ITT: We post reasons to lift

ITT: We post reasons to lift

Other urls found in this thread:

Be less of a faggot

Lifting for girl is dumb. I already have a gf

>dyed hair

Don't stick your Dick in crazy.

You know she's confirmed, actual crazy, right?


> ITT : We post Day 1 lifting stuff

I lift for Rose's 30 year old rotting womb

I literally just lift because my favorite prostitute says nice things about my body


I lift so I can look good naked for my daughter's hot cheerleader friend


I lift so that I can find my ella

Why does this chick have an "off" looking face?

I can't put my finger on it... but something is "off" about her.


I hope one day senpai Riley notices me


maybe if she cleaned that cum off of her eyes

A 3-4/10 broad? Is that your justification?

Her eyes are really far apart and she has a recessed mandible. Ugly.

Also, I don't think this is actually a girl.

Because that's a dude, buddy.

fuck dude

that hit me so hard in the feels

but it can't be real

the paper can't be 9 years old since it doesn't have any yellow on it

paper even a year old will start to yellow

picture had to have been taken after the events transpiring in the story because the picture quality is too good to have been taken with a consumer camera in 2004 (and no smartphones)

the number of wrinkles in the paper seem to suggest it is old or at least well worn, the creases aren't well defined as they would be after years of storage folded, and if it was stored unfolded, the bends wouldn't force the paper up after all the time spent unfolded

the ink also looks fresh and isn't faded

i want this to be real, but my autism is preventing me from accepting it

Despite this I will tear her ass apart given the chance

Ugh Veeky Forums really? This person is objectively unnattractive, to the point that I can't even look at the picture for more than a few seconds at a time. Is the op shrek?

>dat nose


u a fag dog

C-caught you mirin onii-chan!

Lift for your papa

n-notice me

nigga you gay, that thing looks like sid from ice age
>lifting for this

>still uses broad

For crowbro

Lmao. Epic.

I lift for my matriarch girlfriend. My body is hers and I must keep it in perfect condition

Where are you getting your paper from?

I've got shit from when I was a kid and it's still white with no signs of yellow.

fucking Rose looks like my exgf and it makes me feel confuse about what sex she/he was


Did the OP post a follow-up? I must know what happened to crowbro

That's weird because all the stuff I have from when I was a kid has a very noticeable yellow tint. It isn't actually yellow, but you can easily tell it's not fully white.


For my health and my dad.




I respect that and I truly believe in you, user

this girl was like 11 years old right?

this killed me

wot? thats an 11 year old pair of titties?


For the Emperor~




life is not fair.

7/10 but, still worth every drop of sweat.

How about because i had the courage and confidence to ask out the hottest most high test girl I've ever talked to, and she shot me down...4 fucking times.

how do you know tho

>4 fucking times


anyone care to TL;DR for us?

Lol ew

Fuck it, I'm just gonna work on my swole


impossibru desu

>Collegefags find pair of gf's
>gf's move away
>Guy visits them, breaks up with his
>Hooks up with other
>She died in a car crash
>He marries other one
>Take pictures of items on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur


because progress is fun

>not lifting for your dogbro/dogbrah.

For big booty hoes

the dancing club sloot


impressive back angle for low bar



thanks bby :)

Because it's healthy, because I love being stronger, because I grew up watching Van Damme and Stallone and I want to be like them, because I'm king manlet and because of her:

Yeah, lifting is great


ironically the last part is gayer than the first one




They all need to die

Thanks Bro

For my gf. She lives in another state but we r in love. She's dating some asshole emo dude but she says it's not serious. He's like a model or whatever. She says when I see her next year we can kiss so I'm on fit trying to get to 285lbs from 350. We're all gonna make it broz. Zyzz 4 life

That dude needs to cut his hair.

Sauce pweez

I lift to be better at all activities I enjoy and to transition smoothly into middle age with more dignity than my peers.
Only 27, and all my "friends" outside my close circle are gaining weight, and generally losing the battle.

I lift for my people, and to prepare for the coming race war.

Bulk for the volk

this is bait

As annoying as /pol/acks are at least you're using your master race complex to motivate you to live up to a standard instead of using it to give you an unearned sense of superiority.
You should read the book "the triple package", it's a really interesting piece on how master race complexes can be channeled into real success.

I lift because I enjoy it, and I enjoy getting stronger.
>the mires don't hurt, either

I do it for her.

Storytime, user?

Very sexy, I would smash her pussy in and suck on those tits like there is no tomorrow.

My on and off pseudo-girlfriend. She travels a lot around the world, basically living in a different country every year, working at world-class restaurants. I stay still, somehow I manage to still be able to win her attention whenever she comes back. She has a whole world of men to compare me to, if I let myself slip and keep to the low-standard requirements set by the ordinary American girls I fuck when she's not around I think that she'd forget about me. Her high standards keep me to a high standard, and her returns are unpredictable. I want to have a real relationship with her some day, maybe when she settles down and becomes more stable.

TL;DR: Been in love with a very evanescent woman for years, I fuck other people when she's gone but I love her more than any of them and I need to be worthy of her lest I become a sad cuck.

Yeah man, I've been with lots of girls but that pussy still haunts me. Her nipples are so sensitive and her orgasms are so fucking strong that I can almost feel them myself. If I'm having sex with another girl and I'm not feeling it, I just think of her and I cum instantly. I miss her every day man, I feel pathetic for missing her as desperately as I do but fuck mang. She lives in Sweden, she stayed in the US for a few months earlier this year and then she disappeared again, as usual. Fuck man she's made me fall in love with her so many times, I just want her to finally settle down and have hundreds of babies with her.

We all do m8, we all do

>become a sad cuck.
Don't let this happen, she looks okay but it is not like it is a special piece of pussy.

For me and hopefully for a waifu someday
>But mostly for me



I think the problem is that he doesn't just care about how good she looks, and the pussy is special.

But yeah don't be a pussy, guy

How long ago was creepychan? Is she USA blimp mode by now?