How can I stop this from happening after lifting?

How can I stop this from happening after lifting?

Ditch underwear all together , or change them often .

change underwear 1xdaily

Wear a pad.

>735.622 days after jesus was born
>still using underwear

eat less grease

even better,
>squat plug

Baby wipes after you shit, bro. Trust me.

the fuck do you do with the wipes? You can't flush them. The only alternative is to put them in the trash and that's fucking disgusting. They need to come up with a decent wet wipe that's flushable.

You flush them.
Does your toilet have third world water pressure?

toot n poot before you squat

They are pretty harsh on your septic. They don't really ever break down like toilet paper does and thus can cause major back up if used a lot. Water pressure has little to do with it.

What if you live in an apartment complex that houses a ton of people? Does this still apply?

Cute diapers :3c

Squat plug. If you don't have, then use a tampon or pad.

Thats IF you have a septic tank for your house. Plus they make flushable wipes, y know

Take showers after pooping

Or buy a bidet like the civilized nations the world

This happens sometimes when i have squats/DLs, even when i dry wipe into wet wipe into dry wipe, the underwear just gets sucked into your asshole and all the shit dissolved sweat just gathers on your underwear, this can happen even if you are clean.

Does your shower have a detachable head? If so, when you have your shower, squat down and rinse that shit good. If I have time in the morning, I'll stick a finger up my newly clean sphincter while im at it. And fondle my balls at the same time.

No homo

Rake your arsehole out with a fucking pineapple OP

wash your butthole in the shower for maximum hygiene gains

Rinse them off and use them as dinner napkins.

Jihadi here, we muslims wash our bums with water and tp after we shit (I'm pretty diehard about it) and I have never had shit stains in my underwear aside from when I've legitimately shit myself.

honestly getting enough sleep stops it for me. For some reason sleeping less than 9 hours makes my digestive system just give up

Shove paper towels up your ass and walk around. 100% prevents skidmarks.

I dont know if its just me but in the last year since I got back in the gym my ass hole has been leaking liquid shit. I try to scratch it through my pants but it is right up there like right in the hole.
Does anyone else get that?

>take a dump
>wipe until nothing remains
>go back a little later cuz ass crack feels swampy
>wipe and its like i took another dump
Who leakage here

Fucking here, every god damn day. I don't eat that much fat, I get plenty of fiber and water. Wipe until there's nothing on the paper, not even 20 minutes later time to wipe again unless I want shit stains on my underwear. And heaven forbid if I have to walk around a bit, the shit mixes with sweat and causes chafing so the next time I wipe there's fucking bloody raw skin too. What the fuck man.

I always do this, I honestly can't fathom people who walk around with shit particles in your ass crack all day, even if you wipe well it can't be as thorough as a shower.

We arent all neets who have access to showers 24/7 after pooping

Not him, but I'm pretty sure it's farts mixed with butt crack sweat. Although farts seem pretty clear and made of just air it's not much of a stretch to think that some poop particles are also escaping

>he doesn't shit at the same time every day
I shit every morning dude, like clockwork. You need to get regular.

You only shit once a day?


Grow more asshair so it holds the sweat

Flushable wipes are bullshit. Adam Connover from collegehumor did a breakdown on why flushable wipes are, as of now, not really flushable. Cringe-y source, I know, but he's interviewing real people in charge of waste disposal who have to deal with extra waste because of wipes every day. Basically, the fiber in the wipes combines with fats (like oil or grease that gets dumped down the sink by idiots,) to create these massive, stinky flotations called fat-bergs and they clog up septic and sewage systems really bad.

maybe you have internal hemorrhoids. they can cause leakage because anus can't close properly. they're not painful until they reach a certain size too.

>They are pretty harsh on your septic

Only """"""first world"""""" houses have a septic tank.

Here in civilized parts of the country sewage services exist.

who the fuck has this underwear after a workout? thats disgusting, you piece of shit

Stop breast feeding you viagra looking motherfucker, milk causes diarrhea.

Yeah i think thats my problem. Damn it

I dont get stains in my underwear but god damn I get this stench so bad I soemtimes avoid squats entirely. Its the taint area that produces the purest duck butter and it always fucking smells when I workout. I can shower and stay home all day without smelling like shit but once I workout and I havent showered that day its a pure death.

The fuck are you even talking about

Poop before shower. Wipe first then shower and have a detachable showerhead and wash your butt like that. Also feels pretty good no homo

Buy black underwear


My shit be yellow tinted green though

How do we stop this holocaust???!!!!!!

How do I stop getting thousand wipers, Veeky Forums?

Also how come I can't shit before I eat, and then when I eat, the shit almost wants to rocket out of my ass?

What the fuck? How can I fix my digestive system?

> not mushing a liberal handful of soap in between your ass crack after a nasty shit followed by subsequent scrubbing and hand washing
Jesus. How do you fucking even exist all day knowing that there is a fucking wad of semi dried fecal matter on an area OUTSIDE your fucking body????
How do women have sex with people that don't do this??

Wipe better you degenerate fuck. Do you seriously not know how to wipe your asshole?

>wipe few times
>if tp still gets shitty, spit on it
>wipe again with dry tp
>repeat if necessary

Enjoy the clean anus

>the underwear just gets sucked into your asshole
holy kek

Wash your ass when you shower.

>oil or grease that gets dumped down the sink by idiots
serious question: if dumping oil down the drain/in the toilet is bad, where should I do it?

>he doesnt go full keto and down that shit
Not gonna make it

You're not supposed to flush those. They don't break down.

Even the "flushable" ones barely break up at all.



For fucking christ you anglosajons are soo fucking dirty. I live in a third world country and I always use the bidet after taking a shit. You are on the same level than pajeet or fucking mexicans, fuck...

good god this thread

Alot of girls don't do this either

>He doesn't own a Japanese toilet that washes your ass.

swamp ass is a hell off a drug

Where's baby Grinch when you need him?

>>if tp still gets shitty, spit on it

Spit on the TP, the shit or my asshole? I need clearer instructions.

>tossing wipes in a trashcan is disgusting
>walking around with shit on yourself and your underwear isn't

I mean, I get it, but ...priorities.
Anyway, just wash your ass after shitting. It takes a minute and you need to do it like once a day.

if you are the one in the 1st floor apartment ... happen to a friend of mine, upstairs neighbour had a baby child. he comes back trip over weekend, shit was floating in his place

next thing you know, you will try the broom stick

Jesus how loose is your asshole from having your boypussy plowed by giant dicks that you can't contain your shit in your rectum while working out? You need to do some kegels or something after shitting out your bro's cum to tighten up that sphincter

I mix it with dishwashing detergent and flush it. As long as it doesn't clog up my pipes it's not my problem. Let the city pay for it. If they can afford Medicaid and food stamps they can afford blasting the grease with piss or whatever it is they do.

Are you using a squat plug, OP?

Not using one is such a rookie mistake. Ask one of your gym bros if you can borrow theirs. Use the ones they provide at the gym as a LAST resort. They're usually in pretty bad shape.

You're doing GOMAD aren't you?


bringing your sp is like bringing your lock; you don't absolutely need it, but forgetting it will make you feel uncomfortable.

wash properly omg

Directions limit to 1 wipe per flush

You only really need a SP if you're squatting above 2 plate. It's like the rule for belts.

Lol who the fuck cares. Fats and nonsoluble papers will always be a reality for the sewage system. It's not a fixable thing to blame on "bad and stupid people." It's just part of the job for waste management.

Take a shower after shitting.