QTTDTOT: Routine Edition

>Would it be advisable to go back to a beginner routine like SS or SL after doing an intermediate/advanced program for almost 3 months?

So Veeky Forums I've been doing Arnold's Blueprint to Mass for about 3 months now. Before that I would "lift" for about 2 years but had no idea wtf i was doing. I'm noticing noob gains but I still look like a skinnyfat dyel and have a long way to go.

The other day I came across a post that advised all the other noobs who are just getting into lifting to start off with a foundation before moving on to other programs. My question is should I go back and start over from the beginning since my lifts are shit anyway? By jumping the gun on my routine will I have missed the chance for max noob gains? And how long should I stick with SS/SL before moving on up to an intermediate program?

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Post your lifts and weight

Just a reminder I'm a skinnyfat dyel and I'm still new to lifting but:
Squat: 45lbs
DL: 50lbs
OHP: 25lbs
BP: 45lbs

Are you saying you cant ohp the bar?
Bro you need to bulk and lift 5x a week

I didn't include the weight of the bar in any of those lifts. If I should then it comes out to:
Squat: 90lbs
DL: 95lbs
OHP: 70lbs
BP: 90lbs

I didn't include the weight of the bar in any of those lifts. If I should then it comes out to:
Squat: 90lbs
DL: 95lbs
OHP: 70lbs
BP: 90lbs

>those stats after 3 months
>and after 2 years of fucking around
good lord dude

you have completely wasted your time. go on a linear progression routine.

Ok that's better, how much do you weight? How tall are you? How often do you train?


I sure hope that degenerate she-male doesnt show up and ruin this thread

Weight: 150lbs
Height: 5'6
And I workout 6 days a week.

What specific routines would you recommend?

Go do SL / SS and bulk for a long time. While your doing that research and learn as much as you can.

Just bulk bro to 180, a nice lean slow bulk and keep on lifting

someone redpill me on mct oil pls

This may help you figure out what stage your in. Don't jump stages just because you've been "lifting" for 2 years. If I had to guess I would say your a beginner.


How long should I stick to SS/SL before changing up the routine?

Check that out. If those are your 1rm's you got some neural efficiency and some movement efficiently to learn before you can progress.

If you can squat, DL and bench with good form 10/10 times with your work weight and you don't have to ask yourself "well maybe I did this wrong" or "did I hit depth?" Then your ready for intermediate where you can start adding variations to your main lifts.

>3 months Arnold's Blueprint
>2 years fucking around
>every fucking lift is lower than any of my lifts after 2 months despite having skipped squats for a whole month because of hurting hipflexor
And I thought my 1pl8 bench press was shit. Thanks for the confidence boost faggot. Do SL 5x5 and eat enough.

>My question is should I go back and start over from the beginning since my lifts are shit anyway?
if by "start over" you mean do a program that works by following its instructions as they're written (and not modifying them because you think you know better), then yes, start over.
>By jumping the gun on my routine will I have missed the chance for max noob gains?
don't focus on noob gains. If you do a program like SS, and actually do it, you'll see linear progression. You'll end up pretty much in the same place with or without "noob gains"
>And how long should I stick with SS/SL before moving on up to an intermediate program?
until the program stops working for you. This doesn't mean you got to bench 185 and you think it's time to do a different program, it means that if you've been eating and sleeping right, and you start stalling on your lifts (which should be close to or above 1/2/3/4), it's probably time to advance to a new program.

>can do 3x3 chin ups
>try doing 1 pull up yesterday
>barely made it
>when I let go, my forearms exploded with pain
what happened?

Guys What is a good routine if I got 4 lifting days ?
Currently doing

Mo: Chest/Back
Wed: Legs/Shoulder
Thu: Chest/Back
Sat: Arms

Is this shit or a hit ?

1. My friends are infecting me with doubt in my cutting journey, is cardio NEEDED to reach a low body fat? Goal is 10%. They insist cardio is necessary. Am I wrong in thinking I can just eat less instead? Always on my feet with my job anyway..

2. How long can you stock with the same routine? I basically just do the main compound lifts 3 days a week full body as in AxAxAxx. C-can I stick to this forever? I'm unclear about how and when to change routine. If I even need to.

This thread is a solid idea. Let's make it a regular thing.

Candito linear is really good for 4days/week, or SS with an added bench day

dood your not supposed to include the holes

1. Cardio is not strictly required for you to lose fat, but is recommended nonetheless for obvious health reasons.

2. Check fitsticky.com for balanced novice routines

Do upper body, lower body 2 times per week.
Your muscles do not need an entire week to recover, they need a few days.