Hey fit

Hey fit,
When you decide to say goodbye to your gains, what do you drink?

Pussy juice

Forgot to post mine. Pic related though.
Vodka, lime and soda

Is this the best option if I;m going to drink hard without shattering my gains?

anything and everything

nah usually beer because im a piece of shit and its killing my sex drive

Anything, but wanna try white russian. Anyone done it?

I was drinking beer. Mostly because it's cheap as shit and drinks here in Aus are expensive as shit.
So now I'm going for something that seems healthier. Just soda water 1/4 a lime and vodka.
Main issue is that I smash these cunts down too fast

I feel you man, ausfag too

I'm still sticking with beer. I know it's expensive here in Australia but it's a great way to pace yourself if you're an alcoholic cunt who doesn't know when to stop.

I should just quit drinking altogether, but I won't.

I just try to go for the highest alcohol percentages so I won't drink too many calories. I do drink beer though, but I drink 5 beers a night and the rest is schnapps.

>I just try to go for the highest alcohol percentages so I won't drink too many calories.
Greta idea in theory. but 10 years later I still can't learn my limits and I still drink til I can't keep going


Pic related. Wouldn't be surprised if it was very popular on /fit

I've been drinking between 15 and 20 tallboys of James ready a day for 2 years now

Only 1 scoop, with just water too

Check out getdrunknotfat.com

only beer

Jack and beer

White Russians are very user specific. Make it yourself so you can get the sweetness to alcohol ratio right. Will ruin gains though. However, if out, usually expensive so that could slow your overall alkihall consumption.

I dont drink on weekdays, and cut back food calories on weekends to make way for alcohol so i don't have to deny and edge my alcoholic cock too hard.

Here in Soflo the craft beer scene is pretty huge but i still like a Yuengling, can enjoy 1 or 3 with a cigar or hit an 18 through the night. Liquor Vodka is king for me, If im doing frat shit Vodka diet redbull for them heart palpatation gains. For actually enjoying a drink you can never go wrong with a well-made Moscow Mule.


Rum and coke
Gin and tonic

Spirits with diet mixer are usually considered Veeky Forums.

Inb4 aspartame makes your dick fall off

White Americas:
Coffee liqueur and rum topped with cream/milk.

potassium cyanide

will dehydrate the shit out of you. make sure you down a glass of water before and after.


Never going to make it.

I like margaritas. The american version.
pls no bully

Spiced rum and diet coke, although I was turned on to spiced rum and orange soda. Shit tastes like a cream-sicle.

those are literally called white russians where I'm from. Strange world

i just take shots and drink a little chaser.

I mostly drink a beeer or whiskey on an evening and go binge drinking on the weekends.

It's just my way of sozializing.

They're delicious but completely terrible for you.

You literally should look up the ingredients for white russians.

White Russians use heavy cream and vodka though.

Just whiskey. Usually a single malt of some sort. It's become a game to push how long I can nurse it for cause otherwise I'd just straight shot the sumbitch.

GHB lmao

Irish whiskey or pabst blue ribbon. I know its a shitty cheap beer but i honestly like the taste of it. Drinking it right now.

broscience and vodka cocktail

I drink so infrequently that it just doesn't matter when I do. If it's to go with a meal, I'll get beer or wine, but for hanging out I prefer straight liquor to dodge the calories.

Haven't had a drop to drink in three months though because I just don't like it very much. At bars I just order some ginger ale or water and nobody says anything about it.

MUH NIGGA. some good ole georgia homeboy and im feeling right

All casual drinking.

Rum and coke
Whiskey and coke
Vodka and NOS

Strong cocktails

Adios Motherfucker
Long Island Ice tea

Or if I want to get fucked beyond belief

Vodka, Midori, Blue cucao, rum, triple sec, peach schnapps, and a splash of lime. Made to pour in to shot glasses. I don't know what a name for it is because I made it mixing all my leftover shit and I liked it, went down smooth.

Gin & Tonic
>tonic has as much sugar as coke

"jaegar is anabolic" - Brofessor Mazetti

These days I'm trying to stick with some sort of whiskey on the rocks. If I feel like fucking up my gains, I'll make myself a whiskey sour or an old fashioned.

Or an amaretto sour.

I'll leave my man card on the way out.

Girly drinks are top tier. They taste good and have high booze content.

>Vodka, Midori, Blue cucao, rum, triple sec, peach schnapps, and a splash of lime
though doing both the triple sec and blue curacao is kind of redundant.

They have a different taste in my opinion. I know they're both orange shit though.
plus the blue+green combo makes my shit the same color the next day

Anything with amaretto. Fucking amazing stuff.

a good aged rum, neat

if no quality is available than kraken or sailor jerry

but always rum


Try gin and club soda with a lime. It tastes much cleaner.

Underrated post.

>Vodka and NOS
That sounds amazing.

Oh man, let me tell you, it is the go to drink for me. I find it better than rum+coke because it's easier to consume, smoother, not very heavy. NOS happens to be the only energy drink I truly like, and it has a great flavor. If you want to be really swancy you get pineapple vodka and you're pretty much drinking alcoholic NOS.

Absolutely top tier. I use NOS as a chaser when doing shots too.

On a cut:
>Gin + club soda + lime
>tequila on the rocks
>light beer
On bulk I drink whatever

gin & tonic

vodka redbull if I want to get absolutely pissfaced
also gin and 7up is pretty fuckin neato

How does alcohol ruin gains?

High sugar, high calorie, bad for the body.

I drink every other weekend though and I'm fine, but I plan around it.

well there's plenty of ways if you're stupid

>you get hangovers
>useless calories
>very straining on organs/immune system etc.

if you keep it below 4 drinks per night and no more than 2 nights a week you're gud though