Swim Lesson

Veeky Forums Im about to teach my first swim lesson
any advice on teaching kids

Don't let them drown

Nigs can swim?

If there's a baby worth stealing, sure

Don't let the black ones stay in too long of their color will run and will no longer be identifiable to the proper authorities.

dog paddle first and take it slow

My parents taught me how to swim by throwing me to the pool.

It wasn't a pleasant experience (I think that the oldest memory I have is of me struggling to not drawn while I tried to reach my mother), I've been fucking good at it since I was 3, so it's a good method I guess.

I did taht for the summer. You can just throw the fat kids in.

keep your hands in sight at all times

What level/age user?

Be nice to the kid with the hottest mom

Why not just be nice to the hottest kid?

>being nice to impress women

Beta cuck

Be patient, but firm. If they drift off task be nice, but get them right back to the lesson. I've been a lifeguard for 4 years, and get requests to teach lessons all the time.

If you want the kids to like you, it's chicken, airplane, soldier for elementary backstroke. Otherwise, it's tickle, t, touch.

I learned by grabbing onto the side railing and letting go for increasingly long periods of time.

Throw one in and make it an examole for the others

You shouldn't be near kids if you're on this

Drown them all


Don't diddle the children.

niggers cant swim

And also make sure the parents know your not going to diddle there child


Survival of the fit test.
Throw them into the deep end one at a time

Im currently skinny fat and gonna start swim, should eat shit ton for not becoming skeleton or keep my diet (casual meals)? Also im not expecting some bigger changes like gym but will it make me a little more muscular?