What's with /CHAD/'s always calling me "bud" and "pal"??

wtf is this shit

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Just being friendly. Would you rather they call you cuck and beta?

settle down, chief, you seem pretty cranky

It's a manner of speech used to denigrate.

I work in sales, when a customer calls me "buddy, pal, or guy" instead of my name it's used to depersonalize me. I.E. I have no chance at making the sale.

The people in particular probably don't like you and are putting you beneath them socially subconsciously (and maybe consciously if they're gigantic faggots).

To continue: "Man" and "Bro" are usually very very light terms of endearment, or at worst neutral. "Dude" is always neutral.

I do this to people I don't particularly like.

I'm nowhere near a Chad but I call people bud all the time. It's like saying dude or man. There's no hidden meaning behind it.

>when someone who doesn't lift calls me bro

Cultural appropriation at it's finest.

fucking absolutely hate being called "bud"

calm down pal

You're way over thinking it. It's just that some people are raised hearing different sets of words than others. I would use "hella" in many situations whereas other native English speakers would literally never use it. Just like buddy, pal, or guy.

I actually use buddy when I try and make people think I like them more than I actually do.

>fucking absolutely hate being called "bud"

makes me feel like the person saying it views me as a child

>im a retail clerk
guess it makes sense then

Yeah, the use of "buddy" and "pal" is passive aggressive as fuck IMO.

>be me
>golfing yesterday
>older guy behind me and his wigger manlet son behind my friend and me
>father gets pissed that we stopped golfing (people in front of us were still on the green)
>he couldnt see this because of the topography and course layout
>he starts yelling at us
>i point at the people still on the green then turn around and give him the deathstare
>later in the clubhouse returning my golfcart and chatting with my friend when the dad and his son walk in
>he sees me and has a scared look on his face
>i stare at him
>he says, "hey, sorry about that, buddy. I couldnt see the people in front of you"

Fuck you, asshole.

Autism overload in these two posts

You sound like a psychotic beta. Confirmed never going to make it

We are living in an age where people practice warfare with their words. A single word, a single phrase, cuts through one's esteem and compromises their self worth. There is no defense to these laser guided loquacious lacerations; aggression deemed inappropriate and passivity deemed pathetic. The only response is to take the offensive, strike first and strike with venom. Arm yourself with chiefs, with pals, with buddies and Bros and use your arsenal at any chance that presents itself. Let it be known that you will issue these titles with no second thoughts.

True show of autism in this thread. The amount of emotion being shown over these words is appalling. Honestly, it's more pathetic hearing you nerds cry over the word "bud" than hearing landwhales cry about body image. There are literally no negative connotations on these words besides what the autism in your brain creates.
>Seriously consider sudoku

I say "whats up buddy" to my friends all the time, it's an appropriate thing to say to someone who you're not totally friends with but don't dislike.

Intention behind speech or wording is more important than use of terms.

>call people bud all the time
>apparently I've insulted literally hundreds of people

>ITT: Passive aggressive SJWs with insecurity issues bordering female

Holy fuck this autism is too much.

I regularly call other guys buddy, bud, dude.

Because he doesn't remembers or cares about your name, i do it all the time and i'm not a Chad.

I LITERALLY call people buddy

>"buddy, pal, or guy" instead of my name it's used to depersonalize
ahah fuck off, m8, you're probably a shit seller anyway

>from Alberta
>work with a lot if people
>have shit memory
>call everyone buddy

Oh no, I've been oppressing people all my life.

I only did this once. In line at walmart for like 15 minutes while this super hot chick is behind me but fuck it walmart spikes my anxiety there is NO way im gonna say anything.
Anyways my turn and tall lanky pale weeboo cashier is like "yall together?"
>Be trying to act alpha the whole time
>cart is spinning around in circles cuz I cant get the water into the bottom of the basket
>Take my receipt
"See ya BUDDY"

>We are living in an age where people practice warfare with their words.
>A single word, a single phrase, cuts through one's esteem and compromises their self worth.
>There is no defense to these laser guided loquacious lacerations
KYS my man

You're not canadian enough buddyguy


>mfw have HEIGHT and FRAME (no face) and call every other male bud or pal

I must've caused much anger

that dude actually helped you out should have said some cheeky shit like "nah, we broke up. That's why we have separate carts."


What did he mean by this? Was it demeaning or was it actually a sign of respect? I can never tell with these normies, I'm just trying to do my wagecuck job

words like "bud" and "pal" are seemingly familiar. this kind of vernacular is common among those who are confident in social situations.

similarly, people that notice the use of familiar (or to them, overly familiar) terms are often less confident of their social status and usually autistic.

Not him, but I wish I had the ability to make ad hoc perfectly fitting replies on the fly
I'd probably have replied "you too" and spilled spaghetti on the floor
and probably I'd have killed myself while fighting against the spinning cart, I imagine it like one of those benny hill pursuits scenes

I'm not your buddy, guy!

Not your guy, m8

Yes, that way i would feel like in the chon

Top kek at everyone calling this post out It's 100% correct. Depending on the country, different words are used in different situations. For example, in Australia Mate is used for everyone as a general term along with Man and Bro, While buddy is almost always used when you're trying to talk down to someone. I have never once heard anyone use Buddy in a positive tone.

I'm not your mate, pal

I personally hate being called little man by my gym bro. He also always pats my head in public when we go get dinner after a workout. Really pisses me off and it's kind of embarrassing. But he pays for our dinner so it's cool.

Hello 9gag

Tell us what happens in the showers little buddy?

>pats my head
>call me "little man" in public
>pays for my dinner
It seems you're the woman in this weird relationship
There's always someone enjoying being emasculated
Nice story, cunt

not your pal, kid


This thread is literally tumblr,.. You're discussing it in same manner tumbltards discuss what pronouns are acceptable...

I call people buddy all the time. Never meant anything by it
vid related: youtube.com/watch?v=K0DC4oGph-g

1 month ago there was a fat hate thread where the op complain about some hamplanet being offenden by the word "chick"

Everyone on the thread said it was stupid, it was the same as "bro" or "dude" but for women, everyone said SJW and tumblr were the worst for caring about this shit

Now we have this thread, you faggots are just the "male" version of tumblr

That's honestly way too advanced for anyone spilling spaghetti at Walmart. You don't become Winston Churchill in one social interaction.

america is so weird

not your kid, mom's husband

Hey CHAMP, how many sets you got left on that rear delt fly machine?

>tfw you have actually have two

out do them. call them fucker or bitch.

>hey boss
>whats up buddy



He's smashing your sisters

>tfw Canadian
>tfw calling someone bud or pal is just everyday friendliness

Norcal fag detected

I use "Buddy" exclusively to talk somebody down. Buddy is the universal name for betas because betas are everyone's buddy's because they let everyone walk all over them. If you get called a buddy 99.99% chance somebody considers you a lesser man

>tfw everyone is my bud

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board. The autism board (/r9k/) is two links down.

I work in a computer store

Yesterday Chad in his gf came in to buy a $39.99 pair of speakers, Chad needed a little beer money so he got his gf to ask me for a discount. Naturally I said no, "Unless you have a better offer"

Because I'm Chad also thanks to Veeky Forums I also charged the faggot an extra $2.

Don't read into things so much, bub

I'm fucking dying

>Ew Chad, the fat neckbeard cashier said he wouldn't lower the price unless I had sex with him
>Lol what a creep lets just pay and get out of here
>Who's up for pizza

>>"See you later Bro"
"Haha ok suck my cock later you fucking queer"

We lurk.

lmao dude ur the one who is passive aggressive as fuck jesus christ

I call people bud all the time, but I would NEVER call them boss

I am Canadian though

As a CHAD (I have it all, HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME), I can confirm that when we call you 'bud', 'pal' or my personal favourite, 'champ', we are making fun of YOU.

Not everything is autism pal

fuck you

I'm not your mom's husband any more, son

I'm not your son, champ

>I call my manager at work chief
>He doesn't hassle me at all compared to other people i work with
What a bitch.


I can make use any of these words:
and, given a certain context and a certain tone of voice, I can turn them into harsh, diminishing words or into absolutely friendly appellatives.

what if Chad and non-Chads always calls me mate?

>pic related


>I work in sales
What a nice way of saying you work at Staples

This is the only proper response to a Chad encounter.

greater names of endearment than "man" "dude" or "sir" for example by disassociating the individual. the confidence gained from their gains and social situations added the need to become more clever and sly.saying "bud" or "pal" has little to no repercussion. this does not mean they put you under them, but it implies it. the act of this is a process of consciously or sub-consciously proving they are certain about how they assess themselves in the situation.

or maybe you just don't get that we intentionally don't address you by your name unless we are trying to persuade you

They're talking down to you, bro.
If they weren't, they'd say bro, breh, brah, mate, cunt, nigga or use your name or an endearing nickname.