What happens when you go to the gym tired?

What happens when you go to the gym tired?

I slept like 4h lastnight cuz insomnia but i went to the gym anyway, i could barely lift the weight i did last workout and hurt my hip flexors, didnt even have time to stretch and forgot to

this hipflexor pain is fucking hell, it like randomly triggers lots of pain while i walk

anyone else has these bad days?

pls respond

you pass out lifting and people do stuff to your body

Yes. Its the worst fucking gains goblin there is.

i sleep 5h max each night and workout at the morning before work.. it has little to no effect on lifting if you manage to push hard in the gym while being tired (discipline, mental strength)..

I do drugs to feel awake, then I lift.

Not op but also have sleep problems. Anyone ever cure their insomnia?

I drink c4.

Nothing will destroy your body like lack of sleep. Find out what is causing your insomnia and get to fixing it. The problem is likely psychological.

Thanks for the help

>guys what happens when i'm tired and can't lift very well

nigga the fuck you want from us, we're not your fucking therapist. fix your shit.

lie in bed completely surrendered in body and in mind, let go of all control and focus, relax your awareness like you're a dead body

you may think, i cannot let go of that though? yes, let go of that too and leave everything behind

yeah i'm on a big cut so every day is a bad day

just get used to it, some days are good, most of them are shit. stuff like pre workout and caffeine pills help if you can only lift early morning or don't get much sleep.

>guys i can't sleep and i'm tired from lack of sleep
uhhhh....get some sleep then faggot, what did you expect

i don't.

i know i wouldn't be able to make progress--if anything i'd regress---so if i feel like shit, i skip.

granted, this happens very, very rarely. i try to make sure to get at LEAST 6 hours of sleep a night + a 1/2 hour nap after work. the few times i failed @ this sucked... but i don't work out when i' m tired. working out should make me feel amazing, but when i'm exhausted, that's not gonna happen. so i take a rest day... if i really, really need to. but only tif i reaaaallly, really need to.

confirmed for never having experienced insomnia

it's really not that simple bruh

we do the best we can

>Wee i didnt get my full 8 hours of sleep every night


why the fuck are you asking a bunch of shitposters on an image forum when you know you have a legitimite problem

go to your doc

i'm not the OP.

a doctor, physio or shrink, will not cure insomnia. ultimately, there are obvious solutions--a.)resolve stress and b.) eliminate stimulants or at least reduce intake/consume earlier in the day. i have made strides in both, but sometimes i just wake up way too early and/or my mind doesn't want to shut itself off. i deal with it by eating well enough to maintain energy levels on a moderate amount of sleep, if necessary, and by taking naps.

yeah i used to think i was hardcore for getting by on shitty amounts of sleep, too.

then i realized feeling like shit =/= an accomplishment.

taking care of yourself is 100% more commendable.

Try melatonin. I used a noisemaker for a little while, but with mixed results. I was able to fall asleep better because I could focus on the sound it was making and think less, but my sleep was not as restful. Excercising and eating right will help a little bit too, so you're on the right track there. Cardio more so. Also, don't lay in your bed unless it's time to sleep, so your body assocites it more with sleepytime. Try sleep hypnosis videos or just find something generally relaxing to listen to before you go to sleep. There are people who make whisper videos on youtube, and massage demonstration videos helped me too sometimes.

It's basically about breaking the habit of not sleeping. Just like how you have to form a habbit of going to the gym, you have to form a habit of being able to sleep.

You can sleep. You can beat this terrible shit. You will beat it. You will get regular rest after you form a habit of sleeping, and then you'll go to the gym and get swole as fark.

meditation before sleeping.

>inb4 meditation is new age broscience
While it doesn't make you dalai lama, it sure makes your brain stop running (if you consistently meditate). Start of with 5mins or so, then increase the time the more experience you get

forgot to remove your name bruh

You think.

>guys what happens when i do x? I did it, so I have experienced what happens but tell me anyway

I once asked myself this question too and read some scientific studies. I came to the conclusion that: Being tired won't decrease the performance your body can put out, but it will increase the rate of perceived exertion. So you will feel more tired but you could still perform the same. This is even true if you didn't sleep for 24h. Not sure what happens if you stay awake for much longer or what the effects of chronic sleep deprivation are. I just looked at acute sleep deprivation.