Will this kill me?

Will this kill me?

I hope so.

yea, hopefully

sparkling water + caffeine tabs + shiton of sugar or aspartame or whatever + fruit juice

> actual not so bad energizer

I used to drink 6 day in a 14-15 hour period. As much as I would've accepted cardiac failure, it never happen. Results may vary.

Open it
Shove it up your ass
Do jumping jacks
Post results

How do we give up the true liquid jew?
It was easy giving up rest of the shit food, alcohol and tobacco but this shit right here.

is this drink a meme yet?

Yes, I drink two a day now thanks to these fucking threads

no, it will kill your gains

White monster sucks. Green is best desu.

It would be extremely painful

Yes. Those 3 lines making the M stand for 666.

It's a drink of chemicals never tested over long stretches of time. Not that it needs to be. It's purpose is to be unhealthy. Etc.

I used to be a victim of these drinks.

>not Rip It

non-operator detected

It's like a carbonated blue powerade isn't it.

I do not see the problem with it

0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 carbs

its just caffeine with a little erythritol which is the best sweetener to have sans stevia

christ that's a lot of liquid. can you drink half of the total amount of oz's in water within that period?

Aspartame will give you cancer. It is scientifically proven by science. That shit is worse than cyanide.

monster is operator as fuck

it does not contain aspartame. it has erythritol

>everything will give you cancer, being alive will give you cancer

>I do not see the problem with it

you forgot the enormous list of chemicals in Monsters

Probably just renamed aspartame. Don't trust those Monsanto crooks.

Not gonna defend caffeinated sugar water, but strictly on a Christian dogma level, 666 might be what you want in a drink that is supposed to give you energy.

Think about it, who tempts mankind with knowledge? Who takes pride in building his body? Who has the courage to rise up and challenge heaven? Who has the determination to still not give up after literally an eternity of being punished in hell?

On the other hand, who wants you to stay in naive bliss? Who wants you to just worship Him and be grateful for it? Who wants you to just feel bad about your "sins" and seek forgiveness, yet never do anything meaningful to change them? Who sent His son to "die" so you can be guilt tripped into obedience?

Once again, monster is definitely not a good thing to constantly be consuming for so many health reasons... But it's definitely not because they associate themselves with Lucifer

decent point but excessive in wording.


Rip It is the Tier1 of energy drinks tho

Sharing what a wise Veeky Forumsizen once spoke about with coffee, or caffeine in general. Caffeine doesn't have detrimental effects over time, but the side effects of addiction and withdraw are both psychological and physiological. I used to drink Monster Rehabs and Monster Zeros; low calorie but constantly drinking them on a daily basis in college contributed into turning me into a social retard over time.

I'm down to a single cup of coffee a day, but giving up caffeine is harder than adderall, at least for me.

Christian Guzman and the Pianoman are on video drinking those so you should be fine

Checked for Bane

Nah, ive put bigger things up my butt and lived, youll be fine