Has anyone here had experience getting height surgery? i'm a 5'11 guy looking to achieve that perfect 6'2 and i'm wondering how long it will prevent me from doing leg exercises since they have to break your bones.
Height surgery
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Being a manlet is one thing, but getting height surgery is literally the most pathetic thing you could do.
how come?
Uncle got it.
Went to the Ukraine or someplace where it was actually legal.
Now he's 6', but permanently has to use a cane to help him walk since his body is disproportional, and is cashing in on disability checks.
Shit's fucked up. Better to be a manlet than a cripple.
damn i was reading that there usually aren't any complications, this will make me reconsider.
Its like plastic surgery. Everyone that knows you before and after will stop respecting you because every time they see you they'll know you did it gor crippling insecurity. Also,
>wasting valuable resources literally because you are a fucking retarded person who bought into the cringiest and dumbest of Veeky Forums memes
Trips say do it.
Haha the jokes on you. I have no family or friends.
Go ahead and JUST yourself if you want. You'll come out a deformed cripple.
I knew a dwarf girl who got this done several times and at the end of it she's still a fucking midgit. I never saw the point. Unless they do it so many times you end up looking like a fucking ostrich, no one will notice the difference anyway.
I've also considered height surgery to get to 6'2 (I'm 6'), but then I realized, I already have a somewhat small torso size for my height, and if I add two inches to my legs, I will look absolutely ridiculous, plus I would have to buy new suit pants which will add another thousand dollars or so to the cost on top of the actual surgery.
lmao i love orthopedic surgery
>5 11
thats a good height, though
You don't honestly think this shit works, do you? HAHAHAHA it must be fucking sad to be a manlet. I'm 6'2" and never have ever thought about my height -- but people ALWAYS comment on it, kid you not. Everywhere I go people are mirin. I don't even think about it anymore.. do manlets really think about their height so much to the point that they're willing to break their legs? haha, holy fuck. maybe i should stop making fun of them
You literally can never squat again.
The surgery props your bones up with titanium inserts and weakens the absolute fuck out of them when it eventually grows in.
I can't remember the last time someone said I was tall. No one really cares 2bh
t. 6'3"
oh my god
this has got to be the saddest board on Veeky Forums
for a bunch of guys obsessed with strength you sure allow yourselves to be weak minded
>thats a good height, though
>OP is not a faggot
is this real life?
5'11 isnt even a bad height
its embarassing that you have allowed Veeky Forums to damage your psyche to this point
On the other hand my uncle went to the Ukraine or something because it was legal there and now he's 6', walking perfectly fine since he's well balanced and he's getting paid from a job, so there's that.
I understand short people wanting to get the surgery, but you my friend have some deep seated issues that surgery isn't going to fix.
Is the difference between 5'10 and 6' really that big?
It's 3% difference in height and both those heights are pretty comon
So no unless you are autistic
You're not even that short you cuck... just use some lifts
Put some insoles in your shoes you fucking clown. You'll gain 2 inches without severely damaging your chances of a good life. Stop being somebody else's football and live life the way you want to; disregard the opinions of other mammals.