>Stop taking EC stack
>Been getting headaches since then
Stop taking EC stack
Those aren't headaches silly. You are experiencing withdrawal.
Please don't post shit gems.
Ok, my bad. Here's a pic without any traces of Steven's hair. Better?
well maybe you shouldnt play amateur chemist with the only body you have
You're actually probably having caffeine withdrawals though. Serious Headaches/migranes are among the initial symptoms.
You're just going through caffeine withdrawal calm your tits. It won't be fun but you'll live.
>takes advice from Slovakian tractor repair forum
Fuck off Perifag
There's only one good gem
>This one
I bet you ship Peri with Lapis in /sug/ too you absolute shitter
You have to keep taking Caffeine or else your body won't function. I'd recommend just taking caffeine pills everyday from now on so you don't have to go through the full withdrawal cycle. Plus having a caffeine addiction isn't as bad as something like booze or heroin. You can be a functioning member of society if you're addicted to this drug.
OK , sounds like it since I went from 100 to 0 in a day
Don't worry OP, that's just your body telling you you're a piece of shit drug addict. Have fun feeling like this forever
You'll probably never break your caffeine addiction if you're at the point you can experience withdrawal symptoms. Caffeine is apparently as hard to break free of as Crack or meth.
Check the research literature OP. Caffeine is as addictive as heroin. You're stuck taking it for the rest of your life now.
>it's a "OP accidentally finds out he's a drug addict episode"
there is literally no reason to go off EC stack or cycle it
even if you're bulking it has benefits
t. Caffeine addict
ec gave me acne like a mother fucker
I'm on my first ever EC cycle. I quit my daily three cups of coffee when I went on the stack. When I get off I will probably continue taking half a caffeine pill a day and then lower it to one cup of coffee.
Most caffeine pills have the same amount in them as one normal cup of coffee though
Why? This addiction isn't one of the bad ones. Being addicted to caffeine helps you get shit done.
>tfw you need 1 gram of caffeine to feel normal
>tfw going off caffeine for a day causes headaches and suicidal thoughts
You'd have to use a knife and fork to ingest coffee dense enough for 200mg of caffeine per cup.
>tfw buy one of those bottles of caffeine pills with 240 pills
>go through the whole bottle in a month because I pop them like candy while studying and always take 3 before lifting.
There's no going back at this point.
At first. Then you're just taking it to get to a baseline. Talk to a heroin addict sometime. Like, a real addict. They're not shooting up to feel good towards the end; they're shooting up to not feel sick.
Obviously it's less pronounced with caffeine, but still.
except needing it to function normally
why wouldn't you go on for 3 weeks, then 3 weeks off
if you're eating a healthy amount/quality of food you dont need caffiene for energy, and it would be a million times better for you to just add an hour of cardio everyday if you can't control your appetite
I successfully quit taking coffee because it affected my sleep, even in small quantities - and I used to drink quite a lot. I'll elaborate how I did it:
>Start drinking coffee with less frequency
>Start taking half cups of coffee instead of normal
>Move to a smaller cup, keep at it some time
>Have coffee fewer times a day again, if you usually had 4< cups of coffee/day, you should be at 2 cups of coffee a day at this point
>Start taking half a cup of coffee in a small coffee cup
>Take half a cup of coffee a day, that's it. Small cups!
>Stop it altogether
>You will get headaches, it will be a bitch but I've had migraines for a good part of my life so I endured it
>The headache will persist for 1-2 days or even more, depending on how much caffeine you take
>After a week you should be fine, be sleeping better, etc.
>Take into account this process didn't happen overnight or in a week or two, I gradually made the dosage smaller until it was small enough to actually quit without wanting to kill myself.
Then I started working in a company where coffee is consumed at an insane rate and I got back at it again, I don't drink at home though. And will quit once my internship ends.
Good luck anons!
If you don't want to be addicted to caffiene, just drink alcohol when you begin withdrawal. It stops your heart from racing and prevents the migraines. You can literally bounce between alcohol and caffiene addictions to avoid feeling withdrawals from either.
i got a few questions firs what is EC second i usually drink a cup of coffee and between 2-4 energy drinks a day to get shit done at work how bad is it to drink that much caffeine and all the other bullshit thats in them?
I saved that pic for some reason.
Ephedrine-Caffiene. It's a diet method people follow to be full of energy while having low appetite. Its possible to just run with caffiene only too. If you stay on it for a long time, naturally you'll develop a caffiene addiction.
>go into EC stack without loading phase
>scatterbrained all day
How to get ephedrine as a UKfag?
>be on stack
>loading up with the program you find first when you search ec stack
>first week is tolerable
>constant feeling on uppers for whole day
>body is heating up
>heart is racing
>sweating really easy
>almost blacked out in training
>week 2
>full dose now
>everything above x2
>thats not worth for some fucking fat-lose
Now I understand why almost everyone tells you no to start a stack. Without a good diet you won´t lose anything so this maybe adds two to three weeks to your final cut.
I would not recommend it to anyone but why should you listen to me when I ingored all the warnings
>captcha: select all Tea
>theres a coffee-cup in it
You need to eat sugar for energy before your lifts otherwise you will crash because your muscles will be ready to fire with no energy to burn. You should eat a candy bar with the caffeine before crushing your workout.
>3 before lifting
Fug, I only take a 1/2 pill and that still keeps me up late
I ate banana and drank this sugarstuff from the gym. Still
stop it
miss being on EC stack, but it would shrek me all day
>take it like the recommended way
>at night dont sleep but enter this phase where i can recite full games of various video games in my head
shit was fuggeed yo
Congratulations, you've damaged your brain.
>doge ate the EC stack
OP you have no choice but to step it up to harder drugs. Getting an addiction to those can help you kick you caffeine addiction.