Im really tired of this

Im so damn tired of everyone saying "weight loss is 100% diet". Bullshit. Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

You can eat mcdonalds and drink 4loko every day but if you work out enough you can have 6 pack abs.

HOWEVER you can eat 1500 calories of cardboard every day, but if you don't lift a damn finger you can be fat as hell.

It is 100% exercise NOT diet. Don't be goddamn fooled.

It's literally calories in and calories out.

>1500 calories of cardboard every day, but if you don't lift a damn finger you can be fat as hell.
Who has a maintenance level of 1500 kcal besides a 95lb girl? And if she's 95lbs, she's more than likely not fat.

This is what we call "bait", right?

what's easier in your opinion?
burn 600kcal through exercise (run 10km, which will take most ppl around an 1hr)
decrease your daily caloric intake by 600kcal (decide not to eat mcdonalds burger)
think bout it mayne

Michael Phelps eats 10,000 calories worth of pizza every day. If you want to be anything more than just a pussy you cram that mcdonalds and burn it off.

using an outlier to prove a generalization? lol gg

first of all, he doesnt eat as much
second of all, not all form of activity burns as much kcal as swimming
for example lifting, but how could you know since u dont evan leeft

It isnt an outlier its science you tard

An outlier would be if michael phelps could power a car with his semen

All you said was
>i dont want to work out as much as michael phelps

You just dont want to make it bro thats all. Stay flabby and weak. You probably cant even fuck a girl while standing.

Maybe not your mom, but I don't think even Michael Phelps can.

Underrated post

lazy baiting

So you honestly believe its better to just eat less than eat more and burn it off? Have you ever been athletic in your life?

It's more important to eat healthy retard

Obviously if you wat pizza and ice cream and lift weights you'll get big

But eating healthy and consuming more greens while lifting weights, not only will you get big but feel better, have no acne or have bullshit side affects from just eating processed food, dumbass

Dafaq are you trying to say? Yes, if you eat shit and don't work out you will have no muscle. Literally 0 people think you get muscle without working out (or roids) You can also not work out and not gain weight. What's your point?

Exercise has other benefits that are not well understood by plebs on scandinavian basket-weaving forums. E.g. hormones.

You should've saved everyone's time and just said:
>muh genetics!

Guys how do you lose weight after?

>A: eat only snacks, fat and hamburgers but stay about 500 calories below your recommended daily intake
>B: eat extremely healthy but go about 500 calories above your daily intake

A has food with fat, B does not. However you consume more calories with B, what happens in that case when you're already fat?

>could power a car with his semen

>have short bowel syndrome
>have to be fed through PICC line
>before running, used to only get 1800 calories through perenteral nutrition at night
>gained a lot of weight (was 120lb prior to SBS, became 160lbs)
>had to start exercising it off (not allowed to lift) since any less calories and I felt like shit and constantly fatigued
>became LDR
>still lose weight even at 2200cals
>am back to 130lbs
CICO. Stop making excuses.

B is all healthy weight so your macros just eat up all your carbs and you become in the negative.