No deadlifts or squats

Hey Veeky Forums

What happens if I don't incorporate deadlifts or squats in my workout? I have a bad back and my doctor suggested I stay away from those two particular exercises if I want my back to remain healthy.

Will I end up with fucked up proportions? What else can I do to make sure I don't lose out on potential gains?

Other urls found in this thread: escobar

first tell me who is grill

Deadlifting with a bad back is difficult, but squats are def possible.

Start out light and make sure every rep is on point.

You can have a great physique without those. Just make sure to do other exercises that target those muscles and you're gold.

doctors don't necessarily give great advice when it comes to strength training.

do you want to know how i know you're dyel as shit? escobar

Go for Christian Bale mode.

Dudes on Veeky Forums will post leg day memes at you, but the rest of the world won't care, and will think you look better than a Ripplesaurus.

Back injuries suck and will literally hurt your entire life. If your back is already shaky, I'd stay away from lifts known to put a ton of strain on the back.

Learn to front squat mehn. I've been strength training for a year and plan to join a powerlifting meet but Fucked up my lower back. Currently recovering and building up my front squat to keep up my back squat and deadlift. Has good carry over. Gotta make.sure you get build that volume in :)

thank you friend

Dudes on Veeky Forums don't necessarily give great advice when it comes to important health decisions.

Don't worry, you'll just be skinny and weak, user!

okay thank you for the information that i already had access to and did not ask for

>stay away from those two particular exercises if I want my back to remain healthy
What kind of stupid ass advice is that? Back is bad and weak, OK try not to strengthen it. Makes perfect sense.

275 squat 365 deadlift 210 bench 135 press

this is what an athlete actually looks like

Use the diamond bar.
Much less stress for the back.
Get stronger (not visible) abs.
Abs keep your spine from crashing itself.
Make your back weakness stronger.

>do the math

This. Why anyone would want huge fucking legs is beyond me, they're unaesthetic and no normie gives a fuck about your legs. If anything, someone will point out small calves before small Quads. You only get one body brehs, snap your shit up and your done.

I would recommend talking to a physiotherapist aswell (not a personal trainer, unless they're a physiotherapist) since they'll probably give you better advice when it comes to strength training.

You can of course have a nice body without those exercises. My back is pretty bad as well because of incorrect form on squats and deadlifts from when I was younger. Snap city.

That is completely my fault though and the pain remains even after tweaks and adjustments to my form. I'm staying away from those exercises until I find someone who can properly teach me. I'm at peace with that and my back feels fine now. You don't know how bad back pain is until you actually have it. Always prioritize your health.

If I could continue squatting and deadlifting I would strongly recommend it. They were my favorite exercises, oh well, back to front squats and romanian deadlifts.

Athletes are pretty blurry

christian bale mode is practically every mode under the sun

i move too fast for the camera

Deadlifts and squats are entirely optional. For The only reason they are so popular are: very large bang for their buck time wise - multiple major muscle groups hit all at once = less isolation work needed. A secondary reason is because some people get a thrill out of overall lifting the heaviest weight their body can handle, which is only possible via exercises that recruit multiple muscle groups.

Physique wise - your body doesn't care what the stimulus for muscle adaptation/growth was. It literally matters 0% which exercises you choose (compounds vs iso) so long as you are stressing whatever muscle for an adequate period of time under tension.

I stopped doing both a long time ago because I simply didn't enjoy them. I compensate by doing multiple isolation movements for each muscle group that would have been hit. Yes it is more time consuming, but the hobby is supposed to be enjoyable. If it isn't enjoyable you won't look forward to going to the gym, you'll miss workouts, etc. Find adequate substitutes, make your own routine, keep making gains.

this guy sums it up sorta

there are also the benefit of of connective tissues (bones/tendons/ligament) that you'll be missing out on when comparing compound vs iso

Are lunges sufficient to replace both then just to ret the bare minimum of aesthetic looking legs? With dumbbells ofc

Lunges alone, no. Not even close. Here's what I do for legs in light of the fact that I don't squat or DL.

Quads - Leg Extensions + Lunges
Ham's - Laying leg curls + stiff legged DL
Glutes - Cable kickbacks + weighted hyper extensions

Sometimes i'll sub in a different iso, but those are the usual go-to's.

>cant even deadlift lmao4pl8
>lol k

leg presses
exercise bike
glute bridges
leg curls/leg extensions
back exercises
ab exercises

all these generally do the same shit, big legs look gay as fuck anyways, just worry about getting them muscular and defined, not bloated, you don't NEED squats and deadlifts, but they are two parts of the "all mighty triumvirate" so progress may vary

That's some shit tier quadricep genetics

eh? look like normal quads to me

If you have access to a prowler or sled, you can develop pretty good legs. Sled harness at the hip is very safe for the back.
Normally, you do these for conditioning. But to build strength/size, you need to do shorter pulls/pushes with a fuckton of weight (i do 10x25yard prowlers with 500lbs on turf). Weight needed will depend on the surface.
The main issue is that shoe grip becomes an issue as you progress.

Other tips:
High poles on prowler is posterior dominant.
Low poles on prowler are still posterior dominant but substantially involve the quads.
Dragging a sled in reverse is a great quad finisher after front squat.
A harness, a debris container, and a thick rope works as a ghetto sled. A wheelbarrow with the wheels/bottom knocked off his GOAT.


Athletes look different depending on the sport nigga
I would guess your baseball