No deadlift crew

Anyone else here not deadlift?

I only deadlift once every few months to fuck around.

I squat, clean, snatch and do some rows +accessories so I feel like legs+back are fine.

So much happier without them

Anyone else stop deadlifting?

Wait so why don't you deadlift again?

There is no reason to be alive if you cannot deadlift.

Are you gay or straight? Serious question.

I don't deadlift becaus I'm a chick and too elf-conscious to ty it at my gym. I need o find a time when its not very busy and lean how, just so I can say I've done it and to feel how it goes.
Any other suggestions?

Eh doing them became a chore, wasn't having fun with them anymore. I have some weird ass proportions because of my long as fuck legs that just made them difficult to do well

I'm like a 2/7 on the Kinsey scale

That's all fine and well, and all the other lifts you mentioned will give you a somewhat well rounded strength portfolio.

However if I were you I'd consider throwing deads back in, the pull is one of the main ways in which humans apply force, and without deads you would have an obvious weak point.

Yeah but like a weak point for what. I sit in an office, my hobbies besides lifting are reading, fishing, and cooking. I'm not an athlete or anything

Why lift at all then.

You're a grill. Guys may be watching you in the gym, and by may I mean obviously are and aren't using it, but they're not paying a lick of attention to the weight you're pulling or the strictness of your form.
May as well do it, it's no more or less embarrassing than anything else you may do in the gym.

You're an "are" on the faggot scale.

Because it's fun and I enjoy it

Notice how ass blasted people get when they spent all this time on a lift that does nothing for them
Guess that's what happens when you do a lift just because someone tells you to

"Does nothing for you"

When I compete in powerlifting, the judges look at me deadlift and then give me a medal! Have you ever won a medal for upside down dumbbell curls?

I've won a medal for fucking your mum's rancid pussy.

I try to at least once a week but they just burn me out and im pretty sure my form sucks too so i dont really care about them cept maybe throw them in at the end of a workout. I also barbell row and squat so i think im ok. You can get a great physique without them obviously

>literally the most practical lift
>does nothing

Who the fuck are you people

Honestly I only deadlift with a hex bar. Much easier, and dead just feel awkward any other way.

Just ask some dude to teach you deadlift form

Fucking hell being a chick is life on easymode. Practically any dude would be willing to help out a girl at the gym.

My mate refuses to deadlift.
>hurr it's too awkward
>durr my back is already sore from squatting
Tell him he's a faggot every time.

Thats more of a squat than anything.

Ok, I'll try it. It's embarrassing to ask because y'all always look so serious at the gym.
I don't have any chick workout friends (yet) or more girl-friendly online group, I wish I did. But I guess we can ask questions here ok too. Thanks.

I can't because my poor posture and scoliosis
Why even live?

I literally did it a few times with 35 or 55 idk at home, some sets of ten and maybe my form was bad but I had mad sharp pains for weeks and that is why I stay away from those.

I can barely fucking row either because of this, but at least I can bench right?

No worries, can you post a picture of your ass and/or tits in return?

I d-lift maybe twice a month.
Current employment in a warehouse, and my daily grind mimics the d-lift movement as is....

There is a leverage trick to it, for sure,,,, when you're supposed to move your hips forward when the bar is a certain distance from the floor, and the whole pulling motion and the starting position.....

I'm built like a chimpanzee so d-lift conventional style is all I can do. Some dudes are just built for the leverage factor... I ain't. It is the weakest of my "Big 3" lifts, for sure, but I don't care.

I just do it because I think it "activates" at lot of muscle tissue.

>could be 10000% wrong.

There's one reason to be alive if you can't do deadlifts.

I don't deadlift because in my gym there's only dumbbells and few basic machines, like bench press, latteral pulldown, and pectoral fly, leg press. No barbells, no plates, no squatrack, etc..

Try more variations. I spent weeks trying to teach my girlfriend how to deadlift and she could never get it without it feeling awkward and hurting her.

My dad ( 60 y.o and still squatting 400+ to depth) had her try a modified sumo and it fixed her issues immediately.

Try playing around more with stance. Take a wider stance, maybe just enough to fit your arms between them at shoulder length. It can make it easier to sit back and keep your back extended into the deadlift, especially if you have long legs or poor flexibility.

What kind of fuckin gay ass gym is that

I rack pull instead because deadlift scares the shit out of me. And bb hip thrust

If I didn't need to do rows I wouldn't do those either. I'd rather avoid snapcity if I can

>wasn't having fun with them anymore
This is a valid reason.

I have a lot of fun doing them, so I do them.
I have doing snatches, so I don't do those.

He mentioned he still cleans.

It's not as heavy, but if you have sufficient volume, you can replace deadlifts with heavy power cleans and clean pulls.

He lived what he preached.

I bet he couldn't lock out that final one.

Is your dad's first name James ?

>just wondering

For me, just the act of getting out of my comfort zone and learning how to lift has given me more personal confidence than the confidence gained from bigger muscles.

Nah, Rick. There's an 80+ year old guy that used to train my dad in our same gym, I've seen him pull 4 plates cold walking in the gym just to show up a college student.