/mode thread/

Mode me.

i like your shoulders.

roided faggot who is insecure with his masculinity

So desperate for validation you might as well be a girl-mode

Eat clen, tren hard, Anavar give up mode

Lookin buff, nice shoulders, I would however drop that haircut that looks like a shitty toupee, and spend more time with hammer curls to grow dem lil forearms bruh.

impresive body bro, it'd look better if you had a slightly higher bf% but that's just my opinion.

>Hurr durr if he's not natty it's not worth my respect! *sheathes samurai sword and teleports away*

Being this negative. Sincere doubt that OP is actually pic related but at least give him a less cringy response.

/fraud/ pls go

What the fuck did you think this low bf would be attractive in any way? 1/10

I'd kill to look like this... each to their own man

how can I elongate my neck like that?


>tren dick mode

would love to know his protocol, would totally suck his dick to be his bro.

You are a strange color for a human

Tren mode

Seriously mirin, good luck on your show

7/10 bulk moar

Fuarrk who is this?

"natural" instagram trainer

Fuck boy hair cut

melanin tren with bad hair cut mode

Guido wop who began working out in an effort to stop his older cousin vito from kicking his shit in

mirin hard brah

god damn there's a lot of bernie sanders supporters in this thread. Looking joocey, OP

>people on Veeky Forums are as autistic about steroids as people on youtube and facebook
Jesus christ stop embarrassing yourself

it's the sudden influx of /r9k/ and reddit.Right before Summer is always shit

Brown/10. Gj OP man.

whats your stack man?

you look persian op

When it gets to the point where it's obvious that you juice, you're better off just wearing a form-fitting shirt and keeping it on

Fitness model mode which is both a compliment and the opposite

wtf happened to Veeky Forums? Literally 90% of the comments in here sound like facebook moms and fat bitches. Lol this board fucking sucks now.

York know what facebook moms and fat bitches like to do?

Take mirror pictures

You know what facebook moms and fat bitches like to do?

Take mirror pictures for compliments

when you look like that guy why wouldnt you fish for compliments?

Veeky Forums probably going to have mirror pictures posted

Natty Pompadouche McBitchchin.

Cocksucking lips / 10

try to look more like infinite elgintensity, and less like a burned turd

>inb4 he's short

what the heck are you talking about? the majority of Veeky Forumsizens have always disliked roidlets

your lips look so nice

what's your cycle/10

Even steroids can't save your upper chest, lol