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why the fuck do people watch this shit.
why the fuck do people record this shit?
seriously. what the fuck.
yay, attractive dude has an attractive girlfriend.
And spoiler alert, people with money tend to also have fun and interesting livestyles
Watching this garbage is simply buying into their narcissism, and is pathetic.
You are not jay alvarez
you will never bang alexis ren
that shouldn't bother you, at all.
1st world society is built on narcissism
You can not care, but it only has any meaning if you can choose betweendecadent narcissism or not
The weird thing is that only the car is out of the price range of the average Veeky Forumsizen. Surfing, jumping into a pool and motorbike riding are all pretty low cost activities. Even the sky diving is within the budget of a regular 9-5 guy with a bit of self control. Instead of buying into their narcissism, if that stuff interests you go out and do it yourself.
>has to take a picture of himself doing everything
thank christ it's not me. Good for him for having wealth and women, but is there any need to have that much insecurity when you have almost everything?
And the house
Projecting much?
He just wants to share with everybody what an awesome time hes having
Chad is so experienced in life, he's that guy who is good at EVERYTHING
Except lifting ridiculously amounts of weight. Who wants to do that anyways? Only U-Haul movers.
Not with that attitude faggot.
I don't want this at all...
And the helicopter, plane, and pool.
I dont think he owns the helicopter and the plane
which is exactly the point. If you really were having such an awesome time sharing it would be the last thing on your mind. I went travelling around Asia for 6 months by myself, I took maybe 50 photos and 2 videos the whole time I was there because I was just enjoying myself. People who have to video and photograph everything to put on social media are just sad.
Once again youre just projecting. Just becuase youre an autist doesnt mean he isu
Well said, user. Well said.
It's constant validation, which just plays into their narcissism. Dan Bilzerian is a classic example.
Everyone in that video was an actor, that isn't what they do in a typical day or week.
Theres nothing wrong with narcissism if youre good looking and rich and popular.
girl isn't that beautiful
the raw video wouldn't make their lives seem as great
they are given free trips to promote travel companies and whatnot
work hard and stay motivated and you can live a happy life also
being happy and content doesn't come from spending a day doing backflips off a yacht
>why the fuck do people watch this shit.
Because everyone wants to lie to themselves and for 5 minutes believe they are not some blue collar or some poor student or some wage slave forever stuck in a soul-crushing job.
>why the fuck do people record this shit?
Because they can get monetized views and followers on social media, so they can in turn get sponsors and continue their lifestyle.
>yay, attractive dude has an attractive girlfriend.
>And spoiler alert, people with money tend to also have fun and interesting livestyles
people like to watch sit-coms/magazines/TV-series where this clique is constantly used, for the reason already detailed.
>Watching this garbage is simply buying into their narcissism, and is pathetic.
I doubt they're actually narcissist. I mean, a whole bunch of youtubers is plagued with narcissism, but these are just models. They don't fucking care.
>You are not jay alvarez
>you will never bang alexis ren
>that shouldn't bother you, at all.
I hope you never watch TV, read a book or engage an activity where you're not self-referenced. Just to be consistent with yourself.
>Top donation of today
>$ 3,269.69
>for playing videogames live
you just need tits
that's of the month, and it's g2a advertising their website.
>of the month
and of the day, can't you read?
>it's the sponsor
oh no i can't read haha sorry
so her viewers will probably see that and check out the website? $3000 isn't a lot for a company as big as g2a to spend on advertising.
Another rich kid "motivational" video
You don't need to be super rich to do most of the stuff in that video.
she probably costs more for one day than I pay rent
Looking at this guys instagram is depressing as fuck. I should really stop doing that.
>3000 isn't big for a company
well it's a pretty big ad investment for a simple live stream. Anyway the point is that a company is paying her just for playing vidya, obviously that company paid her because she has a bunch of creepy peepers.
This doesn't change the fact she manages to live life on easy mode just because she got tits.
Have you forgotten about HEIGHT, FACE, and FRAME already you sad shitposting autist?
You're right, she still makes a lot of money for "entertaining" her viewers and playing video games at the end of the day.
Oh well, better luck next life eh?
There's not really any reason in comparing ourselves to others.
you're the one shit posting. Stop falling for the height, face and frame meme you newfag
He just wants to show off*
>only caring about women in life
Are people in this thread legitimately envious of him?
I mean yeah good for him, but if that's your idea of an ideal life then it sucks to be you
The irony is palpable in this post
It seems like a pretty good way to spend your early 20s tbqh
>but if that's your idea of an ideal life then it sucks to be you
Because it's both a mirage and a bit dull
Just hire an escort and go for a bike ride
Maybe eat some pizza for the whole transcendental experience
Erm, you managed to just sound even more superficial than he appears at first.
You misunderstood me
The peasant is envious, the king is inspired
Yet another projection
What the fuck are you guys so jealous about?
Guess what?
Not that expensive, join a club and you can do it regularly for cheap
Cheap as fuck
Doable with a normal job if you save up a little
>Fucking a 10/10 girl
Admittedly, this is the hardest part, but still doable if you work on yourself enough.
If anything, you could always hire a model prostitute
Stop being jealous of some random kid, go out there and make your own life awesome
Veeky Forums just likes to complain about everything.
who is chad?
The guy who eats pizza and fucks your girlfriend while you eat chicken, solve train captchas and jerk off to boipussy
>my girlfriend
Self inserting?
I'm not familiar with this chad fella.
You however, sound like you fuck traps.
> tfw skydiver.
> sometimes can't jump to to awkward working hours, not even factoring the dropzone hours and the weather.
> End up missing it, and just calling in sick to work just to go jumpy jump.
It makes me sad sometimes senpai.
But overall bretty cool sport, would recommend.
Maybe if he had a wife and kids in these videos, I might be jealous. Who gives a shit about all of this, it's not hard to go out and do stuff with some random girl or girlfriend.
Good for him but not the lifestyle i want. it'd get boring quickly.
He has AIDS
Look it up
Why is she so perfect bros? ;_;
>look how amazing our lives are guys!!
>look! look here's a video look!
>that proves it!
>pls believe me ;_;
just go fap to one of the hotter chicks on girlsdoporn and you'll realise there's a million better things you could be doing than longing after some random hot girl
helicopter hours are cheap.
plane hours average $100... depending on the make and model obviously.
private pilot here. i should film more of my shit in slow-mo.. seems to make people think i'm a millionaire....
Amen brother.
>That lack of ass
Choose one.
Fuck off /r9k/
inbetween every scene they are doing fat lines of COKE and shooting up meth
But thats me, just without the money
These people are professional actors. They are acting each scene. Do you understand this?
They have a good job, they act out very fun activities
I'm a helicopter pilot. We charge $335 an hour and that's for the cheap helicopters.
>lack of ass
take a closer look nigger
tfw was born into a pretty wealthy upper middle class family, father had nearly 2 million in assets/savings. got a taste of the good life and thought it would be like this forever. Then the stock market crashed and my dads business went to shit and he doesn't even have a dime to his name. will have to be a wageslave for the rest of my life.
if you are smart you can make more than your father ever did
where? what type? R44? Maybe the hours are more expensive than I thought..
Planes are relatively cheap i'd say.
With a bit of luck of course.
The only impressive thing about this video was that girls snowboarding skills.
>this will never ever be you
why even try?
>Parents are multi-millionaires because they are baby boomers with bachelors degrees
>Visit and listen to them argue for half an hour about whether or not to drive back to the store because they didn't get a 10%-off coupon applied on their $6 purchase
You don't get rich by spending money.
This is what normal fag social gathering partys look like
Not an attractive specimen in sight. Do you think people that put effort into their appearance will want to be around these unfit losers.
They disgust me
I think you might have to look closer, If you think she is perfect with that sort of ass you may be;
It'd be more than 60 cents in gas money, even assuming they value their time at $0.00/hr
People like this crumble with age. Keep lifting, find employment that you like, put yourself out there, and do what you enjoy doing. Long term making it is within everyone's grasps.
remember when people did things for fun and not just for social media points?
good times
I don't know about that user
He didnt have enough money for the gf he wanted
upper middle is nowhere near wealthy or rich kek
If you don't think that ass is good then I'm glad I am not a high test faggot
>People like this crumble with age.
Everyone crumbles with age you fucking dolt, at least they get to crumble with shit you'll never experience.
Leave you fucking faggot
I agree
>going snowboarding and riding a bike with a hot girl
Truly the experiences of a legendary life
>and you'll never do them
Of course not. You will always be you. Everyone has a different starting point. The person you are today is because of your previous choices in life. Subconsciously or not. But there's nothing wrong with being you. You making the choices you have made today, will allow you to make different choices tomorrow. And by realizing that every outcome is based on your own choices, you can steer your life in any direction you want. Failure is a part of life, so never be afraid to fail. Working hard and improving your own life, will bring you a a hundred times more satisfcation than simply living another's. Make your choices, Veeky Forums. Not the ones that are expected of you, but the ones that you feel is right. The only end stop in life is death. If every road ends in death, why not take whatever path you wish?
Damn that's honestly a heavily doctored image
Already done the latter lol
might go snowboarding someday; trekking is more my thing (I've done that with a hot girl as well if you're wondering)
Jokes on you. I got to do all of that, except we didn't go sky-diving, she was a brunette and the pool was bigger.
Okay. So I just need to graduate and get fit. Once I graduate I will do all this sort of fun stuff on the weekend. I may not be as hot or as white but god damn it I will be as happy.
if your name ends in a Z or a vowel, you aren't white.