ITT hormones/steroids that actually help

ITT hormones/steroids that actually help

Also, Veeky Forums
My bf and I are gym virgins and we are starting to go to the gym this friday.
We are full motivated about it. We are both a bit overweight (around 25~27 BMI).
We know what we want: get rid of the belly, then get fit and get ripped.
We also know what exercises and diet to follow (i'm a physical therapist).


We want to help the process with meds/pills/something, but injections are off the table.
I know won't use any of the things you say here right away - I just want to gather information and opinions

Don't over do it with oral steroids, bad for your liver.

Eat clen
Tren hard
Test the limits
Anavar give up

I hope this is bait, but oral only cycles are usually a waste. Eat right and work out and enjoy noob gains.

Also post exactly what you two plan on eating (macros), programs, sleep habits. If something is off, we could point you in a direction, if not, good luck on your journey.

not bait... I'm actually noob about this.
is there anytjing we can take to help get our goals?

of course we are going to eat right and work out... we want something to get where we want maybe not only faster, but better

Understood. Still, I've read in lots of places that people takes lots of pills... hormones, steroids and such.

Our intentions are not to find a magical pill to get us ripped in 2 weeks with little work... We want only something that "helps" the process

>injections are off the table
If you're afraid of a little needle, maybe you should reconsider.

its not that...
i get the feeling these are too invasive, and of course the effects are lost after you stop injecting... thats fact

Steroids and hormones are both effective, but come with great health impliciations, such as shrinking testicles, HPTA suppression (no sex drive) and infertility, acne, dry skin, hair loss, bad cholesterol, gyno et cetera, depending on how well you plan out your PCT and schedule

There are steroids you can take in pill-form, but they are not very mainstream and generally considered even worse for your health

For a woman, you likely don't want to use steroids, since it'll turn her into a man (clitoris grows massively etc)

All of these are illegal in almost all countries, btw, about on the same level as e.g. heroin

You can research SARMs if you want, they are more suitable to women and can be taken orally, or just do the normal thing and eat well + take creatine, why the fucking hurry

Loss of LBM when you are off-cycle is no different between injectables and pills, you will either have to work hard to maintain or lose a good amount.

Either way, pills are a LOT more harmful in the long term

That's the kind of stuff i wanted to hear DESU. TY.

I was unsure if to take pills or no. Now I've made my mind. Not taking them. Going the safe route.

Fat people are the fucking worst
>Never worked out
>Never ate healthy
>Want to take the shortcut

if you want to expedite the weight loss process, you're going to want to supplement with DNP. start with 5 grams a day to assess tolerance. Also, it can be hard on your stomach so be sure to eat simple carbohydrates like crackers and sugar.

Ephederine and caffeine if you want to lose weight slightly more quickly.

Being overweight generally exacerbates the negative effects of AAS, since fat cells are one of the sites where aromatization of Test to Est happens.

if your serious, start exercising and eating right first. When you can go a few months without a bag of fucking doritos maybe you can then add a stack or some sort.

The issue is not bad eating habits... Its sedentarism, which will be easily resolved with the gym.

Get your hate elsewhere. We are not fat. We do eat healthy, and no, we dont want a shortcut, we will do the whole lifestyle change... Just wanted a bit of extra help


Get cut : DNP

No need to even buy a gym membership

>I don't want a shortcut! I just want to get there faster with training wheels because I'm pathetic
Sounds like you want a shortcut. Start tracking your calories and macros. Get .82 g of protein per lb of lbm (lbm, not bw).
The fact that you say you eat "healthy" without giving us some numbers such as caloric intake, macros/micros, etc, it shows that you don't actually know what healthy is.
See that dinosaur running around at the top of the front page of fit? Click him and READ.

Tell me about Test, Veeky Forums. I hear you can get trt swabs/patches that are absorbed through the skin. Are these effective, and where to buy? (Uk)

>oral 'steroids' from Argentina
>probably just llama piss straight from the llamas' dick
>no clue what they're doing
>asks Veeky Forums

..listen, idiot:
Throw that shit in the trash. READ THE FUCKING STICKY, quit being a fat faggot, GET YOUR FAT ASS TO THE GYM AND WORK and never mind the bullshit.

Now get the fuck out of here, fatty. You're stinking up the place.

>physical therapist
>on Veeky Forums

>never stepped foot in a gym
>so what juice should i hop on?
are you american by any means?


that ain't a steroid big fella, that makes your tyroid do retarded shit, get some test, 250mg e3d for at least 12 weeks and eat clean faggot.

> no patches. Only oil. there's a thread, and lurk more.

this.probably some idiot female who paid $$$ for some shitty 3rd grade certificate from some massage academy as a physiotherapist's assistant and she thinks she's a PT now.
i got news for you OP: you're not a physiotherapist if you dont work out and if you don't own your own office and are actively pracisting your profession.

Focus on the diet if you take every fat burner in the world it won't help with McDonald's 5x a day. Once you've nailed your diet for quite a few months, then you can look into fat burners and such. Once again, fat burners will do nothing without a clean diet. Supplements 'supplement' a good diet. They arent a replacement.

Fucking lose weight by eating less and doing cardio first.

Then hit the gym, get a solid routine going, then hit the gear.

Nothing wrong with a little supplementing but if you've never been to the gym before, you don't know what the fuck you're doing and will just end up injuring yourself.

Nail you fucking form and get some decent stats going before you hit the gear. Not saying you need to hit the magic 4/3/2/1 figure that people go on about (though it's a good aiming point and not too tricky to get to with the right routine) but hitting the gear before you've even touched a barbell is just fucking retarded.

Also, on the gear itself -

- Why are you against injectables? You aren't shooting up heroin, the injections are intramuscular and painless. Some sting a bit, but nothing too bad. They're also MUCH safer as orals are often hepatotoxic (fuck up your liver). You can't sustain an oral only cycle for long as a result.

Also, don't ignore the side-effects, but make sure you have enough knowledge and resources to mitigate them if they come. Some are totally avoidable (gyno, hypogonadism) with the right PCT, some stuff is going to happen anyway. Gear making your hair fall out? It was going to fall out anyway, the gear is just accelerating the process.

DBOLish your goals
GHet huge
Keep husSLIN
Winny it all

can't read retarded comments, sorry

wow people here are really stupid
but you win the price...
did I say i bought and take that thing?
did I say they were steroids?
did I say I don't know what they do?

seriously... go get some attention from mommy

oh my god my sides
you people are actually this retarded
you can't read, dont you?

>implying I don't practice my profession
>implying I didn't study 5 years to earn 120k salary

only useful comment but
>Fucking lose weight by eating less and doing cardio first.
>Then hit the gym, get a solid routine going, then hit the gear.
where do you all guys get the idea I'm here asking "what to do to lose weight?"
I KNOW that eating less and doing cardio first is needed... DUH
I'm not asking that

I get it. We will start as normal... getting used to a good routine and then see what there is after a lot of research.

I'm against injectables because, like I already said, I THINK they're more invasive. That's not a fact, that's an opinion, and obviously like I ALSO already said, I don't know almost anything about "the gear" and I'm precisely here to gather some info.

OK, that's all cool. I was just making that point because so many don't realise that. Good that you've got your head screwed on!

As for learning more about gear - Reddit's Steroid Wiki is very informative, as is their steroid forum.

Obviously this is Veeky Forums, but our steroid talk threads (normally called /fraud/) are also full of good info with very little trolling - mostly.

I realise your stance on injecting, but remember this is science we're talking here. If you want to do this right, you have to think scientifically, accept the facts/evidence and go with that. Yes, injecting seems more invasive, but like I say its the opposite. Please read as much as you can about this shit before taking the plunge, it's extremely important to your health and well-being. Steroids are literally magic when you do them right, but if you fuck up you can cause serious damage.

maybe we get the idea that youre interested in steroids/other 'magic pills' because you said so.
also everything that you need to know is already stated.
>i know how to diet and exercise
>i dont want to use gear
then what is your question then?

of course... I'm only doing that... gathering info - as much as I can - before doing anything related to taking some supplements

you, as almost everyone else in this topic, can't read very well apparently.
I don't want to skip all the working out and diet. I don't want a pill to do anything for me with little effort.
I WANT all the effort... working out, eat healthy, change habits. I was asking if there's anything (hopefully not so invasive as I ignorantly think injectables are) that can help reach the goal a bit better,
I asked for information. Is there some supplement that actually helps in the beginning of the process? If not, idgaf! We'll start working out anyway!


thank you.
this is the kind of stuff I need. That you guys that "know" about this subject point me out to things so I can research about it.