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Health #373
Anyone else go to this faggot gym?
I'm afraid bulking or getting too big will make my relatively small 4" penis ( at 5'11) look even less aesthetically...
Do you use human growth hormone or testosterone, Veeky Forums?
Why don't my delts look more impressive
Is this the best lifting album of all time?
What does this mean if I'm not actually cute? Could she be mocking my low bench 1rm?
At gym
Mr. Kinobody says that the best way to get POPPING DELTS as a natty is to do heavy The Press...
Who else drinks every night and wont give up, but also hits the gym 5 days a week?
Anyone Been A /Best Man/ At A Wedding before?
Red pill me on milk pls
Wait, there's actually guys that are 5'10" and under that lift? Lol
/mode thread/
I just wanted to remind all of you that lifting will get you a girlfriend
What other hobbies does Veeky Forums have?
How do you do it brethren...
Finally decide to get my mop top shaved
That guys who lifts the bar while giving you a spot
How long have you stayed away from the caffeinated devil?
Lifting weights: girls don't give a shit
Is it possible to be Veeky Forums even if I'm taking copious amounts of hormones to become a female?
Why does this baseball player post so man threads about himself?
This is a long shot with all you Autists but do any of you have a favorite pick up line...
Any of you bros living or lived out in South Korea? I just got offered a job there and I will be starting in August
What's a good schema for cardio? I lift Monday, Wednesday and Friday...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Forearm thread, pic related
ITT: Times You Showed Your Strength In Public
Psychdelics and Fitness
Tfw all the lifting in the world won't get rid of your chest and back acne
Are your chicken breasts legit?
Le vegans are weak and malnourished meme XD
Anyone Do PUA After Getting Veeky Forums?
/fraud/ general
It's time we address the elephant in the room
Gym Cost
What does Veeky Forums think about yoga?
For the past 9 months now, I've been going to the gym 2-4 times a week doing at least 1 hour sessions each time
Faces of Veeky Forums
Stop taking EC stack
What's the point of doing squats when you have deadlifts?
Am i zyzz mode yet?
What mode is this?
Who here /buttplugfordeadlifts/?
What do you think of people who hit the gym 5 days a week, but don't diet or anything. Are they wasting their time?
Lmao 3 plate = 140kg
Gym Feels Thread
Why do most people give up on diet/hitting the gym? Im talking people who for a month straight post on FB...
She's never coming back, no matter how much you lift
Ey what do you call the lifts you lift with one arm?
Would you be able to cope with this Veeky Forums? Losing all your gains and your GF
Best of Veeky Forums
Health help / diet thread
Will lifting make up for being Swedish? Or will I like like a try hard loser like Latsbrah?
Veeky Forumsizen Pets
had a bigger breakfast than usual today
Why does scoooby's body look so shitty compared to pretty much everybody else who lifts?
Tfw you have Ryan Gosling's hip genetics
Gf/ Bf General
No deadlifts or squats
You're in the gym and this guy slaps your gym qt's ass. What do /fit
Does anyone here model? Or anyone who plans to?
Mike O'Hearn is natty. Why can't you be?
High fat diet and nofap are bullshit for increasing test...
Go home for the summer
Klinefelter's is underdiagnosed
How do I get a chest like this?
How much weight should you go for when lifting as a beginner?
We gives tips we have discovered through our journey towards getting Veeky Forums
Is everything you have done in your life after high school attempted compensation for the fact that you missed out on...
QTTDTOT: Routine Edition
Lifting at home vs Gym
Fictional goal body-thread. Is this achiviable natty?
I just can't take it, guys
Why are woman so oblivious as to what they really want?
Do you burn more fat by working out in the morning on an empty stomach?
I lift, because
Working my body
Fit I beat my brother into the hospital
Symmetric Strenght stats
Vegans in charge of not being fucking insane
Dear haters
WHY does this happen EVERYTIME I squat? How do I fucking fix this
Redpill me on calluses Veeky Forums
Texas Methode vs Madcow 5x5?
Helping parents in garden
Need Motivation/Humor/Humour
What would you do if you came home and saw this on your table?
Veeky Forums confessions
Should roided up actors be banned from working in media?
You are given 8 months to fix the eggman, can you do it?
Poorfag Bulking Foods
I'm moving to a new place and going to live on my own...
Be dyel geek in high school
What day(s) is your rest day?
Why the FUCK do motor function disabilities exist? I just want to be huge. Please post disabled but fit people ITT
How do you "accidentally" show of your gains?
Give me a simple workout routine and an easy to follow diet that'll help me become tone...
ITT: People you thought were jacked
Cutting thread
How to height gainz
Positive vibes
Why do so many normies fall off the ball of fitness so easily?
Did you skip leg day bro? my girl didn't ;)
Anyone try the new Rich Piana pre made meals out??
Veeky Forums-approved meals
Tfw don't have Stacey genetics
Amount of working out
Drink the equivalent of 12 cans a beer a night. Still diet and lift. Anyone else functioning alcoholic?
Goal Animal Body Thread
Hey Veeky Forums I'm meeting the girl I like at a bar this weekend. I've been on a diet for the past 5 days...
CBT Thread
Currently sitting in a car with a fat chick who I met on tinder. Is way fatter then in photos...
Is there really that big of a difference between squatting/oly lifts with actual weightlifting shoes and squatting/oly...
Assuming you were into cosplay, what characters could you pull off with your current body?
What's the best body type for the show Survivor?
What the fuck is this white thing?
/htm/ - High Test Men
Massive Erection During Massage
How much do I need to lift to get a gf like her?
I got jumped the other day. Got fucked up. I've been a weak pussy my whole life and I want to change
/fraud/ general
Why do povertyball players have such sweet calves?
Swim Lesson
ITT: Unorthodox things your do before your workout to pump you up
Fit Music Thread
Pushup thread
How big must your biceps be to get out of dyel range?
What's The Most Alpha Exercise
You guys can lift but can you fight?
Thoughts on using weed as a pre-workout?
Keto Diet Stories Part 1
How much gym to get a body like this? Or at least to get pecs and a six-pack? I know I know, use the sticky...
Is this true? The average American male looks this roided up...
/GDG/ - Genetic Dead end General
Hey user what did you order to eat?
So what's your spirit animal /fit?
How masculine is your face Veeky Forums?
Does anyone have more of these?
What is the best horizontal row?
Has anyone else here fallen for the "cardio is bad" meme?
Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
I see here you put "lifting" as a special skill. Care to elaborate as to how that would help us here?
Why do betas hate muscular physiques?
How much progress is a beginner supposed to make in ten weeks?
How do you show off your gains without looking like a douche?
Hey guys, I have had some shoulder issues and I believe it all has stemmed from bad posture...
What are you gym confessions Veeky Forums?
BF% thread
For me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
Just want to ask Veeky Forums this question
ITT: your genetic roulette results
Do you actually prefer the bodytype on the right?
How do you motivate yourself to go to the gym alone?
Daily reminder that anger fuels big lifts
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Birthday depression / Veeky Forums QTs
Gf is 4'11, a cup no ass asian
How likely is it that a man will change his body for you?
He doesn't do cardio
Im really tired of this
CBT: No boys allowed edition
How do I get dick gains?
How do I make my cum more thick and white?
Recommend me a good book on fitness, nutrition and food
Does doing cardio matter if i'm already on a 500-700 calorie deficit?
Ready for summer, Veeky Forums?
I'm at Chic Fil A and the bitch is full of white people. Like, bruv...
I've just come across this article and it felt really wrong. What do you think about this?
Delayed mires realisations
What has lifting gotten you brahs?
DNP general
Reminder that if you're under 5'11" and lift...
Is there a reason people supp with ZMA as opposed to generic Calcium-Magnesium-zinc supplements...
Did lifting finally get you a gf?
A woman will never love you unless you're well hung. She'll tolerate you, but never love you...
Why is height a thing people care about...
What is fits kryptonite?
Performance anxiety/Depression
Why are my arms so thin and girly?
Does lifting make up for being Indian?
Weight loss and diet
Is it true that martial arts training for bone building makes them harder and stronger, but also more brittle?
Daily reminder that you are getting advice from, having your routine questioned & being called a "manlet" by this
Anyone on Veeky Forums been on a psychiatrist / shrink? I've got an appointment in 1 hour...
Best & worst supps
Weird shit you love to eat after getting Veeky Forums
Be at zoo
Is there a scientifically proven way to grow taller or is it all a meme?
Are ab vacuums legit or just a meme?
Motivation thread ?
Do you guys have any resources I can use to learn how to cook...
Why do I squat?
Cutting to get cut
Veeky Forums, let's talk lifting routines and progress
Barbell rows
How do I vegan bulk?
What do you guys do to make your rice taste less terrible?
Is he natty? This nigga could swallow Rich Piano
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Dunno what to eat
This is a bloke from /r9k/ who was lifting for 3 years straight
I don't know what the fuck to eat
How much do you have to lift before you're allowed to talk to girls at the gym?
Veeky Forums all i could think about was you guys when talking to this girl...
Is veganism actually superior to eating meat?
Does sex lower T?
Sooo Veeky Forums.... tried to kill myself with some fast acting insulin.... took 10ml or 1000units...
Someone make me feel like being dadmode+ isn't best mode
Okay Veeky Forums with the recent incident concerning a boy and a gorilla I've grown hatred for gorillas and people...
Why do the fittest girls have the worst faces?
Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle mass at the same time?
How can I achieve the Tyler Durden?
Training for mass instead of strength
How's that tinder treating you Veeky Forums?
Bulking shake
Has anyone else also given up on romantic relationships
Does your gf lift in her underwear?
How many push ups should a natty be able to do in one go?
When is the best time to drink creatine?
Who /gymcrush/ here? Anyone ever been successful at getting with a girl from the gym? Share stories
Progress Thread
Alright fit
How do you subtly let an inferior male know you could physically dominate him without scaring away his female?
I work construction and am tired as hell 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I've never been in bad shape...
How do I reach chad god mode?
/OWG/ everyone gets BANNED edition
Body fat % estimation thread
How do I keep my gains during ramadan inshallah?
Seriously how do you stay on a diet? Im always getting invited out...
Losing belly fat?
Whats that 1 exercise you have a love/hate relationship, Veeky Forums?
Friendly reminder
Loose skin or fat?
What do you guy do or plan on doing for a living? Will you make enough to continue living a healthy lifestyle?
/plg/ - powerlifting general:
When you lift so hard that your whole body starts to shake
How do i get a skinny face without operations?
Tfw found out earlier today that gf slept with 8 guys
Weight loss predictions
Did I make it? Before and After
What's Veeky Forums eating for dinner?
Well it finally happened Veeky Forums. My dad died this morning...
Yo, I'm 6 foot 2, 150 lbs. I wanna put on muscle. I'm doing ice cream fitness...
Hey Veeky Forums what's your take on standing desks?
How does your current girlfriend feel about your lifting?
Thanks Veeky Forums
I want to build up some upper arm strength as well as getting some basic weapons practice in case there ever is a "...
/qtddtot/ Time
Why are boys on the coasts so much shorter and less masculine compared to real men in middle America?
I just want to lock her in a basement force GOMAD and strong lifts on her. Over and over again
Who do u lift for?
Who else squats on the toilet? been doing it for 23 years
Things you wish you'd known earlier
Is being lean enough to see your abs overrated Veeky Forums?
Not treating your spine with yoga asana after putting your spine in a lot of stress doing heavy compounds
I have trouble sleeping
Start a sport
Anyone had luck with Yohimbine? Thinking about ordering some
I just bought a foam roller similar to the one in this pic
What's the best cutting method you've ever used?
Mile time thread GO:
What's a good routine after coming off of SL?
Fuck these sob stories
Who else here listens to God-tier bro country while they are workout out?
This guy slaps your wife's ass, he's 7'1" 330lbs, what do?
Physics of a dropped barbell
FPH Thread
BF% estimate thread
Toe nail fungus
Why don't you take off your shirt, user? Show us those abs!
ITT hormones/steroids that actually help
How do you fill the void, Veeky Forums?
How bad is ur diet that it doesn't allow you to fit a can of soda in? Soda is what at most 210 cals?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Does anyone else feel like they are "missing out" when they try to diet?
/routine general/
Suicide grip
Any Football players here on Veeky Forums?
Doing crunches in pic related
Just fucking killed a 2,5 hour workout now im gonna eat this big fucker. Its about 17inch long and as fat as a cock...
2016 not dating a low test asian girl
Tips on getting that tummy back in shape after having a baby
Went for a run
I don't understand at all
I'm 16 and I've been lifting for 4 months, and just not eating shit...
Is Megan Trainor high test?
The fitness boom has caused men to feel as though they have to waste hours of their lives to reach a body deemed...
Has lifting ever helped you attract men?
11 people die every year from bench press (fact)
Breakfast suggestions?
We train young men to lift heavy at the gym...
You guys do realize all that protein is gonna destroy your kidneys down the line, right?
How do I know if a girl is out of my league...
ITT things we can make others insecure about. I'll start...
Girlfriend just JUSTED my good non-stick skillet with a steel sponge
Homegym general
Why even lift when you will never have face and hair like this?
Facial Aesthetics thread
Delayed Realization of Mires
That one guy at the gym with the ironic beard and undercut
Nathan Drake Mode
Sup Veeky Forums
Hey Veeky Forums how would you call my body type?
Tfw smoking 30 cigarettes a day
I'm fat and unmotivated. Should I give up now or get swole?
Army PFT
Roll for how many scoops you're having today
At what BMI does chubby become fat?
Whats your favorite obliques exiersice /fit?
How can a guy in his late 20s sleep with younger girls (18-22)? I'm sick of used up whores my age...
Sissies/Traps/Femboys Aging
Be me
Hey fit
Hows my physique Veeky Forums?
Tip-toe walking
Are potatoes and eggs considered an ok diet? like eating nothing but potatoes and eggs
Roll to make it
How do I into David pocock mode?
Fit Humour Thread
Jeff seid confirmed not gay
Whatcha eating Veeky Forums?
Carb appreciation thread
Compression Pants
How to achieve operator mode?
Who's your 10/10 crush
Has becoming fit helped you obtained any friends?
Do you enjoy exercise?
How do I keep my gains over Ramadan? I've been workout about a month and have started making gains...
Trying to get big
Tfw read sticky and it still doesn't make any God damn sense
Has anyone here personally had any success with a strictly bodyweight routine?
How do I reach natty chad god mode?
Broke up with gf a year ago
Were you bullied when you were younger?
/Fit approved podcast
Hey Veeky Forums
What's with /CHAD/'s always calling me "bud" and "pal"??
Name my lifting squad Veeky Forums
Fatty Progress/Motivation
Why do people before the 50's mostly good looking and fit?
Things you wish people told you sooner
tfw caught my ex gf of 4 years cheating on me with a Chad through her phone
Help me my posture is fucked
I got a problem
Trying to bulk up
What's so bad about the Keto diet again??
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Elite exercise or more cookie cutter crap from dale?
Good form, pupper
Jason Blaha
Skelly thread
Lost 10 lbs on meth overnight
Describe Your First Experience With A High Test Girl
ITT: people that will never make it
This is why I lift
What does Veeky Forums eat for breakfast every morning?
All these matches
Family height thread
There are people on Veeky Forums right now that have been lifting for more than 2 years that still don't train like a...
Why don't you shave your pits Veeky Forums?
Pajeet gets on a cardio machine next to you
What are some Veeky Forums approved cutting breakfasts?
I want to be redpilled on building muscle. I don't want to get too big...
Why are women so crazy?
How much alcohol do you drink a week Veeky Forums?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Can you get Veeky Forums using only these in your exercise plan?
How much time (months and years) takes to note significant changes on your body?
So manlets beget manlets
Meanwhile, on Bizarro Veeky Forums
When did you realize that lifting natty is completely fucking pointless and that people who've lifted for a year or...
FPH thread
/mewing/ general
/og/ Oats General
Hey Veeky Forums who trains a martial art?
Veeky Forums
Who else listens to god-tier bro country when they workout?
ITT: Manlets
ON recruits you to make a new protein powder flavour, what do you make?
Masturbating to porn daily has ruined my dick. I can't maintain an erection, I don't know what to do...
DIY gyme
What does kissing a girl taste like??
Who here listens to female pop singers while lifting/running?
Shit that drives me nuts about clueless people trying to diet to lose weight:
What the craziest shit you ever heard a girl say during sex?
Motivation Thread
How do I boost my Testosterone levels naturally?
Why lift when it's all about HEIGHT FACE FRAME?
Do you guys vape as a healthier alternative to smoking? I've considered vaping because smoking has fucked up my cardio
Sup Veeky Forums
How would you win in a fight against someone who is wearing pic related?
Why do people do this to themselves?
/fraud/ general
Veeky Forums humor thread
Bench more than squat
What's the least Veeky Forums thing you're willing to admit about yourself?
Will lifting get me a high test Persian gf?
Gorilla mode
Cutting stomach fat fast
How do I reach bieber mode Veeky Forums?
If you were a girl what would be your fictional goal body, and what would be your actual routine?
Ab General
I will do ANYTHING to get buff
Do you think you could beat up Johnny Depp
How much dressing do you use on your salads to make them edible?
Men and women of Veeky Forums how do you feel about tattoos?
Fitness Bucket list
Running General
If it tastes good, spit it out
Yohimbine HCL
Pics of guys that you thought were huge back then
What would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)
Why is hip flexion disregarded completely in most strength training programs?
This article really worries me. Have we all been lifting in vain? All of those gains for nought?
What mode is this Veeky Forums ?
>Lifting for women
When you've turned 50 and accepted that only women under 22 are acceptable
Conventional or Sumo DL?
Tfw you started going to the gym and slowly starting to notice progress
What do we call this body type?
Hey, newfag here. I've read the sticky and kept lurking for past two weeks...
Sleep tight
Intermediate routines
Do whatever workout on a cut you were doing before
Stats Thread
Honest question - What's worse, not being a Chad, or being named Chad but being an awkward unsocial skelly fuck?
Cardio at home?
I've reached my natty limit. Where do I get steroids?
Newfag here
Alright in regards to the manlet meme I understand it. However, there is one thing I cannot get for the life of me
Tfw just found out my wife slept with 9 guys before we got married
Ay yo /fitness/
How will the world of fitness improve once Hillary Clinton is elected president?
Why does the Veeky Forums have an autistic obsession with testosterone?
How do I get a Veeky Forums boyfriend. Got too high standards so I despise every male that I set eyes on where I live...
Ever since you got Veeky Forums, do you approach girls or do girls approach you?
CBT - current body thread
What are the three best chest workouts for max gains?
Who here can give a good massage? how do i give a babe a massage (n fuck). also why are there 2.5lb pl8s?
Itt: we determine whether or not we look like we lift in clothes
How do I reach chad god mode?
/Fat Loss General/
How long would it take me to get in shape if I took roids? Either illegal or pro hormones that are still on the market?
At what point did you realize that lifting natty is only marginally better physique-wise than not lifting at all?
Well fit, my girlfriend just dumped me...
Veeky Forums
Can I get some tips on how to avoid people looking at me naked in the locker rooms?
How do you deal with heavy sweating, user?
Every minute I stay in this room, shitposting on Veeky Forums I get weaker...
I have gotten a new flat mate and the only issue that has come up this far is that he insists that it is disgusting to...
Tfw no bf
Just got back from the beach to find myself tagged in this pic
Veeky Forums this is going to be autistic as fuck...
Can a man look attractive with long hair?
Fuck this shit, I need some songs for a hate fueled workout
Tfw thought I was at least 6 feet tall since 8th grade
Can you do this?
Sexual Health
Mirin stories thread:
Goal Body Thread
He cant deadlift 405 for a set of 5
How long does it take for dmaa to get out of the system?
What is your inner code?
How the fuck does one quit smoking...
Do you guys have any stories of regular people not understanding your diet because of fitness...
Fat Hate Thread: Scooters Edition
Tfw 225 standing The Press with strict form
Met a cute, funny girl at a party
Socially retarded
/fraud/ general
Tfw only 5'10"
How do you make an appealing tinder profile...
Daily reminder that there are people on Veeky Forums right at this very moment who pay hookers for sex
Which girl do you lift for?
I'm 6'0 120 lbs. Pathetic. I know. I've been like this for all my life, a walking stick. Well...
Help me beat up my bully please (this is not a joke)
Body dysmorphia
Tfw I was never fat so my calves will always be small
How many of these can you eat daily without getting cancer or another shit in 5 years?
So what the fuck is the point of this thing? I can't imagine any realistic applications other than pure ego lifting
I think I'm turning gay for SIR
Be squatting at the gym
There's still guys 5'10 and under that lift
/plg/ - powerlifting
Pic related, especially interested in skinny dudes who put on weight. Fat dudes who lost it appreciated too
Veeky Forums I need to lose weight
Hey fit how much do you bench?
How many times can you guys bench 185 lbs?
Tfw getting asked what my hobbies besides
/routine general/
How do I achieve his skull gains?
What are some good pieces of advice you would give to new lifters ? I've been licking 1 year and I'd say
Unholy Shit Tests
His resting heart rate isn't below 75
8 HOUR ARMS (sorta)
/Fag/ - Facial Aesthetics General
Post Viking metal music for +100% death-lifting power
If someone can't do a single push-up, what is a good exercise to get stronger so they can do one?
Is calories in vs calories out a meme?
In terms of Posture, is it possible to get that scapula adduction to be a permanent thing...
My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months. At the beginning of our relationship...
Veeky Forums delusions
Will this kill me?
How many of you guys are those confident masculine loners in college?
Tfw reddit is full of Chads
How much do you drink every week, fit?
Daily reminder that if you crave anything but this, you're a disgusting. savage...
God damn, this board really is just /r9k/ that lifts
Graying young
Do I have good base to start roiding?
How large is Veeky Forumss rib cage?
These things taste great and have god-tier macro ratios
It's a calf spasm episode in the middle of the fucking night
Jihadi hulk mode
Jobs for pussy
What do you guys think of Hollywood's use of steroids for every single action role these days and the unrealistic body...
Be completely honest with me, Veeky Forums. Why do you lift...
Tfw finally shredded and girl says you look like spock
Home gym
Large deficits
Morning, Veeky Forums! Are you ready for a PT run?
I fucked a trap
That's it. I've hit rock bottom. I literally just got stood up by a prostitute
ITT: Goal bodies thread
CTT (Current Traps Thread)
I lift to forget her Veeky Forums
How can I make Greek yogurt taste good sans honey/sugar?
Are Trump supporters Veeky Forums?
How fit are you / 10?
Bulking recipes thread
How do I reach chad god mode?
That guy who eats in the gym
Help me Veeky Forums
Guys theres a cute girl at my gym and I need your advice. how does one pick her up?
"Why are you only squatting 1 plate?"
What are some satisfying foods for staying full on a 1200-calorie diet that I can order in bulk from Amazon?
How does this make you feel Veeky Forums?
Ummm, what are you looking at?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Just broke up with my gf
I have a question for "bullet proof" coffee drinkers
What happened to crowbro? Will he squat ever again?
Kevin Levrone Olympia 2016
30 dollars in my bank account Veeky Forums
Walk into gym, see this, what do?
Why are you still drinking aspartame, Veeky Forums?
I'm leaving in an hour to get my dick sucked by an old guy for a "donation" of $200
Anyone use this?
I don't if anybody here will remember me but I came here a few months ago as a 5'4"...
Find a gym bro
Is it true that most of the star athletes you went to school with were relentlessly trained by their parents since...
Alright, bros, I've got a scenario for you. You just finished your daily 10 mile run...
Who /filtered-milk/ here
That guy who shits bricks at the gym
User, why are you working out so much? Do you have a girlfriend you're not telling me about?
Let's be honest, lifting is easy
If You Didn't Lose Your Virginity Before 15, You'll Never Be A Chad
That guy who brings his .308 to the gym
I am legit a jellycunt when it comes to Rich Piano. Boning a blonde nordic godess, got a nice house, nice cars, dogs...
/owg/ /wlg/
Does Height and Penis size relate?
ITT: We post reasons to lift
Actually try cold showers
No homo thread
Fat Logic Rage Thread
How do i shit better?
This is a daily reminder, that if you lift for aesthetics, you are a massive fucking faggot
/uncucked general/
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Friend thinks working different body parts every day of the week works
Hello Veeky Forums
ITT embarassing stuff that you've noticed in the gym
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
Tfw contemplating to start again even before the release
Who do women like more, Chad or Tyrone?
Veeky Forums's names
As a skellington, would working out in a gym help me or damage me further?
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm broken as fuck right now. I was seeing a girl for some time, fell in love then she left me...
How many sexual partners have you had Veeky Forums and age?
Aging yourself
Daily reminder not to marry high test unless you want your son to be a pear shaped beta
Current Body Thread
How do you get fit with no weights or equipment?
Chad eats pizza
Veeky Forums healthy diet thread
CBT - Omnivores vs Vegans Edition
How do you kick the fast food habit...
Blizzard actually made a zyzz pose in their newest game
Hey meatheads, what's up? My name is Gabe. You probably don't know this (or much for that matter)...
Walk into gym
Wasnt getting fit meant to help me get a gf?
I'm tired of being alone. It's unbearable
You're a Personal Trainer
The woman of your dreams has been cummed in and on...
How much mass does tribal tattoo add to your body?
Cutting all week
Can you guys squat?
Here's a picture of me in highschool
Fictional Goal Body Thread
Vladimir Putin
So when you read quotes from business people who work 100 hours a week saying they go for workouts at 6 am...
Give me legit reasons why I shouldn't be using this
Do people really believe that fasting for 12 hours a day is gonna magically burn the excessive fat and calories and...
It's a chad brings his hot ass thick and Veeky Forums girlfriend to the gym episode
Veeky Forums humor thread
Just graduated BCT
How the hell do you meet your protein intake without supplements...
Will Phil Heath bypass the king of bodybuilding by the number of statuettes Sandow ?
What can I do to improve my forearms? I feel like they don't match my biceps in size and my biceps keep getting bigger
What does Veeky Forums eat?
Fuck me man
Holy fuck fit
Running General
Rate my new pose/10
Veeky Forums is the ketogenic diet effective? Or is just some leddit meme?
Right so I've been taking estrogen and testosterone blockers to get buff...but it doesn't seem to be working...
"Dude, I got so much attention from women over the years but I never noticed it at the time!"
Whats up! What do You think about my progress through 5 years? link:
Is it possible that I'm the most fit girl here on fit? ;*
How can I eat oats every morning without wanting to kill myself? Any good recipes?
How to build upper pecs on Starting Strength without affecting recovery?
You gotta stop giving a fuck brahs. Cuz at the end of the day, nobody is gonna give a fuck about you brah. You see...
How to get the v-taper waistline? Is it from cardio or lifting?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Hodgetwins?
What's the consensus on Layne Norton?
What happens when you go to the gym tired?
Am I gonna make it?
Thoughts on this?
Mewing Goals
Eggs. Are these fuckers bad for you or what?
Hey Veeky Forums
I need to get a 12 in the beep test to join the army...
Mfw there are people on Veeky Forums who havent hit 1/2/3/4 within two years
Plank thread
Why aren't you bulking on Dave's Triples yet Veeky Forums? Move the fuck over, McDouble shills...
/Fraud/ General
Hey Veeky Forums...
How much harder are squats below parallel than squats above or just at parallel?
Can someone please redpilk me on acne??! I'm 23 and keep having breakouts a little less severe than pic related...
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Who /stallingonOHP/ here?
So my dad got arrested last night for hitting my mom and is currently in jail...
One of my calves is significantly larger than the other. It looks weird af. How do I fix it Veeky Forums?
From Veeky Forums with love
Ok fuckies... give me a hand here
Fat People Hate
How can you consider yourself healthy if you don't do cardio?
Have any of you swapped the barbell bench press for the dumbbell bench press? I'm considering it...
Tfw no bf
Literally the best way to cut
Bikram Yoga
Anger Management
Where do YOU fall on the official male tier list Veeky Forums?
I did it Veeky Forums I did it.After 19 years of being a speglord autist, I finally lost my virginity...
Someone decided to make octangular plates and thought it was a good idea
So those of you who don’t believe any of this, that’s okay I really don’t give a fuck...
Tfw you can feel pec muscles for the first time
Lowfat quark
Gym shoes
This shit. This shit right here pisses me off...
What would you do if you had a fat kid? What if shaming them and cussing them only made them fatter...
Do I have wide hips? Also what mode am I in?
How can I stop this from happening after lifting?
/KET/ - Ketosis general
Motivation thread Veeky Forums
Belarussian natural bodybuilder
If I drink until I black out once a week what will my gains be like?
Veeky Forums claims to be alpha
/plg/ - powerlifting general
This is just a friendly reminder that lifting and getting big will only get you garbage tier girls. That's right...
Hi /adv/
My arms are 2D. They look great from the side, terribly skinny from the front. Pics Included
Height surgery
Why are trump suporters much better looking than their opposition?
Whats worse?
What do you guys snack on? I eat 3 decent sized meals a day and I'm constantly hungry...
Least favorite exercise
What career choice should I pick in college?
What does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?
Join a normie gym, pick up a random routine one of their PTs recommends me
User, I am sick of you always spending your time exercising. You know what buster, it's either your precious gym...
I'm done with lifting
DNP General - Extremis Edition
Is a decent back the second most important thing after biceps when lifting for chicks?
Twf finally got gf
Take a shot user, what's the worst thing that can happen ? :)
Is it okay to just do pushups and pullups and stuff
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
I was once strong and lean. Now I'm fat and weak. I tried going back to the gym last night...
Veeky Forums
Anyone else into pick up?
How do I get this ode?
You lift but don't play a sport? why?
Almost 2017
The world record for squat for 165 pound male is 712 lbs
Why do you femanons even bother? While you're busting your ass RUNNING on the TREADMILL...
Is Low Carb a meme diet or is it really that good?
Supps that work
Issue with working out...
What kind of PIZZA does CHAD eat?
Are you man enough Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums
Is this the best type of body to aim for as a natty ?
Current Body Thread
What stretches do you do before/after a workout?
CHAD literally SOLVES math problems all day and night while YOU autistically count CALORIES thinking eating PIZZA is...
Shit guys, found this little crowbro by the side of the road, probably hit by a car
Calling all Asians
Chad eats pizza
Anything Else Besides Water
Redpill me on corsets
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games