trying to do 1 armed chins.

If you're worried about your shoulder, use proper form and do what you can do, rest, then do another couple sets of that.

My niggas
20kg 3x5
14 bodyweight

You realize you're asking about how to do something from a guy that if there's anything he can't do, it's this don't you? You notice how he didn't even copy any other advice from another site?

Because all he knows about them is to do rows. He can't do the lift, just follow the other guy's advice

>hey trappy, tell me the finer points of a muscle up

I've directly trained people who can strict pullup 2x bw full rom ;)

And I can muscle up myself, not even that hard senpai. Mostly just technique.

Teach me your secrets.


Yeah and I fucked your dad last night

it changes the angle a bit, and presses down your traps.
not as convenient. try to hold it with your legs.

None of this is true


You haven't been around very strong people if you think any of that is impressive.


how do i /routine/ my way into your bed?

also everybody paying attention pls kys

how do you coach someone into doing pull ups when they cannot even do a single one? what's the method you use?

>You haven't been around very strong people if you think any of that is impressive.

It's not that I think it's impressive, I think you're just a terrible liar.

I get that you're mentally ill and everything, but aren't there other places online you can shitpost?

It isn't impressive. But the thing is that you personally haven't done what you're claiming. Simply throwing out "it isn't impressive" doesn't lend credence to your dubious claims.

Otherwise the guy who has links for everything would actually prove it. But you won't and you can't, and you'll throw out a bunch of red herrings to distract away from proving your claim

Depends on what exercises you've allready done. If the biceps are allready warmed up, then you don't need to warm them up.

You haven't been around your dad's asshole if you think it's unfucked from last night

Cheating reps
Heavy lat pulldown doubles using microplates (chinup grip) [you have to know how much the increments of the machine are for this. If it's not indicated on it, just calculate it by testing when the bar can hold your bodyweight]

Works really fast.
This last one we only really use for trainees that have difficulty with the first two (old or overweight couch potato)
Gotta keep in mind some trainees can develop elbow pain, specially older ones. But this is another entirely different matter.

Your minds would be blown if I told you the heaviest totals of people I've coached or helped with coaching in my gym.
And this is not even mentioning people I've helped on the internet.

But sure, "none of this is true".

seriously, go and find something useful to do, you dont know shit about training dude. I(Having a bachelor on sports science) decided to one day read your walls of text to see how much you know and maybe learn from you, but all you say is always bullshit, shit you can realize within 1month of training and listening to non-retard PTs. Really basic shit. Maybe if you can read that much, all those walls of text over and over again(or just copy paste) you may be able to read something beyond really basic stuff. Your walls of text and your I KNOW THIS SHIT LET ME HELP attitude is really stupid and annoying considering how little you know.

>Your minds would be blown if I told you the heaviest totals of people I've coached or helped with coaching in my gym.
>And this is not even mentioning people I've helped on the internet.
>But sure, "none of this is true".

Something about a tranny who goes to med school, works in a gym coaching people to be elite lifters, and finds time to post routines for hours at a time on Veeky Forums, all while providing no proof of any of their claims, triggers my bullshit alarm.

teach me the technique. i can do 18 good, widegrip pullups but cant quite get the muscle up. i watched some bideos on it (swinging, putting horizontal space between you and the bar on ascent) but i feel like im missing something. thanks in advance

thank's for the advice. I'm coaching a friend soon and one of his goals is to do a real pull up, which is something he's never been able to do.

It's really irrelevant what you claim. Though how you find the time to coach all these people while working out yourself, being a trap, and being on Veeky Forums all the time is nothing short of amazing. Along with writing up articles for fisttacky and promoting it.

Here's an easy way to reinforce the legitimacy of a dubious claim though. Prove a part of it. Obviously it would be hard to prove all the people you coached, but you mentioned a rather easily proven part: you said you can do muscle ups. Post a webm of this occurring to stow doubt. Wear a mask if need be. But seeing as you know how to work a camera, and make webms, this shouldn't be a hard task.

Or keep claiming without proof.