It's a chad brings his hot ass thick and Veeky Forums girlfriend to the gym episode

>it's a chad brings his hot ass thick and Veeky Forums girlfriend to the gym episode
>tfw you're going to go home, take a bath, beat off to something on xhamster and then watch the latest jason blaha autism
>tfw he's gonna beat up her perfect ass glutes in the shower, then go to beach or some fancy ass restaraunt
>tfw that feel

BRET eats FOCACCIA while you go GLUTEN free and low GI. Bret unloads baby BATTER in her hot BRICK OVEN while you prepare a SLOW cooker chicken meal for ONE.


Don't fap.


>tfw go home and watch TV with your parents, checking your phone every now and then hoping for a text. Meanwhile Chad is lying back whilst some tight pussied Asian goddess fresh from squatting rides his cock to cum and his phone vibrates from other chicks hoping to Suck his foreskin off

>tfw this actually happened
>tfw my family members are the hottest girls in town, and I can't hit any of them because it'd be incest
>literally have to marry down while other guys cuck my sisters, aunts and cousins away
Fuck everything

At least you can rest easy knowing you are not a racemixing degenerate.

Whoa. That feel.

i'm fucking dying holy shit

>Implying Chad isn't elevating the genetics of the Asian race by cumming inside of her.

My nigga

U don't think you know what cucking is.

Beeg is better

He used it figuratively.

>tfw still remember coming home from middle school and seeing Chad with my older sister on the couch.
>older sister told me not to tell mom and dad or else she'd have Chad beat me up.
>Chad agreed and kept fucking her in front of me.
>I had to listen to this berating shit for 2 minutes while I waited on my pop tarts to finish in the toaster before I could run upstairs and play windwaker with the sound on full blast

The sounds still haunt me to this day.

while you go to XHAMSTER and the BLAHA thread on FITMISC, CHAD is LITERALLY fucking STACY--who also has HAIRLESS VAGINA GENETICS--doggystyle while eating PIZZA

>I began to hate Samuel

>Implying Chad will ever have a functioning white family and with beautiful white children.

>Implying Chad isnt just a shallow piece of garbage that is living a decadent life.

>wanting a family
>wanting a WHITE family
>not spreading your seed and remaining a bachelor for life

that is fucked

People who say that they wished they had older sisters don't even fucking know what kind of hell this is. They hit puberty and start slutting it up, and you're supposed to console them when their boyfriends break their hearts, and not say anything when they're getting railed out in the house before mom and dad come home. And you literally can't do anything because the guys she brings home are all bigger than you. They eat all the damn food in the house and you just have to endure it until you get bigger yourself.
It's just a really terrible place to be in.

thank god I only have older brothers. And thankfully, they're pretty alpha. feel bad you cucks with sisters

Creating white children born in single mother families doens't benefit anyone, it only creates more leftists which only cause harm

Lately I have had the feeling that my life of "virtue" is just cognitive dissonance to subconsciously cope with the fact that I'm stuck with these sour grapes

Hedonism sure sounds fun

I have an older sister too. The puberty part was true, she was an absolute witch. Luckily she wasn't as slutty (I think) and never brought anyone home

>mfw my family is superior to my sister's high school suitors and go full eugenics on all her relationships until she gets it together and starts dating guys on her own level
>mfw talking loudly about her academic achievements to ward off stupid guys and her athletic achievements to ward off weak ones
You can thank me later, sis.

are you guys trying to make me kill myself?

In reality Chad is taking her to the gym cause she's been complaining about not spending enough time with him. When they get home she'll hog the bathroom and shower for an hour and a half while Chad browses old crushes on Facebook. Then they'll go to get something to eat but chads gf won't know where she wants to go and they'll get in a fight. They'll end up going to chipotle and chads gf will be pissed. When they get home she'll go right to bed and he'll watch tv while she sighs loudly from the bedroom.


Go for the average girl. If you want a girl to ride your dick then suck it after get the average girl. The hot girls are always prudes trust me it's rare to find a hot girl who really pleases you. Hot girls have everything handed to them so they don't work hard in the sexual department.

>cucking yourself

>all of that
I know the feeling all to well. Many days I wonder why the fuck I'm even dating my gf.

This is completely false. The hottest girls I've fugged were athletes and dancers who put in fucking work in bed. The girl in your trailer park with the biggest ass isn't an actual hot girl.

>tfw your parents divorce and your mom brings home her first boyfriend
Nothing prepared me for this level of rage

Ur a beeg faggot

>while she sighs loudly from the bedroom.


>The hottest girls I've fugged were athletes and dancers

dear god i wish this was my life. if i had been just a little more assertive

Go to college and walk on to a sports team. Instant pussy.

This. I wish I did gymnastics when I was younger. It really is an alpha Chad sport.join a sports team and chicks become easier, you meet them more

Nihilism and hedonism are sure fire ways of destroying a nation.

Have fun riding western civilization into the ground for "muh dick".

Grow up.

>riding civilization into the ground
Way to play up the drama, bud.

>dem older sister feels
I'll always remember her tits were the first pair I ever saw.

Not playing up anything.

We are heading towards some bad bad times. You will soon wake to it.

I will suggest reading Sir John Glubb's essay "The Fate of Empires
Search For Survival"

It is not comprehensive enough at all to educate you as it is only little more than 20 pages but it is a good starter and very interesting none the less.

Correct answer. I posted and would definitely say that rowing and playing rugby in college was a big part of how I went from a 19 year old fit virgin to casually enjoying varsity soccer players and top-tier ballerinas.

If you're in high school and college, getting fit and want to take it to the next level, figure out what sports team with some credibility will take you and go give it everything you've got. Every practice, every party, every team dinner is a step towards being the guy you wanted to be when you started lifting.

>Have fun riding western civilization into the ground for "muh dick".
But I am not though. I am saying I tricked myself into believing I am virtuous, but in reality my "virtue" is more likely a result of not being able to live a hedonistic lifestyle is due to my lack of money, looks, social skills, etc

>Using the word cuck like that

Hello summer

>athletes and dancer
>using fat ass like its a bad thing

Found the guy with low test.

>tfw i'm chad, figuratively

pls stahp


i laughed at the eating pizza part! Thank you annon!

man u gotta be so butthurt to make that shit lmao

I don't see what this image has to do with the other post

Really fucking glad I don't have an older sister. Holy shit.

Oh shit user, i'm sorry that sounds horrible.

>not getting Veeky Forums
>not learning how to box properly
>not training to fight for months
>not tracking down Chad and beating him senseless
>not fucking his weak, tattered body while whispering "tell anyone and I'll beat you up" in his ear

>not keeping him as your lover
>not fucking him in the ass but the balls don't touch every night
>not embracing his shredded beta body underneath you as you pump your vile alpha semantics into his boyhole
>not raising a family with CHAD who EATS PIZZA now but only when you tell him it's okay to eat PIZZA.

Former fatty here. Do I have Chad potential ?

And I wanted to do a core day tomorrow....

you look nasty, I feel like you have Elliot rogers potential

>tfw currently fucking a girl who is an older sister
How do I not make the younger brother not want to murder me? Last thing I need is some Batman of murder revengeance type shit going on.

That's hot.


That's the guy from twenty one pilots

>being this beta

Who gives a fuck, just treat her right and you won't cop shit

So I know a guy named brad, but he's really more of a chad. so is he chad or brad? I cant decide

i know this feel bro. Our time will come. Keep strong. Learn a little game. Keep going. It's going to happen.

27 year old virgin,going on a second date tomorrow, going to tell her I like her (because I actually do) and why, if she doesn't like me back I'll probably kill myself sometime this year.

Civilisation is a spook.

You didn't tell anyway?

Can someone explain the capital letters thing to me? It seems funny and I want to get it to share the amusement

I drove back from newark at night while my oneitis and her male "friend" who came with us fucked in my back seat

they asked if I minded and I said no with perfect casual ease

I jerk off thinking about it and then want to kill myself immediately after every single night

No you won't, you will find another one and meanwhile work on your own happiness.
We'll make it buddy.

Why the fuck would you subject yourself to that.

Get a fucking grip of yourself and some self respect whilst you're at it.

She's using you, ditch her.

Forget this bitch, you faggot

Tfw you're a 6'4" Chad and she leaves you for a 5'7" Manlet. This shit hurts Bros

I don't know that feel. I've never been left and replaced, thank god.

This is pinpoint accurate.

Manlet who pulled that off here. How does it feel faggot? CHARISMA and INTELLECT always gets the girl


i dont know why i'm laughing so hard at this.
I do love nutrigrain bars though