Trappy-chan anthem:
Joe if you're reading this I want you to come back and we're all deeply sorry. None of us wanted it to end this way and were willing to take you back if you are willing.
Trappy-chan anthem:
Joe if you're reading this I want you to come back and we're all deeply sorry. None of us wanted it to end this way and were willing to take you back if you are willing.
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sophie desu
Post yfw I bench 155kg
what powershitter is this?
Where his benis? Where it go?
What drama did I miss?
Isley told joe to die
hes a moany prick Tbh
He's just a man. How can you be so spiteful?
Olivia Munn felt so out of place in the latest x-men. All the other new characters were well integrated into the film and felt like they had a little bit of a character arc; Munn just seemed like an extra of the day with a couple lines. The first guy that apocalypse melts into the wall had a more fleshed out story than Psylocke.
Was searching on FB and came across this hahahah
He's around 74kg there, right?
fast tell me good preworkout meal that wont leave me hungry or bloated... i never seem to find that good spot
because he cant take the bants but wants to give it out
85kg lifter so probably around 87-88kg in off season
no 85kg
but he is 77kg here and 17 years old
his max here is probably a little over 300kg. His max now is 330kg.
Nah. He never gives it out.
Juniors got so butthurt over that post. It needes to be said
>your rubbish at powerlifting
Literally their only rebuttal
Well you kinda are.
his fucking trip was bantereo or something and he definately gives it out
Jesus christ. I feel like the chinese are looking for lifters who are genetically simular to their model lifter. All their lifters basicly look the same aesthetically.
The chinese are building a superarmy of clone weightlifters
Joe has never been spiteful
"Youre not good at it therefore you have zero knowledge"
Makes sense
Its a trap Joe.
They are yolked by age 16. Master class genetics for sure
same period when he was 17 as a 77. (215kg is 4kg over the current standing world record)
You have no experience *
>"Gonna get the Gold in Texas
>Keeping that in my bag so every time I see it, just remind myself of what I'm doing"
Damn, how is he so confident? Is confidence a must to be competitive?
You are fat*
>tfw had a week off from lifting
Scared of going today, it's going to be a horrible session ....
daily reminder that this kid have never been tested even when he won sub junior world 2016
>you will never be 5'5", the ideal height to be competitive at 93
This dude has serious kyphosis and rounded shoulders.
He needs better thoracic mobility
If you arent and you dont think you can lift the weights youll lowball your attempts and miss lifts you are strong enough to do
Someone at my gym deadlifts like this and talks about his constant hip pain
if you dont think you can do it, it will probably come true
why wouldnt he be confident even if its just to convince himself
He doesnt look like he takes roides at all, so ..
Part of it is acting, reassuring and convincing himself he can do it. Most of it is true confidence and self belief. All good athletes have that.
you're a retard
pic related was popped for steroids twice and is now under a lifetime ban
video related
>that valgus in 1st pull
my knees hurt just watching that
oh found the reason
>sub junior
>not even junior but sub
no one gives a fuck lol
he did that since he was 9
why is he stronger than /owg/?
Prettying significant seeing as he squats 300kg
Yea, looks way more like a PED user than the guy you have posted.
I feel sorry for that guy. He probably just took whatever his coaches gave him. I remember a video where he's complaining of severe knee pain, and his coach just dismisses it as "squat more, no problem". The look on his face was sorrowful.
omg it doesnt matter
his form sucks
form is all that matters lol pleb your form sucks, come and learn how to weightlift properly haha
doesnt matter no one cares about a sub
any and all oly lifters have traps like that. you sound dumb mate
hysen is a really nice guy. its sad as fuck.
And people watch and cheer like complete retards. Sad, he grew up that way, he didnt even achieve enough adulthood to tell them to fuck off.
the funny thing is they actually thinks like this kek
hysen's pull and jerk are strong and powerful as fuck. his form is good
>first day of volume after meet
>literally 10-15min rest after squats because i feel dead
7s have never been this awful, think i counted to 8 2 sets too. going to sleep in teh shower now
All? Traps that stand out that much when relaxed?
Yea, no.
Maybe some top elite ones. But that supports the point more than it defeats it. We all know it.
>when he didn't even have a choice to do it clean, fair or true
dude when you do clean pulls and snatch pulls from childhood you are going to have traps bigger than you could ever dream
>muh powerlifting
Btw: Why do powerlifter not train traps? Are they really not needed at all in any of the lifts?
Or are they just trained enough by the deadlift alone? No shrugs needed?
Why can't I be shit at powerlifting alone
Why must I be reminded every day
clarence's videos really motivate me to do steroids and get big
That's not a powerlifter at all. Are you dumb? At least find a real, fat powerlifter if you are going to troll here.
tfw dead end
traps are just good for the second and third pull and they provide stability in the overhead positions
powershitters require none of that.
Why do you look exactly like me? Fuck you
Fuck off talent cuck
I'd happily lose 30kg on my deadlift for 30kg gains on muh squat
>not a powerlifter
>and I'm falling for the bait
Must suck to be you.
We both have this shitty chin-beard going on too. And then the shitty camera quality so you can't see the face well .. wow, almost interchangeable.
What are you gonna do about them heels?
>bronze medalist at IPF Worlds
>not a talentcuck
other roiders squat a lot more, so nothing special, really.
>the only person in the world who can squat like that at that bodyweight
>nothing special
>nothing special, really
try harder
>powerlifters dont train traps
Haha how funny
>when his lower back is bigger than your legs
Lower to mid. Weightlifters have incredibly developed lumbar erectors as well as thoracic erectors, its why % of back injury is pretty low vs the amount of pulls they do
Powerlifters dont do enough thoracic extension work imo
>thoracic extension work
how do I work this
>thoracic erectors
What the fuck is this? I thought you only had lumbar erectors all the way up, then scapula and related muscles?
YEAH AND I'M GON' (try hard to) GIVE IT TO YA
They do?
clean pull is much different from a deadlift functionally
also chinese are the ones with the spinal erectos. They do rounded back deadlifts with 20-40% of their max for reps to train their lower back immensely.
Pretty much anything that makes you arch your upper back hard
Snatch grip deads force it more than regular deads
Seated good mornings allow flexion and extension
They would be my go to accs
look at my post above
>tfw no sheiko bench inflation now
why are you maxing alll the time?
How do you do all these accessories?
I don't get how any of you can fit all these accessories into your sessions.
I want to fit rows into mine. Just 1 lift and I can't figure out how to do it because I train all 3 lifts every session.
Warm up desu
You don't need to train intelligently on steroids user.
If you were to do an actual bench press, no cheating ROM, like the Japanese can.
>Isley literally caught up to your bench
is this real life
Those are the lumbar erectors
The Erector spinae is made up of 3 columns of muscle
where the fuck is your penis at in op's pic bro
same thing. it goes up your back
It's been photoshopped away (but it's tiny anyway so he didn't have to do much work)