Why is hip flexion disregarded completely in most strength training programs?

Why is hip flexion disregarded completely in most strength training programs?
>inb4 raising your leg isn't a functional movement

You use your hip flexors when you squat, and even if you don't squat every retard at my gym does leg raises thinking they'll get 6 pack abs in a month, so no, most people train their hip flexors

I do them, hanging leg raises, abs and hip flexors

>You use your hip flexors when you squat
That's like saying you use your biceps when you bench.

>raising your leg isn't a functional movement
It really isn't. Pulling yourself to something (chinups), picking something off the floor (DLs), pushing something heavy (squats, presses) are all done better when you are stronger. Becoming stronger in hip flexion is pretty much useless. The only movement I can think of where you need powerful hip flexion is sprinting. So go sprint, OP.

False equivalence. If you didn't use hip flexion when squatting (especially at the bottom of a front squat), you'd fall backward because there is nothing holding you and only your erectors would be tense. At bench, what keeps your arms from falling to the sides is axial tension in the bar itself. Dumbbell bench on the other side does require bicep flexion in order to keep the weight from falling to the sides because there is no bar tension.

>tldr you DO use hip flexion at the bottom of a squat just like you DO use bicep flexion at the bottom of DB BP.

Don't post anymore retard

>literally this retarded

>"The only movement I can think of where you need powerful hip flexion is sprinting"
>not fucking

missed a chance to be taken seriously m8

user, hip thrust is glute flexion.
Hip flexion is the movement of bringing your knee to your chest. Hip flexion is a quad movement, hip extension is a glute/hamstring movement
I'm sorry that you are a virgin. But haven't you even seen porn? Like, out of curiosity?

>tfw i bring my knees to my chest and get my pussy pounded

Yes but that still doesn't require training hip flexion for strength or endurance
>please be straight cis female living in southeast yurop

>implying I don't hip flex so my gymbro can hip extend the fuck out of my boipussy

it's like you don't even know where you are

The Rectus Femoris is trained with knee extension, the Adductors are already trained with adduction, the TFL is trained with a plethora of other functions, and the iliopsoas is trained with hanging leg raises and similar abs exercises.

The point is that hip flexion isn't very important for competition.
In WL after extension, hip flexion is very important, but hip flexion strength is not because you're only flexing your body weight (what most people call 3rd pull, when you pull yourself under the bar). What matters most here is simple explosiveness, the speed and rate of contraction of your hip flexors to pull you under the bar - not their absolute strength.
In PL (and WL during the squats), hip flexion isn't very important at all. It just serves as minor rotation stabilizing and ANTAGONISTS to control pelvic tilt (and passive tendon action with the RF).
In Bodybuilding, the Iliopsoas is an internal muscle that is literally pointless (and is also trained with your abs), while the rest of the flexors are trained with their primary function (knee extension/hip adduction).

maybe it does because my hips are fucking shot the next day. not europe

>my hips are fucking shot the next day
How fucking sedentary are you
>not europe
Pity, you should visit Greece for vacation, I can show you around :^)

Pay debts

standing and walking at work, lift 4x a week, standing desk at home. shit posting in a chair right now. don't do cardio or have sex anymore. but my hip flexors always get sore from that particular kind of fucking

>I advise people to pay debts they didn't create
>I also pay my neighbor's bills
>he fucks my wife too. He's doing me a favour! I don't have the energy to satisfy her after working overtime to pay his bills as well as mine!
>I'm definitely not a cuck though, that would be lame!
I'm finishing my Masters in 9 months, moving to your country, cutting all ties with here, taking your job and parking spot, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Cheers :^)

Please stop mentioning how much sex you have, I broke up 3 months ago and it still hurts.

i broke up in February and I haven't had sex since January. where is my sex brag

That was implied in your posts, or so I thought. So, you coming over for vacation or not?

Oh no, not my parking spot. lol. Can i move in with your family? I feel like i can probably walk into greece and start fixing yalls situation pretty quick if I just had a base of operation

>Can i move in with your family?
Sorry, we already have a dog.