Hi Veeky Forums

Hi Veeky Forums

I'm looking for insight here and the more I lurk for info, the more I get confused.

I'm trying to lose belly-fat first, then go to muscle building. The only gym I have access to only got machines so I can't use the SS program. Plus, I've heard that it's not really adapted to a skinny-fat body type like mine (well, I guess it's skinny-fat ?). I used to be a skeleton until the last 3 years where my life habits went to shit due to studies.

However, what would guys advise me to do to achieve my objectives ? What are the best / least worse way to loose fat and gain muscle with machines only ? Any advice is good

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, should I lift heavy or light with high reps ? Should I start on bulking or cutting ? I've seen lots of different answer to these questions, each blog/website proclaiming their method is the best

just work out and eat better.. if you went from skelly mode to this in a couple years diet is going to be the hardest part for you.. I bet you're addicted to soda or energy drinks or some shit

Strength or aestetics goals?

>SS program
SS is fucking stupid anyways.

>best way to loose fat
Eat less.

>gain muscle
Eat more.

Thanks for the reply

Not soda or energy drinks, just regular fast-food at lunch when i'm working and fucking pasta every evening because that shit is fast to make

I guess the real answer is both but for now let's say the goal is aestetics

Read the sticky

Just do this:

Workout A: Chest/Triceps
Workout B: Back/Biceps
Workout C: Legs

Monday, A
Tuesday, B
Wednesday, C
Thursday, A
Friday, B
Saturday, Off
Sunday, Off
Next Monday, C
Next Tuesday, A... and so on

Generally: 2-3 exercises per muscle group, 3-4 sets, around 8-12 reps
Cardio: 15-30 minutes daily

Find your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)... Basically how many calories you need to eat to maintain current weight. Then eat about 500 calories BELOW that number.
Do this for 4 months, and you'll see amazing results.

Read the sticky.
Don't take anything anybody says here outside the sticky seriously.
It's fucking Veeky Forums you goddamn mongoloid, read a fucking book.

Also, on Workout A... do Shoulders

Lose weight first then. You need fat burning cardio for a few months to get down in weight, then hop on a beginner body building program.

1 hour bike ride every night. Heart rate between 110-130. 150 if you're feeling heavy duty.

Isn't that way too much ? I thought training every day wasn't a good idea.

I read the sticky. I only saw the glorified SS and I can't apply it with my current gym. If you have alternatives with machines I'll happily listen to you

Fuck I hate bike. Can't running do the job ?

It's up to what you can handle. If you think 5 days is too much, do 4 days... M, T, Th, F, and take W, Sa, Su off.

You DEFINITELY do not need to ride a fucking bike for 1 hour. The fact is, technically you don't need to do ANY cardio. As long as you're eating below maintenance calories.

Cardio will definitely help with your weight loss, though. And obviously it has other health benefits.

Well I think I can handle it but I've got other shit to do, I don't know how well I can keep up with the work I have to do

Read the sticky bitch

>body type
No such thing.

Just eat less.

Read the answers -->

You can't target specifically your 'belly' to lose fat, you just lose fat and it will shed from your body. Typically the belly is the last portion of your body for the fat to go.

Eat fewer calories than you burn everyday and you will lose weight. For your general goal of losing fat, the machines will be fine, the most important thing with every set you do is to continue to do repetitions until you're physically unable to push more, every set.

Everyone talks about doing either a 'cut' or a 'bulk'. But personally I think it's best to just eat properly, do cardio, and weight train in the beginning. Once you've established a solid foundation then maybe look at cutting and bulking (properly).

Okay thanks !
And about the lift until failure, how long should be the pause between each sets ? 2min ?

I wanna follow this, when should I do abs?

Thanks for typing it out.

Also what should I do for cardio when my legs are sore from leg day?

eat a lot more vegetables, only drink water/tea

that's two very simple things to focus on that will give you big time changes

You can do whatever you want. I suggested bike b/c you're fat and fat people tend to have joint issues when they run. Biking is less impact.

Don't listen to this guy. If you want to lose your weight in a reasonable amount of time you need a fat burning excersise AND you need to watch what you eat. Do you need to go an hour? No, but you should at least be doing 30 minutes of fat burn. If you can force yourself to sit on a bike for an hour you're going to make great strides both physically and mentally.

Once you lose your weight then its time to body build.

What about beer ? =|

Thanks for the tips.
I don't plan to stop doing cardio. Usually I bike for 10min as a warm-up, then lift shit, then run for 20min or 40-50min when I feel great. The only issue I have when running is that in the first 10min I have a sharp pain in the tibia then it slowly goes away.

But I'm searching info on HIIT, is it more efficient ?

Tibia pain = shin splints

Stretch more

>What about beer ? =|

>how do I gt rid of my beer belly
>why must I stop drinking beer

Well maybe I'll sound like a retard, but how am I supposed to stretch this area ?

Just try and throw in abs twice a week at the end of your workout, or in the evening.

When your legs are sore, just power through it. I recommend low impact, like elliptical or something if you're very sore.

>throw in abs
>do low impact elliptical training

fucking kill yourself, get off Veeky Forums, and quit spreading your stupid fucking bullshit


lol. k.

Less than that for what you're trying to achieve. Aim for 30 seconds to 60 seconds. for fat loss you want to keep your heart rate up! fewer break will be better for accomplshing this

I've spotted the DYEL keyboard warrior

doesn't make it any less true

recommending spot training and a fucking elliptical for chrissakes is not good advice

Since when is training abs labeled "spot training"? And what's wrong with an elliptical? This guy is starting from literally nothing, so how will doing elliptical for cardio be a bad thing?

lmao you're so fucking retarded. Please post pictures of yourself, because I'm sure that you're way more knowledgeable, and fit than everyone on Veeky Forums

>And what's wrong with an elliptical

If I really have to explain this to you, you're a full-fledged moron.

But I will for the sake of argument.

Elliptical training trains you to be really good at the elliptical machine. It does this by repeatedly forcing a pre-determined and unnatural movement. The problem is that the elliptical motion does not translate to any real-life activity. So you are creating a musculature imbalance that actually is MORE dangerous than not training at all because you are not training the body to run, walk, bend over, etc. It's the equivalent of bench pressing on the smith machine, only it's more dangerous because we are fucking with the body's foundation, which is responsible for the entire posture.

This has been covered ad naseum and the fact that you aren't familiar with this makes it pretty obvious you are either an extremely casual lifter or a beginner.

>Since when is training abs labeled "spot training"?

Everyone already has good abs, they keep the body upright for chrissakes. The problem is that people have layers and layers of fat that hide the abs, but that's not caused by a lack of muscle, that's caused by too much fat. So telling someone that is trying to get a better stomach by "throwing in some ab work" is inefficient at best and downright wrong at worst.

What OP needs to be doing is FAT LOSS not ab training. Sure, train your core as part of a larger routine focused on weight loss, but don't just "throw in abs" that's absolutely the wrong way to think about this problem.

Read the sticky x F
Stop being fat.

Can't tell if you're trolling, or just a fucking idiot. So I'll just stop replying...

Bike, this is why I suggested stationary bike over running. You have tibia pain b/c of weight issues and improper form. You need to lose weight, don't even think about lifting at this point if you're at all serious about body building. You need to get to a solid base before you start building. 60 minutes on a bike 5 days a week and start to cut carbs out of youe diet especially sodas or energy drinks, you'll be there in 3 months.

HIIT and low intensity cardio are two very different tools. One builds muscle, speed, and heart rate recovery and the other conditions the heart for lower overall heart beat as well as fat loss. You want the low intensity brand of cardio at this point. Low intensity is HR between 110-130 beats per minute so when you're biking try and keep your heart rate in this range.

>I can't argue your points so I'll just call you a troll and stop replying


Is this link supposed to be backing up something? All I see in the conclusion is that, simply put, Elliptical training is different than walking. Nice find. /s

>Use of the elliptical trainer for athletic and rehabilitative training would have to consider users' joint function and muscle strength, especially at the knee, to avoid injuries.

Or, ya know, you could just walk until you're fit enough to run.

Ellipticals are bro-science (b-but it's EASY ON THE JOINTS!) at it's worst.

Not the dude you're arguing with. My attitude is stationary bike until you can run. Key to cardio is heart rate. The bike allows an incredible amount of heart rate control while being very low impact. Lose the fat and condition the heart on the bike, then you run.

Still, you haven't proven your "point"....

>So you are creating a musculature imbalance that actually is MORE dangerous than not training at all because you are not training the body to run, walk, bend over, etc.
>dangerous because we are fucking with the body's foundation, which is responsible for the entire posture

I'm looking forward to the reading the studies that back up your ignorant claims.

I am the only one who's provided evidence here, all you've done is called me a troll and an idiot.

Here is a review:

Similarity of Joint Kinematics and Muscle Demands Between Elliptical Training and Walking: Implications for Practice, Judith M. Burnfield, Yu Shu, Thad Buster and Adam Taylor

Influence of Ramp Position on Joint Biomechanics During Elliptical Trainer Exercise, Kathleen M. Knutzen1,2,* Wren L. McLaughlin1, Andrew J. Lawson1, Brandi S. Row and LeaAnn Tyson Martin

Influence of Ramp Position on Joint Biomechanics Using the Elliptical Trainer, 1875-399X/10 2010, Kathleen M. Knutzen1,2,* Wren L. McLaughlin1, Andrew J. Lawson1, Brandi S. Row1 and LeaAnn Tyson Martin1

But please, keep sticking your fingers in your ears and calling me a nanna-boo-boo

>I am the only one who's provided evidence here
You're providing links to pages, but unfortunately none of them are "evidence"... The one you just cited this time is an opinion article, that cites a studies with the following conclusions... None of which say for certain that Elliptical is as bad for you as you said it was.

>Conclusion: Although one of the elliptical trainers best simulated sagittal-plane walking kinematics, EMG analysis failed to identify one clearly superior device. This research provides evidence-based data to help guide clinical decision making related to the use of elliptical trainers across the health care continuum and into the community.
Ok, so how does this conclusion say that Ellipticals are bad, and cause joint/posture problems?
>Conclusions: The hip and knee joints were observed as the primary sources of power during exercise on the elliptical trainer at the lowest resistance setting.
Again, how does this support your claim that Ellipticals are dangerous and fuck with your body's foundation, and entire posture?

But please, keep Googling articles that don't add any evidence to your argument. Also, since you're the one stating a claim that Ellipticals are unsafe, you have the burden of proving your claim. Which you haven't done yet.

not that user, but:

make's a much more compelling case than you, who has showed no evidence that the elliptical machine is an effective way to train although that was the initial claim and thus requires the burden of proof

I never "claimed it was effective" I just said it's one option. The other user is the one making claims. I'm just searching for evidence within his links.

lulz... never gonna make it