Training for mass instead of strength

>training for mass instead of strength

>doesn't have the discipline to stop shoveling fast food down throat



sup 3 plate benchtwinks reporting in

>Training for mass or strength instead of endurance.


>he trains for endurance when we have cars for travel

Preach. Doing SS with nothing but rice, noodles, chicken, milk, and whey + olive oil. I fucking hate eating. Getting 3600kcal is murder.

maybe he means going for low reps heavy weight instead of 50 reps light weight? retard.

maybe that guy is in the SAS or hes a NAVY seal and hes gotta walk/run for fucking miles every day.

not everyone has a shitty office job doing nothing.

where did you pull that magic 50 reps from?

>He takes cars when he could fly via magical cloud.


Why not train for both

>posting on this Zimbabwean Tile Polishing Forum

>bearmode alpha .jpg

>lifting for women instead of men

>not training strength for 6 months to a year, to get close to your maximum strength potential
>not focusing on explosivity and cardio to develop as much power as possible
>not having trained martial arts since childhood
>not developing a powerful, explosive, stronk, lean, aesthetic body
It is like you guys dont even WANT to enter sage northcutt mode.

>tfw way stronger than i look
>tfw they're shocked by my 3plaet bench

How does it feel that you will never get noticed by women like you want to?

maybe they live in a proper city where you can bike and walk to work

>>not training strength for 6 months to a year, to get close to your maximum strength potential

what did i just read

>weighted dips

>lifting for strength is some kind of excuse or reason to be fat or unaesthetic


>any year

I hit 1.5/3/4/5 before I realized aesthetics were all I cared about past that point

Lean + strong is better in every possible way than bulk. Well, except for maybe impressing Veeky Forums. Who are you trying to impress?

>Implying soldiers in the Year of the Lord 2016 need to travel on foot for long distances at a time.

You're better off as a strong guy than a cardiofag in actual military Service.

There's a recent Video from rippetoe with James yeager where they talk about that.

Being able to carry your buddy who weighs a shitton including gear is more valuable than Jogging or Trekking for miles.

Define fast food

In reality, but what fitness tests/standards does the military use?

>trying to make le epic funny dragonball reference
>calling it magical cloud and not jindujun

This tbqhf
Powerlifters are bodybuilders who gave up

i started my cut yesterday. i went down to clean 3800kcal. try getting big.

That's the main point they bring up.
The military pretty much refuses to acknowledge that strength is more important than endurance.
Of course you need to have decent cardiovascular health and performance as well, but it's really secondary on today's battlefields.

>calling it that weeb trash name instead of just Flying Nimbus

Strength-based programs _are_ for size and strength. You're just not doing retarded shit like back day and 18 sets for chest growth. There should be an integral bodybuilding component in every strength program.

Post body
I can tell you're a rookie

Powerlifters are those that realized there's a huge gap between natural bodybuilders and enhanced bodybuilders, there is a much smaller gap for powerlifting

>not realising that "training for strength" on this board means doing 5 reps or below on heavy compounds and hypertrophy rep ranges for everything else

like he said
>training for mass instead of strength

you're going to look marginally better and be far weaker, training for mass is only worthwhile if you're on gear

Close to maximum strength carryover, i should have said

Obviously a 5 year bench is waaay stronger than a 1 year bench, but a lot of that is refining motor patterns, and mastering technique.

If you start doing mma style training, you would lose a lot of that bench strength.

Because at that point you are getting stronger for the bench while only negligibly getting stronger for things that arent the bench.

Now too realize strength training does slow down explosivity a little, which is an entirely reversible process.
E.g. When you bench, your biceps partially engage to act as a counter balance against the tricep and chest. This increases stability and allows for heavier lifting (hence it is a byproduct of strength training). However this slows down the pushing explosivity of the upper body. If you start doing ballistic work, plyo push ups, and similar explosive lifting, you can retain only so much strength while training explosivity.

If you trained 2 years strength, then developed your cardio and explosivity, you would find you had lost significant strength gains.

If you trained 6 months - 1 year (however long it takes to deadlift 500lb essentially), you would find you retain almost ALL of your strength, even while having immense explosivity and cardiovacular capacity.

Sounds like broscience, but well accepted by scientifically minded mma trainers

Oly lifting is an exception. You can train that pretty heavy the whole way through, but even high rep oly is preferred for the anaerobic cardio factor

You again

Strength has pretty much become secondary to accuracy with a gun or whatever training pilots get

Most upper level competitive shooters are very fit and usually quite strong and athletic.

Found the guy whos too lazy to count calories and too much of a pussy to cut

I have 20lbs to gain before I fill out my weight class. Go ahead and point to where you think I'm wrong

You're just attacking the person and not the point.

I'm not attacking you, I have no idea what your stupid trip is.
I'm saying most powerlifters are people who wanted to bodybuild/look good/ or physique compete and gave up because it was hard. Mainly due to being too lazy to count calories for leanbulking and to cut. So they look like shit and decide to eat uncontrolled shit and chase PRs.

>Training for strength instead of aesthetics.
Literally, why ever do this unless you're a professional powerlifter?

Strength is worth far less in the real world than looks.

>I'm not attacking you
>too lazy
>too much of a pussy

Back to your point: you give yourself away as a rookie because you fail to realize that powerlifting is a weight class sport, so there is only one weight class that does not have to be lean to be competitive.

Mostly we don't have to cut calories because getting "shredded" or stage ready makes performance suffer.

Most competitive powerlifters are between 10-15% bodyfat, the lower end at lighter weights, higher at heavier.

See, you're implying that it's one or the other

Training for strength is training for aesthetics you nonce. There is no major difference except one pays attention to progression of lifts.

>Shows up to gym wearing basketball shorts
>Trains for strength

Someone get me off of this ride

>Training for strength is training for aesthetics you nonce. There is no major difference except one pays attention to progression of lifts.
What is this? A meme? Why are you spreading lies like faggot?

Being strong didn't necessarily mean aesthetic. Most competitive lifters don't look like models.

You're just using a picture that was made by an artist, not somebody with knowledge or lifting experience

Post that sexy body already, you're such a tease

Training for function is the only real reason to train.

If you're training to body build, your a shallow compensating tool.

If your training for strength, you're fat.

The only reason to train if you're not fat or dumb is to perform better athletically.

>Holy fuck that squat
None of the dudes in this picture could squat that much but most people would say their bodies 'look' better. It's all about them proportions.

Whether or not he looks better could be up to debate. He's incredibly aesthetic. He's probably "too big" for most but he's natty and the guys you posted look lean and dry because they're almost all on gear. It creates that hard look

It's not a bad thing to want to catch a glimpse of your potential.

Also, if you were bedridden for long enough like I was, you would begin to appreciate the necessity and novelty of physical strength.

It is a beautiful thing.

Lmao,summer is really coming our way,isn't it.
Thanks based boardie for destroying these dyels,you must defend the board that houses our safe heaven.

*pat pat*