What stretches do you do before/after a workout?
I'm doing an Upper/Lower split so I don't feel like I need to be rolling out my IT band and adductors before my Upper days.
What stretches do you do before/after a workout?
I'm doing an Upper/Lower split so I don't feel like I need to be rolling out my IT band and adductors before my Upper days.
but i have a penis
Are you sure diabetes didn't take it? You disgusting landwhale
I don't unless I'm feeling drained. They're like a warmup. I think they're unnecessary.
I have a single day per week dedicated to doing a bit of cardio for ~30min and then stretch, especially the legs. I get incredibly immobile when doing squats etc.
After ohp and deadlift I also stretch my neck for the same reason. Never saw a reason to stretch before workout, never felt a difference when I did.
That guy is so fucking unfunny
he starts with an idea, then completely fails to develop it or do anything with it, in the end just irritating or mildly inconveniencing people with no pay out or anything real to say.
i feel i probably should be stretching more or use a foamroller, currently I do static stretching before every workout and occasionally throughout the day if im feeling sore. doing lower/upper split twice a week aswell, OP.
Do the static stretches afterwards. Dynamic before.
mayswell give it a shot. thanks
Does a lion stretch before closing in on a gazelle?
You never had a cat huh
Yes you fucking imbecile.
the parts about smartphones and men magazines are kind of true desu
Sup summerdyels. Check out the sticky.
I'm certain whoever made that cartoon is a virgin.
Incorrect. Nice projecting though newfriend.
Nu male detected.
the author was unfortunately gifted with 6'4 of height and wide shoulders and gets female attention despite being a fucking retarded /pol/ faggot
You better be lion on the bed in cat stretch repose when i get home, fucktoy
>not getting the reference