Sooo Veeky Forums.... tried to kill myself with some fast acting insulin.... took 10ml or 1000units. Woke up sore as fuck and with a mean ass pump in time for work.... things clearly didnt go as i wanted any med fags here know exactly how much i need. Like preferably enough to hit that coma faster than the seizures.
Sooo Veeky Forums.... tried to kill myself with some fast acting insulin.... took 10ml or 1000units...
go crazy
Nah man just remember we're all gonna make it brah. Go do some squats.
I technically did make it... making it didnt make it better.. by every Veeky Forums definition i made it.. 6'8... money... nice car... gainz...
If you're going to do it, don't be a fucking pussy and over dose, just go with or buy a gun.
Over and out, boom, dead.
Yeah just forgot happiness
you are also missing qt girlfriend m8 not there yet so dont give in yet
Did that... qt gfs dont help
Shes not qt at all and u are black
And leave a big ass bloody mess for whoever gets to clean up after me... i tried hanging the only thing i could think of hanging myself off of was like a bridge or some shit since im so tall.
we said qt gf, not some monster like that girl
>azn gf
>hickey on neck
What is the name of your insulin analog? Is it fast acting, long acting? Depends on your weight. 500 U insulin lispro will kill you outright.
Novolog R fast acting
If you actually care about people having to clean up after you then you must not really want to do it
Don't die bro.. :(
Whatever is bothering you, it will get better.
Just buy a suitcase of fun drugs and a cabin. Live in the woods while high as fuck and talking to frogs.
Cant be that bad?
go in to detail with why you want to kill yourself, be honest
what in you wants to die?
Non pharma grade insulin is usually shit.
You will get hypoglycemic encephalopathy at best.
Go see a psychiatrist and demand cbt.
>t. Pharm student
>Non pharma grade
Nvm .
Dude don't sweat it. You can easily keep going until you hit 40. I was planning on 30 years old if nothing started to give and I found I just need a readjustment.
Cured my depression. It's still there, just a hell of a lot less. I'm not perfect but who cares? I'm just going to keep going until it kills me and aim to hit my mark.
Vivere militare! Life is being a soldier!
Why don't you just go and do tons of drugs try everything and go out guns blazin' ?