Yohimbine HCL

Time to cut Veeky Forumsizen

Where can you buy Yohimbine HCL in Europe? No USA due to custom

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I live in northern europe and have ordered yohimbine from iherb.

What was that online Canadian supplements store that does ephedrine, yohimbine, etc?


It ship from US or Europe? In my country yohimbine hcl is neither illegal or legal but you have to provide tons of documents to get it.

Dunno i would like to know it too

Speaking to Yohimbine HCL...

What are the potential issues with adding it to an EC stack? Also ketosis.

No issues but personally i would not reccomend it.


>Can I take yohimbine with ephedrine?

While some have done this, usually lean individuals at the end of a diet, I do NOT recommend this. The potential for side effects is multiplied with the combination. Heart rate and blood pressure can do some ludicrious things. Don't do it.

I was thinking of getting Yohimbine
Do I just take it on an empty stomach in the morning and do cardio?


Thanks user
I would've done high intensity running like a dumb ass

Century Supplements?

Any shop for Europe?

Is it fine to stay on creatine on this?

Can I lift with yohimbe? I know I have to do some low intensity cardio but I don't usually have time for that. My walk to the gym is usually 30 mind and is the most cardio I do outside of the treadmill

Yes but be ready for water retention

Yes, high intensity low volume

Alright, thank you, I'm still learning things about yohimbe and I didn't want to waste the money

This could be very usefull.


I am still searching for an european source

Fitshop for ephedrine, tntnutrition for Yohimbine. Maybe tntnutrition does ephedrine too, idk. Only placed two orders on either site, didn't shop around too much


Where to buy in Mexico?

What yohimbe do you guys get? In the u.s by the way. I need a new bottle soon.

bumping for interest

en ningun lugar, todos venden porquerias mezcladas o en extracto, pidela de alguna forma de USA, la que viene en polvo de 10 gramos y de paso una bascula de miligramos

anyone knows where to get yohimbine hcl in germany?


Yohimbine HCL isn't all that. It blows me away that people would go to such great lengths to get it.

anyone have a guide on how to dose yohimbine and how long to take it? Might wanna throw it into my cutting stack

i would like to know aswell


This pic makes me sad

shut the fuck up bud

you mean I can't go heavy while on yohimbine?

Also, if I were to lift before my low intensity cardio, how many minutes before the entire workout should I take YHCL+Caf? (ex. lifting at 6pm, around 7pm I should be done with my routine and do cardio; should I take it at 5:30pm or 6:30pm?)