Anybody here a climber? Teach me about climbing.
what do you want to know senpai?
Great gif
How do I climb?
>find a cliff side or indoor wall
If you want to know about gear, you need to actually be there and do it yourself.
The lighter you are, the easier climbing is.
The one activity where being a gymnastics guru is considered a good thing.
You need to get really good at pull ups.
Grip strength is also essential.
The best way to get good is to climb easy walls, and move to progressively harder ones.
get a hangboard for training, helps alot. Don't over do it or your joints will regret it lol
use your toes on holds and keep your hips close to the wall as often. Legs are important.
Technique helps, but really it's just grip strength plain and simple. The better grip strength and grip endurance you have, the better climber you will be.
Also Climbing outdoors is way harder and will make you much stronger than gym climbing. Gym climbing is a fucking joke compared to outdoor. I always laughed a little at the people that spend day after day in the climbing gym and almost never went outside. The gym is just conditioning.
If you climb on the reg you will get bigger forearms than you ever have in your life. There is no person with stronger hands than a climber. Everything from the elbow down gets strong as fuck.
I would join up with some peeps that outdoor climb 1x to 2x a month. Try to make it a trip, the trips are fun. It's about the journey.
You'll need a harness, some shoes, some chalk, and a belay device. Without these things, people aren't gonna wanna take you with them, they don't want to be constantly giving you their gear.
Climbing has developed this "cool artsy" culture, similar to surfing, that is a little annoying. They have their lingo, and hipster style and shit.
I climbed for 2 years.
>The lighter you are, the easier climbing is
What's a typical weight for a good climber? I've always thought it would be something i would be good at. I'm 6' 170 and i ohp 165 and can do 15 slow strict pullups with full stops in between. I used to pole vault 15'6", which seems like something with transferable skills, but i weighed 145 when i was doing that.
Would i have to lose a considerable amount of weight to be a good climber?
My gym has a treadwall, is that any good? I've messed around on it a few times and I was dying after just a few minutes.
There's a touchstone gym near my work that is bouldering only, and another place that's not as convenient but has bouldering and rope walls. Is there much of a difference between the rope walls and bouldering walls?
Not the guy you're replying to, but I'm also a climber.
The important thing is strength:weight ratio. If you've been lifting for anything other than pure strength, you'll be at a very slight disadvantage.
Climbing is more about technique than power once you've been doing it for a while.
If you don't mind losing some muscle it may help marginally down the road, but don't change your life for it.
You'll still wanna keep lifting at least the antagonist muscles though to prevent injury.
Start in a gym before you go dropping cash on gear, you can probably find someone to show you the ropes outside; just like many lifters, climbers are generally friendly and supportive of each other in my experience.
There is a huge difference between top roping and bouldering. Bouldering is significantly more difficult. The reason being is that because the routes are so much shorter they must increase the intensity of the climb to make it more difficult.
Yeah, bouldering is more power dependent, whereas roped climbing is long enough to need endurance. You can get away with shitty form bouldering since the routes are short, assuming you're already strong you'll have an easier time starting bouldering.
Getting good at doing long routes is more rewarding when you get outside though.
Is it common to get blisters from climbing? I used to get blisters all the time pole vaulting and i callus really quickly from lifting. When I was pole vaulting I would just suck it up or put tape around them, but it seems like it might be dangerous to climb with them.
I've never gotten blisters anywhere but my heel when I first started. You will get calluses though, and you'll wanna sand down any thick ones you already have with a pumice stone though; thick ones rip and it isn't pleasant.
Taping is fairly common in climbing too, both for flapper (torn callus) protection and for nursing tendon injuries.
Speaking of which, your fingers are much weaker than you think, if they start to hurt then stop climbing for the day. You don't want to pop a pulley.
boulders have shorter trails and are more challenging (both technique and strength required), you will also fall on the mat from them, not into cozy harness of a rope
an advantage of boulders is that you can do it alone
if you have someone to team up with, first try the rope to get your strength, technique and confidence up and you can try the boulders anytime
You wanna be real strong, but more lanky than bulky. Anything over 170lbs is gonna make climbing well difficult.
It's aboot the same. Same stuff.
>10-13 slow pull ups
Will I make it in the climbing world?
newbi here went indoor bouldering the first time a few days ago and got blisters on all my fingers but my youngest brother and my sister went to they didnt get any at all it was totaly worth it Ill be going on the reg also i climed till i couldnt grip any more and i solved most problemswith upper body strength so maybe thats why i got the blisters
>like lifters climbers are friendly
>lifters are friendly
Oh you funny.
As a fat man cutting weight and learning how to better my lifestyle I can tell you beyond doubt and with good measure, lifters are generally cocky self obsessed grandeurizing egomaniacs with as much good will as an angry hornet.
You thought your yugioh tournament was rough when you accidentally activated just deserts? Try being overweight and asking about 1800 calorie meal plans on ANY small dick big test forum.
They'll likely harden, climbing is much more rough on your hands than lifting so they get really raw the first few times.
Try to use strength less, it'll help you in the long run. Watch the other climbers to learn technique. I learned a lot from watching women's competition climbing on youtube, they usually have better form than the guys.
touchstone? i've been climbing in norcal for about 2 years.
the difference between bouldering and top roping is that strength with just minimal technique can often get you to V3s (or even a bit higher if you have long arms).
top roping burns people out fast without half-decent technique, but the intensity at any given moment is lower.
depends. i've been a lifter for a while. when i started getting serious i was about 5'10" 185 with about 13-14% bodyfat and as i increased climbing i just naturally dropped to the low 170s range. your #s look fine. with regards to height and weight you're basically in chris sharma's range.
Do qt's rock climb?
girls? yes.
qts? some, I guess. lotta hippie-looking white girls if that's your thing
You could be decent, but you'll never be a great climber at that weight.
You shouldn't do hangboard before at least 1 year of climbing if you want to keep your fingers.
stop with the numbers. climbing isn't a numbers game. if you are like a jon jones or michael phelps type build those are ideal for obvious reasons. or think bmi. weight is so subjective. but bmi can be too.
Climber here. I do bouldering at my gym. Haven't done top rope yet, don't have a partner to go with, and can't be arsed to get certified at the moment.
Climbing is a sport where being tall can be as much as an advantage as a disadvantage depending on the route. Sometimes you have to compress yourself in ways where being tall makes it to that much more difficult
I miss bouldering mang so much fun and gains
Might go climbing today desu. Also will prob smoke a bowl
bmi is literally just height and weight, which he gave
we had a regular climber with us he told us abbout a women that goes there and outclimbs all the men and she cant even do 1 pullup
Whether you are bouldering or sport climbing, technique is key. Brute-forcing your way through routes will only work so far, and you'll soon hit a wall where you realize climbing is not so upper body dependend. Yes, grip strength helps immensely, but it's not the end-game. It'll come in time. If you are a beginner climber, don't worry about getting stronger. Just climb and climb a lot, to pin down good technique. You'll be far better off in the long run.
If you want to get better at climbing, start climbing, over time you progress and get better. Being low body fat helps, less weight to carry. I'm 6'0 178 and climb very well. It's all practice and building grip strength, pinches are the pits imo. Good luck and happy climbing!
>she cant even do 1 pullup
She'll hit a ceiling soon if she doesn't start training, unless she only climbs slabs.
But yes, learning good technique and using your feet correctly are more important in general.
ah, the newest meme sport
Went bouldering for the first time in my life yesterday. Pretty fun, but fingers fail in holding bodyweight after an hour or so.
>lots of hipster/dreadlock artsy people
>basically in everyday clothing but with climbing shoes
>insane grip strenght, holding your full body weight on just the tips of your fingers
>everyone is dyel mode, super experienced climbers are ottermode at best
>tfw petite qt's outclimb you and make it look easy ;_;
I've noticed that women (who actually train) are better climbers overall since they don't rely on brute strength and learn better technique when they begin climbing. It took me till v4's when I had to concentrate on legs and technique since I had good upper body strength when I began bouldering.
Record climbers usually come in at 150, 160 is not unheard of.
The heavier you are the less likely you have equal body weight to body strength ratio.
I'm a little over 175.
Some of the cliffs I climb are extremely hard for me at my weight.
Not saying it's impossible, but this is one field where the lighter you are the less you have to worry about.
You will not be breaking any records for time or distance as you are going to get tired out a lot faster than a dude lifting 20lbs less none stop for hours.
How do I improve my finger strength? It's currently my weak point in pull ups. I can do 15 with a 2 second pause at the bottom, but by the end i'm just barely holding on by my fingertips.
is that LA boulders?
Climb more.
Don't fall for the fingerboard meme if you haven't been climbing for a year or more if you value your fingers.
Weight holds and grip tools.
Go pick up a reasonable weight barbell.
Hold it next to your sides (note: this is a good time to do calf raises or shoulder shrug exercises.) and keep holding it while doing sets, try to get three or four sets in before you put the weights down.
You'll feel it in your arms.
I personally just hang onto my pullup bar sometimes. I just go dead and listen to music so it doesn't hurt as bad.
>bouldering with harness on
>climbing shoes with socks
1/10 made me reply
If you like tits, rock climbing is not the place to meet qt's, otherwise they have nice booty's and arms
Lots of low bodyfat qts and it's easy to make conversation.
I want to try climbing, but there are no gyms in my area and I don't want to invest in gear before knowing whether or not it's something I enjoy doing. What do?
Is climbing the best way to increase grip strength? My deadlift is garbage
Best way? Maybe.
Did it increase my grip strenght? YES
Buy some chalk and try to climb on boulders. Original climbers didn't use fancy footwear anyway.
Unless you live in an area with lots of cliff sides, waterfalls, etc.
Don't get involved.
You need the constant training to be ready for the real thing.
most gyms have rental stuff for cheap, take a friend and go try it out
miura vs master race reporting
been climbing for four or five years, my forearms are bigger than my biceps
>my forearms are bigger than my biceps
Any kind of boulder? Could I just head to the beach, find a big ass rock and start climbing it or would that be stupid/dangerous?
>see this thread
>get really fucking excited
Thought we were talking about a different sort of climbing, but I'd love to try this... Looks fun as hell
I always wanted to meet Popeye.
lots of people have bigger forearms just from doing general labor and zero weightlifting
There are cyclists on Veeky Forums ?
I know how to fix a flat and I once went on a three day, 160 mile bike tour. Does that count?
I ride 30 miles daily. My squat has 100 pounds on my deadlift.
..listen, buddy, I don't know who you are or what kind of cycling you do. Me, I'm a road cyclist on a local team. I train 6 days a week, and in a normal week the 7th day is in the gym doing core strengthening. Yesterday I did 30 minutes continuous at Threshold, a new PR for me. Looking at doing a TT this year, for the first time since I got hurt a few years back, and I think I can win one, or at least place in the top 5. Not bragging, just establishing who I am and what I'm about. Long rides at Threshold are no picnic.
There are two kinds of cyclists: Competitors, and everyone else. I don't care what kind of bike we're talking about, or what terrain you ride on, or how many days or how many miles a week, everyone falls into one of those two categories. The riders who are not competitors? They'll back off if it's starting to get uncomfortable. Why? Because they have *no reason* to push themselves that hard. In terms of training zones, if they push past Endurance and into Tempo or beyond, they won't stay there for more than a very short amount of time before backing off, because it's *uncomfortable* for them, and they don't feel the need to go that fast.
Competitors? They aren't pushing themselves to the point of it being abject suffering for no good reason, they know that on the other side of that suffering, there are *gains*. They know that as the mesocycles go by, they'll be able to go a little faster and a little longer because of that suffering, and they know that from those gains, comes getting that much closer to winning races, or that town-line sprint, or being first to the top of that big climb on the weekly fast group ride, or whatever it is that, for them, translates into 'competition'. Usually it's about some race or another, but it can even mean being the first to the top of that one big climb on the weekly group ride, or just beating your own PR on a set course you ride alone every week. There's a challenge and they feel the need to meet it.
Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in college turning it down for 70k finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.
What do you weigh… 190 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.
Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.
Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.
Its fun brah find a climbing gym and get started.
Muscle wise it's all core and upper body and be flexible and strong bodyweight wise with the lower body will help as well. Weight lifting and climbing can go together but you'd have to modify your routine to just try and gain strength instead of size.
Wow guys it's almost as if you
>are insecure little faggots that need to get off your high horse
>are incapable of realizing that you have no chance against my mastery of kendo and Kung fu.
>tips fedora
>sweeps cape behind myself
>turns 360 degrees and exits room
>what is pasta
You can climb safe as well. Try climbing around the rocks and stay near the ground for example.
My town has shitton of medieval walls which are fun to climb.
>The one activity where being a gymnastics guru is considered a good thing.
what about gymnastics?
Going to a climbing gym for the first time next week. What should I wear? I have some shorts that are kind of like cargo shorts except without the extra pockets and they have an elastic waistband like basketball shorts. If I just wear those and a t-shirt and rent some shoes should I be good to go?
I'd recommend thin socks, given that it's best to climb without them but you don't want to be doing that with hire shoes. It doesn't matter what else you wear unless it restricts your movement.
Wear actual cargo short, that way you can store climbing chalk in the pockets.
Will climbing cure my loneliness
The only way to get better is experience. The harder the stuff you try, the better you'll get. You should jump straight into free soloing for the fastest learning.