Why do betas hate muscular physiques?

Why do betas hate muscular physiques?

It can't be "because they can't get them," anybody could if they worked hard.

>you need to work hard
>you need to work hard the right way

betas need shortcuts and handouts


Women logic, its easier to lowe the bar if you cant clear it rather than improving yourself

>feminism has made it so lifting weights is the only manky thing left
>you should not lift weights and do some other manly thing

Am I missing something?

>go to gym to better myself
>am pretty fit but could always improve
>fattys and skinny kids always eyeballing me
>try to remain humble and keep my head down
>fattys and skinny kids still giving me dirty looks
>ignore it and continue to lift

You'll encounter this the more fit you get. If you wear a tanktop, you're showing off too much. If you wear a hoodie, the weight you end up lifting is too much and you're still showing off. Surprisingly people can have the same goal as you but hate you for it.

Pics or your story is bullshit.

Okay but you're going to completely ignore my body and make fun of my tattoos instead


Lookin good bro
How long have you been liftin for?

I appreciate it. Around 4 years. I just wanted to chime in bc I started really scrawny and noticed that when gym goers see someone improve, even if they were pretty small, seem to get bitter about it. Especially if they haven't progressed at all


and the tattoos are whatever. Not great but not terrible. If you like them then who cares, not like they'll hold you back from anything other than being a fitness model

Mirin hard

I dont know where you lift but they seem like faggots so you shouldnt pay attention
Stay strong bro

Tattoos could be much worse

bullshit taiwanese men don't desire huge muscles.

%99 of them will never achieve anything more than a runner's body because of shit nutrition, education and a total lack of effort, but people here like muscles just as much as everywhere else.

>East Asia
>Women and men more equal

In the trash it goes

I'm dying to know what they mean by
"truly manly traits" as physical strength is the only thing really left to differentiate between man and woman as this guy pointed out

>having any security at all

They feel threatened, because they see what others have what they perceive as manly and cool. But they're too insecure and weak to go out and get the same and they know it. Same reason for why so many betas perpetuate the being buff=being dumb meme, eventhough there are many dumb as fuck dudes in the gym.

Source: I was once like that

>Truly manly things
>Like posting paragraphs on the Internet

Get the fuck outta here.

The Internet is hilarious, you gotta consider that it's controlled (apart from our small corner) by betas and beta-enablers (also known as fat women, and women beta's), they can't say this shit in real life because they'd get filled in so they say it from behind a screen because they know Chad won't burst through his monitor and bust his ass for milk money.

The Internet hates the man, men don't listen to the Internet, men continue to lift because it's what they want, and men who lift will continue to physically dominate the Skinnyfat, latte addicted, tennis shoe with sweater and thick rimmed glasses combo wearing metrosexuals that think a way to a woman's heart is via "feelings", the only feelings of a woman I give a shit about is her feeling my dick you nomsaiyan YA NOMSAIYAN

Waste of time, I would rather spent that time studying.

truly manly things like steping up to the plate and raise a single mother sons

lel /fit hating on scientific research, stay classy

That article is completely right, Im writing my bachelor thesis about why young men flock to the gym in such high numbers nowadays, and women gaining more and more power in western society leave many young men afraid for their masculinity.

Getting big muscles is one of the easiest ways (time and effort invested is relatively low compared to getting rich or height surgery) to gain masculinity.

That does in no way mean its a bad thing, i guess its just that all you guys with your egos cant get over the fact a social scientist explained your behaviour with a theory, making you feel like lab rats.

Your thesis is retarded because it deals entirely with social constructs. 'Masculinity' - what a load of horse shit. You pseudo-scientist shits have the audacity to call your work scientific.

Pro-tip - society has made life so easy and comfortable that average testosterone rates in males have been plummeting for decades. Working out is a substantial way to combat this drop in testosterone without compromising a sedentary lifestyle. Monkey see, monkey do, monkey write blogs on the internet, other monkeys see, other monkeys do, now we're on Veeky Forums.

>that fucking post

Let me deconstruct this shit right here for anyone who even feels they agree with the testicleless mangina that wrote that even to a small degree.

Training in the gym and getting fucking huge IS attractive to women for BIOLOGICAL reasons. We're not talking Mr. O big, but definitely a muscular and especially STRONG looking physique. Men with bigger stronger physiques have a step up in the competition when it comes to outperforming other males in terms of resource gathering and defense.

That aside, the other reason why lifting weights and being muscular is masculine as fuck and attractive to women is because of the fact it represents a lifestyle of struggle. No matter how gifted you are genetically, you will never look naturally muscular and fit without doing some kind of physical activity. That physically active lifestyle shows that you are both committed as well as disciplined enough to handle stress and suffering. The top male qualities women look for are confidence, courage, discipline, and toughness. All those things are closely tied with being physically powerful.

Strong minds have a tendency to pursue strong bodies.

All very well and good until you consider that not everyone lifts for girls.

I'm training for purely athletic capability, I literally do one arm and ab workout a week, on Wednesday, which is meant to be a rest day, I literally do more time stretching in one day than doing bicep/abs work during a whole week.

Height and weight?

>Im writing my bachelor thesis about why young men flock to the gym in such high numbers nowadays

Man you must be fighting off job offers like crazy

I'm saving this pasta so much

Not either of these guys but there are all sorts of subtle benefits to how you are perceived when in good shape that spill over into most social (read: all) situations. We're still animals. Smart animals, but ones that are primed to react to subconscious dominance and sexual fitness cues.

For me I think that spills over into my professional success as well. Everybody else is either obese or full on skinny fat scientist mode. By the time you are out of your early 20s and not lifting for women there's still real benefit to lifting and staying lean. When my physical fitness privilege is combined with my white male privilege Im just gleefully Oppressing my way to the top.

>strength isn't a manly pursuit

what do you eat etc? pls help

Are you white? Asian girls dont give a fuck about muscles

yeah fuck breh they are literally flooding me with jobs id hate to do


also being a man enough dude to teach you son how to be a good feminist.

>it represents a lifestyle of struggle
Women dont give a fuck about that, wtf are you on about.
If anything they want a man with a lifestyle of ease

yeah not many people really want to work in a starbucks, sometimes it's all you can get though

>Your thesis is retarded because it deals entirely with social constructs. 'Masculinity' - what a load of horse shit.

Wew lad. there are traits that are considered universally masculine through out human cultures. Strength is one of them.

You look so good that your terrible tattoos aren't even that bad looking on you

>some faggot's blog
>scientific research

U wot


for real though, i got a job lined up in the marketing department of the gym im doing the research in

Cant wait to blast out "are you beach body ready" style ads

Jesus my testicles are flexing and my biceps have boners.

No, nu-male. THEY want a lifestyle of ease. That's why they want a man used to fucking struggling, so they can struggle FOR their fucking ease. That lesson is free. Additional ones will cost you.

what are you talking about??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

>social science
>actual science

Pick one.

They want a man who no longer needs to struggle because he has achieved material and personal success.
That way he has time to give her attention and raise her kids

Guys, I thought we were hating on betas, not each other. Fugg.

In that they would prefer a doctor/lawyer/qualified person/ Forbes 500 bespectacled man let over high school chad? Would any girl choose different?

No they don't. Material wealth is not absolute. You can go from being rich to poor easily. A man who is able to push himself and work is better than a man who can't but has a lot. The woman is not attracted to a rich man because he is rich, she is attracted to him because he knows how to get rich and is capable of putting in the work to becoming so and that makes him an adequate provider.

Even so, our instincts are not caught up to our modern lifestyles at all. There was no such thing as living comfortably and never having to work again 40,000 years ago. You worked until you died, or worked long enough to have sons to take care of your tribe and replace you then died. Simple.

Ok, that'll be 25$.

>a woman is not attracted to man because he is rich

tattoos aren't that bad, i'm extensively tatted and very picky and your stuff still looks better than most.

>I can't refute your statement so let me just provide an appeal to the stone fallacy instead in a mocking fashion
Not surprised.

You're getting too caught up with the trendy political labels.


You're that guy from the vegan thread.

Nope. You're just an idiot who shouldn't share his worthless opinions on the internet. Only makes sense that nobody agrees with you and the ones who do aren't actual people anyway.

>Side steps the point given
Found the beta


Hey sorry hope you're still around... I'm 5'10" and I was 163 pounds in this pic
Attached is my meal plan I had to get me to this point but keep in mind my height/weight

/end thread

that's literally the opposite of what it's saying you illiterate retard

>social """""scientist"""""
>proving anything

>spend your time developing real manly traits, not your pecs
pretty sure he just said that strenght is the only real male only traits, he just contracted himself, theretard

>spend your time developing truly manly traits, not your pecs
surely the paragraph has just said that the only thing left that is truly manly is lifting?

Its the usual "social science" coping mechanism.
>I don't like A
>A is a social construct just like everything else.
>Social constructs must be challenged.
>I have "challenged" the idea of A and determined that I don't like it,
>Therefore A must be deconstructed because I don't like it.


How bout I spend my time doing whatever the fuck I want.

Yeah that's why the handful of hot Asian girls at my alma mater spent their time getting plowed by varsity athletes.

i think asian here is referring to asian culture and therefore does not apply to many asian people who were raised in a western country. reading comprehension is hard, though.

Simmer down, Chong. When we say "Asian girls" we mean girls with them chinky eyes, not FOBs. English is hard, though.

>asian people in asia do X

Summer will end some day...

Yea, those are dumb tattoos. Looking good though.

Your tatoos aren't too bad and I hate tatoos.

I'm also 5'10, been lifting for 3 years and I'm not too far away from your body, feels good. Hopefully I'll catch up in a year.

But your back looks great, what do you do for it?

every Veeky Forumsizen should be like you user.

Once again, somebody who doesn't understand normal male behaviors pathologizes normal, healthy masculinity.

it's not due to feelings of insecurity, it's due to the normal male desire to better oneself. It also helps that lifting weights releases dopamine, it's fun.

Young men are flocking to the gym now because they see that men who go to the gym become better men, and they want to become better men.
>"women gaining more and more power in western society leave many young men afraid for their masculinity."
[citation needed]
The only people who think that are feminists, actual social scientists who don't base everything they say on anti masculine ideologies see that men who are insecure with their place in society in an increasingly anti male world just clock out, they choose not to play the game.

Men leave geocentric society, and spend their lives doing what they want to do without women involved, maybe if you actually spoke to some men instead of just gender studies and psyche majors you would understand that. I am yet to meet a Psyche major who wasn't an arse with no social skills and massive psychological issues. such as not understanding masculinity.

This doesn't explain all the athletes going back to the beginning of recorded history, but it probably does explain a subset of meatheads and roiders.

i agree but then again you're gay so you're barely a man yourself.

>Bachelor thesis
Since when do you write a thesis in a bachelor degree?

> They can't press 315 pounds

Janae Marie Kroczaleski disagrees

I'm gay so i'm extra masculine

I don't have to worry about women not sleeping with me because i said something they dislike.

>develop manly traits

didn't really read much besides the bolded part at the bottom, but they're right.

it's much manlier to sculpt your mind, which ultimately leads to sculpting your life, than to be an autist who lifts weights and counts macros, but doesn't further take this focus into his own life.

the problem with most people who go to the gym is that they limit their progress to the gym/their body and only to that. they don't realize they should also take this time to expand their habits and ultimately their life. i used to just worry about hitting the gym and nothing else, but since i've added countless things (cracking down on diet, forcing myself to put myself in uncomfortable situations, pushing my limits, focusing on school, meditation, morning rituals, setting standards and values and not breaking them, etc) the quality of my life has improved DRAMATICALLY.

tldr: don't limit yourself to just the gym. expand everything, but i'm sure this post will get a lot of flack because you guys like the easy way out and only focus on one thing in life.

>OP posts evidence of men using this logic
>still calls it woman logic

Seems like logic eludes you in general.


mens sana in corpore sano

Men have been training both since the beginning of recorded history, and working out is a major factor in academic performance and retaining IQ throughout your life. Only a very few freaks do well ignoring the body for the mind.

>social science

You aren't doing shit


Ur point of women not being attracted to wealth is so ridiculous arguing about it is a waste of typing effort

Because it's usually rich kids who don't have to work for anything and they jelly cause they know it.

>manliness is what I say it is
>my definition of manliness encompasses me and people like me and everyone else is insecure

Beta opinions go into the trash m8

I agree with this. Drive is a lot sexier than a bank account. Usually people who have drive tend to care about keeping in shape and that's appealing to women. If you're always trying to better yourself it's attractive (to everyone actually). You'll find you'll make better friends that understand that you won't always have time to go to the bar or club and pick up random skanks cause you have shit to do the next day and you need sleep to function.

Trash girls would

Yeah except you're wrong... SOME are, sure. But if you want someone to use you just for you're money then have fun with that.

I guarantee you I would if I ever met you IRL. Stop thinking you can buy your way through life. You're just being salty over the "women only use guys for money meme". You know there are some girls in the world that decide to make their own money so they don't have to settle for someone with money.

>need to work hard
found the problem.

Also acting "manly" when you're a fat fuck just comes off as ridiculous,

The douchehouse

This is why he can't get laid, he insult game is weak af


Chads btfo?

Why is everyone impress by this manlet skelly? The most flattering angle possibe and arms still look maaaybe 13"

LOL at all these FOGGOTS going to the DOUCHEHOUSE

The fuck? Asian chicks love swole white boys