Gorilla mode


What program should I follow to gain the strength of a gorilla and the ability to rag doll manlets?

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Why would you want to be like that? When you can't even survive a bullet

Wat the fuk this whole story is unfair to that gorilla

should have shot the kid desu
how do you 'accidentally' fall in without doing something stupid like clinging to the fence

hope the zoo sues his parents

Pathetic humans.

>gorilla trying to protect the child
>gorilla gets killed

wew the supreme human race

Black lives matter

>inb4 retarded /pol/fags defending this

That's what I was thinking too. Fuck the parents.

This, he doesn't even look threatening

You can't predict what a gorilla will do, dragging the kid around like that

Yeah it is, but it couldn't be helped. The kid shouldn't have fallen in, but in that situation you have no option to try and tranq the gorilla. They take a minimum of 15 minutes to take full effect from a dart gun, plenty of time for the gorilla to get mad he was shot.

Kids are stupid, but he didn't deserve to die. It's absolutely his parents fault for not telling the kid off when he started climbing around. They are the type of parents who let their kids run around tables in a restaurant.

>wahh wahh they shot the gorilla and hurt muh fee fees

KEK. You euros are such fucking pussies. If I was there, I'd have been a fucking MAN and shot it myself.

If humans didn't intervene the boy would become the modern age Tarzan

Fuck humans

That video is heavily edited and major parts let out.

Watch this:


Look anons, if it's obvious even to your stupid asses that the gorilla was protecting the kid, don't you think the people who work with them everyday realized this? Despite this, the gorilla is immensely strong and if he accidentally hurt the child from just trying to lead him around then the zoo would most likely be shut down and all the animals there be but into questionable spots along with many people losing their jobs. Especially if they shoot him with a tranq and he accidentally hurt or killed the child while he was being assaulted with the effects of said tranq.

Of course the gorilla didn't deserve it but it was simply the lesser of two evils.

That actually makes me angry. Why is the version that is so heavily circulating around the news and social media the fucking animal rights edit?

>putting a gorilla in a cage in the first place
>"it couldn't be helped"

such an unfortunate accident

yea right broseph??!? so alpha wow

>this is the same kind of insecure retard who posts in every manlet and tfwnogf thread

still can't see the animal deliberately hurting the child

I get it man, still makes me fucking angry. At least I hope any of you who get triggered watching this kind of shit think twice about going to the zoo/circus again

>you can't predict what it would do
Mate it was a 400 pound silverback. If it wanted to do something to a kid, the kid would be dead. And gorillas are primarily vegetarians. He sustained "mild injuries" from a silverback. It was not trying to hurt him.

The gorilla was probably trying to take the boy away from all the screaming.

Because of "graphic images". Same reason news channels don't show shit like people getting beheaded or blown to bits.

>Putting a gorilla in a cage in the first place
Boo hoo, they get 3 meals a day, live in little harems, and are mentally stimulated. Gorillas are endangered, and zoos provide breeding programs at least.

>still can't see the animal deliberately hurting the child
It was dragging the child around the enclosure, just look at how fast it was going. The gorilla could easily injure or kill a child even though it isn't doing it on purpose

Friendo, the 400lb silverback dragged the kid 40 meters by his ankle. It doesn't matter how gentle you think a silverback is, at the flip of a switch it could tear the kid apart with its fingers, and it was playing with the kid. Watch the real video instead of the PETA edit. >And gorillas are primarily vegetarians

It's shit like this that just reinforces me thinking your should literally have to be licensed to become a parent. How can we make it happen?
>m-muh freedoms

It was 100% the kids fault. In the news here I read that the kid squeezed himself through the fence, then fell into the moat.

Any other news company would blur out anything nasty, and preface the story by saying the footage is disturbing. It just shows absolutely the wrong thing out of all this.

>gorillas are the same thing as humans

being so much of a retarded simpleton I don't have a shred of doubt that you would be very happy in a cage with three meals a day, a few prostitutes and a couple puzzles to be "mentally stimulated" for the rest of your life

Ah yes, I'd forgotten all those roids and SS sessions made you bulletproof.

>we took 10 minutes to get there
>we didn't want to use a tranquilizer because it would take an extra 10 seconds to take affect

Why not just admit they were so terrified of lawsuits that they killed a glorious fucking jungle creature?

Man what if that Gorilla went full Hulk on lil dude, WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP

this lol

>le its the parents fault
I'm tired of this fucking excuse. Why do parents have to watch their kids fucking 24/7 every second of their lives? Remember when you were a kid and you were allowed to leave the back yard without your parents worried that you would be raped and murdered?

I hate it when idiots either decide to get in the cage or let their kids run free and animals have to die so that their ass can be saved.

Pump up the edge.

The zookeepers shouldn't have interfered and let the gorilla and the kid hash it out. The only rule of thunderdome is 2 men enter, 1 man leaves.

How the fuck did the kid even get down there?
The fall looks quite high as in it could kill such a small kid.

Also shooting the gorilla sound pretty stupid. What if they missed it's head. An injured gorilla surely would've rekt the kid in mere seconds.

Tranqs sound safer for both of them but what do i know...

>why do parents have to watch their kids 24/7
Because the child is 3 fucking years old. Barely able to walk, talk and breathe.

My parents made sure I didn't have suicidal tendencies like jumping into gorilla enclosures before they let me run around unattended.

It's in the US, the parents will sue the zoo and win a bajillion dollars

how fast do you think a tranquillizer works?

Head shots are instant



>as a parent you can give the same attention to your child in all situations, don't mind if he's playing in the backyard or next to a fucking gorilla cage

you should really think through before posting

Animals get pretty freaked out when they feel the effects of it and they could actually do more damage due to being confused with what they are feeling.

Parents should be shot as well

As much of a simpleton as I may be, I doubt a silverback would feel differently to your little hypothetical scenario.
Get over yourself and your art's degree-tier liberal attitude. You clearly would rather the gorilla species die out entirely.

People who work at zoos and sort out breeding programs have done more for animals than you ever have, and ever will do. Finish your soy latte and close your internet browser, champ ;^)

Because there wasnt media coverage 24/7 watching how they raised their children
Because they had more of you incase the one who was retarded died
Because parents back then taught and practiced common sense
Because they only let their eyes off kids who were intelligent enough to not do stupid shit like that little fucker

>extra 10 seconds
Shut the fuck up. You have no clue about how anaesthetics work.

Is this how it feels to be a black male in racist america?

>Also shooting the gorilla sound pretty stupid
I was thinking about this too. A gorilla is a big animal and a less than perfect shot could have unpredictable consequences

so it's criminally negligent to leave your kid in a hot car, but letting them slip through a goddamn gorilla fence gets a mulligan?

OP here.

I'm still waiting for a program to follow...

Blur out a gorilla dragging a kid? That's just bizarre. You blur out nudity and gore.

Anyway they reported it pretty accurately, the gorilla dragged the kid around. The only thing misleading is how fast the gorilla could move.

I was speaking generally, frankly they shouldn't have released any footage at all if they just edited it to the parts where it looks like the gorilla is protecting the kid. They should have just shown the kid getting hoisted to his feet and crying, and that's it. The rest of it was bullshit.

doctors hate me for revealing this neat trick for unlocking gorilla gains

I believe in free information

>mommy loves you
Something about this just seems so disingenuine. Almost like acting. Id be hyperventilating and screaming if that was my kid. I have a feeling maybe the parents let him fall hoping to get money. Either way they should check the security footage for sure

> It's absolutely his parents fault for not telling the kid off when he started climbing around. They are the type of parents who let their kids run around tables in a restaurant.

yeah sure but the parents being fucking cretins doesn't change the fact that the zoo did the right thing under the circumstances

>hyperventilating and screaming if that was my kid
Which would do absolutely nothing.

>breeding programs at zoos are a well proven method for preserving wild life, not for making money at the expense of turists
>what is assortive mating, habitat loss and behavioural change
>thinking every zoo in the world gives two fucks about breeding programs
>"I'm going to asume everything about this individual in order to win an argument I already lost two posts ago"

>thinking a wild animal can be very well accommodated in a cage
>giving a fuck about what zoos do in order to protect endangered species

you should only pick one if you don't want to look like the retarded hypocrite you are

because it's not your fucking backyard

it's a zoo. If anything a 3 year old running around in a crowded place like that would've gotten lost or kicked in the face by the crowd.

This was just a freak accident that he managed to slip through

>tfw I'm going to this zoo next week because my mom's company picnic is gonna be there
I'm gonna buy a stuffed gorilla in rememberence.

oh. didn't know he was 3

Its called a reaction, not a solution

Stupid fucking baby and stupid fucking parents. Jail em for endangering or neglecting their child.

I already said that though. I'm not disagreeing with you, I know the zoo did all they could

immersion will get you the most effective results, just like learning a language

>I'm going to pull shit out of my ass that I think supports my argument, but can't prove a lick of it, hopefully he'll take the bait

>Pretending to know the specifics of a zoo breeding program, thinking you know better, and criticising their efforts (Again, the workers there have done more for animals than you ever have, why doesn't this sink in?)
>Lecturing others about being a hypocrite
Apex fucking kek, m8. Give up.

You're a fucking idiot.

Besides that, the kids parents are retards for letting their kid slip away like that.

>mfw if the kid got ripped limb from limb right of the bat
>mfw the parents stare in horror
>mfw they realize the should be better parents

holy shit lmao

>anyways, when I have a kid yall can laugh at me because I'm gonna use a leash

But they get even more freaky from getting shot for sure. What if they didn't land a perfect shot?

Also a nice way to traumatize the kid. Fucking gorilla brains splattering all over him.

I'm done. This is the stupidest thing I've read all year. I don't want to live on this planet if parents think they don't have to watch their kids at the zoo.

I don't really feel sorry for the kid either. Both the kid and the parents are idiots.

>be 17-year-old 400-lb silverback gorilla
>hanging out in the shallow water near the big rock looking for a mate
>Stacy-Kong isn't impressed by my lmao12pl8 deadlift, feeling like a sad cunt
>hear a bunch of humans screaming, nothing unusual
>look up and see them gawking at me, figure they're just mirin my juicy gorilla delts
>oh shit everyone is watching I better do something impressive to show off for the gorilla sloots
>start beating my chest and making gorilla noises, but the humans just keep screaming in their unintelligible human babble
>realize that one of their babies has fallen inside the enclosure
>it just sits there staring at me
>figure I'll take it and show it all my favorite trees and rocks while I wait for the humans to come get it and bring it back to its stupid parents
>dragging the man-baby around, having a great time
>Oh shit wait this is perfect! What better way to prove myself a good mate than to show I can be a good father?
>Decide to just stand over the man-baby and protect it until the other humans come get it.
>standing there waiting, look at man-baby, realize that it's not so different than gorilla baby, except weaker and less hairy
>make Harranby have weird feelings of maybe having his own children
>thinking of Stacy-Kong, and how impressed she'll be when she finds out I saved a hu-
>last thing I see before darkness is the laughing man-baby, and in the background I can see Chad-Kong grinning and picking bugs out of Stacy-Kong's hair

Parents fault 100%, however, killing Gorilla was really the only choice, gorillas can bend steel with their fingers and tear trees from their roots barehanded, could easily kill child instantaneously.

>I'm reading something real that counters my argument, must be b8 kkekekek

the only thing I'm criticising is your mental retardation tho, why are you in so much denial?

stop trying to convince me and your anonymous friends that you're not stupid, talk to a mirror instead bro

I don't feel sorry for him either. But i can't help thinking how they concluded that shooting the gorilla right off the bat was the smartest idea.

Also why the fuck were all the people screaming and causing more stress for the gorilla. Fucking idiots.

hes fuckin afraid of the banana, he didnt do shit. welcome to america

>Damn he didn't take my bait, I'll sling names at him and attempt to bait him again by saying he's stupid
You're gunna have to heap on more bait than that if you wanna leave humanity behind and embrace total liberal cuckdom, c'mon!

>constantly implying he's not gonna take the bait
>keeps replying to every post I make

wew you really are unbaitable m8

>Getting mad while I play games with your tight bussy and don't take a single post you make seriously

>could easily kill child instantaneously
There's 7 billion people on this planet. Why so bad about one retard toddler getting pulverized?

Kys then faggot


Nah, it's only other people i don't care about.

Literally can't stop. I own your mind right now lol.

Then stop me from replying, oh powerful one

I'll let you take one more pitiful attempt before I am done with you. Go ahead.


What makes you think the Gorilla would do that, though? It was clearly just protecting the child.


they shot the wrong one

should have just post-birth aborted the niglet right there

he's gonna end up getting shot in 12 years anyway after trying to rob dekwans drugs in chimpcongo

>Kids are stupid, but he didn't deserve to die
yes they do, its called natural selection
if you wander too far into someones territory/too far off without your own group you will get yourself killed

>impersonating me for this


You got rekt
Deal with it

>not even checking the writing


>he's still going
Lol you can't even think for yourself anymore

>dragged the boy violently
>gorilla almost died because retarded parents

Poor gorilla. Not much else they could do but shoot him I guess but its still sad. Bet the little shit of a kid didnt even learn anything from this.

the gorilla did die

you're being so delusional and ridiculous I legit don't even know for sure if you are the same retarded user I was arguing with two hours ago or just another guy who doesn't know who's replying to

So, first they imprison this endangered gorilla, then when some mulatto kid decides to jump into his enclosure they kill the gorilla for it?