Do people really believe that fasting for 12 hours a day is gonna magically burn the excessive fat and calories and...

Do people really believe that fasting for 12 hours a day is gonna magically burn the excessive fat and calories and somehow it`s better than eating small portions and stay closer to your TDEE?

>closer to your TDEE
>burning more fat

Explanation time:
Your body only uses body fat for energy when there is a lack of available carbs from food and it takes some time for your body to realize "fuck I ain't getting any energy" and start using your fat cells. So now lets imagine you have your usual 5-6 meals a day diet. Your longest fasting period where you don't receive any carbs is around 8-10 hours between dinner and breakfast and your body will take a couple of hours to recognize it won't get any carbs so you're only burning bodyfat for like 6 hours a day. On the other hand someone who's intermittent fasting is only eating 8 hours a day and fasting 16 hours so your "body fat burning"-period has increaased to 14 hours, so you will burn more bodyfat. Couple this with eating below maintainance and the pounds will fly off.

So you still need to be under cutting during IF? I had the feeling that people believe you can eat as much as you want, do a fasting and then magically losing weight or not getting fat over the years.

Max energy extracted is 30kcal per lb of fat mass a day.

The caloric deficit is whay is gonna magically burn fat.

The intermittent fasting is primarily for leptin sensitivity, ghrelin regulation, insulin sensitivity, reducing (or reversing) thermogenic adaptation, increasing gh and test when in a deficit, for greater preservation of musculature,

But those arent good reasons to fast.

Long term psychological compliance is why IF is GOAT.

Literally the only way to stay lean year round as a natty without losing gains

No I don't, but I don't eat as soon as I wakeup because it makes me feel bloated and nauseous. IF is more for the tendency to eat less calories due to the satiety.

Somewhat this. Fat loss isn't Black & White, Calories in vs Out isn't the end all be all.

What you forgot is possibly the most important part. Your body doesn't build/lose muscle and fat at the same ratio. Cal in/out remains true on IF, however when on their way out it makes a difference where the calories come from.
So when you bulk on IF, you will gain fat and muscle at a ratio of let's say 50:50%. But when you're in a fasted state you will burn 100% fat.

If you fast for 16 - 20 hours, it makes eating too many calories unlikely and unenjoyable.

Caloric deficit = lose weight

Nah, you still have to watch your calorie intake. There are people who claim they were able to make "lean gains" with intermittent fasting. Basically they're doing slow body recompositions eating like 100-200 calories above TDEE and working out. Kinobody and Martin Berkhan (the dude who made the idea popular) are both claiming you can stay below 10% bodyfat comfortably and not lose gains with intermittent fasting but both are arguably fake-natties.

>he thinks gog and berkhan are fake natty
Blaha pls go.

>fat loss is not calories in calories out

this meme again

Thanks for this user, intermittent fasting really helped me out when recovering as a fatty

Of course. The only way to lose weight is to eat less calories than your body needs to maintain. IF just increases the efficiency of targeting body fat while someone also tracks calorie in/out.


The single digit bf% claim is unrealistic, but Leangains works and it has the science and results to back it up. It's on of the best documented programs around with a shitton of before/after pictures.

I they are arguably fake-natties. I, personally don't care either way.

Kino maintains sub 8% and is regularly tested, even does DEXA


I don't think you understand why implementing an IF diet works for some people. It has nothing to do with burning calories during the fasting period, carbs, or fats.

It's concept is based on knowing how your mind and body handles satiety and food cravings. If you aren't a naturally low-appetite person (someone who doesn't particularly derive notable enjoyment from the taste of food, viewing it simply as a means of sustenance - aka hard gainers and skellies) it can be difficult to stay at or below your TDEE caloric allowance. IF requires taking in the large volume of your whole days calories within a relatively small window of time making it substantially more difficult for most people to to overeat above their TDEE. They literally can't stomach more than 2000-2500 (or higher for bigger people) in one or two sittings. They'll feel physically uncomfortable even if they were to try. That's it. That's why it works.

Any other science regarding what's happening internally during the fasting period is debatable and the subject of ongoing research that will likely never be definitely proven to be better or worse in the long run by either side.

>Any other science regarding what's happening internally during the fasting period is debatable and the subject of ongoing research that will likely never be definitely proven to be better or worse in the long run by either side.
You shut your whore mouth with all that science and let people enjoy their placebo effects.

Can I do 24+ hours fasting once a week without poking a hole in my stomach? I`m already using a lot of lemon water and coffee for my cutting and they pretty acid. All the low cal beverages I could find are acid.
>inb4 water
Yes I drink a lot but sometimes you want a little taste.

>someone who doesn't particularly derive notable enjoyment from the taste of food, viewing it simply as a means of sustenance

Wish I could go back to my 14`s when all my attention was dedicated to ragnarok so was under TDEE everyday. Now I learned how to cook and knew all the pleasure in eating. I need to control myself all the time.

>lemon water

Is actually very alkaline once your body metabolises it

Green tea is like 1 calorie and tastes good after a few weeks

iktfb. When I was spending 14 hours a day in WoW battlegrounds and raiding I was 100% content to eat a Red Barron pizza and maybe a pack of ramen a day. Like 1700 calories, jee fucking wiz, no wonder esports kids all look like skellies.

Yes that 24 hour fast is fine. As for 0cal drinks, I go through a ton of Mio. Does that have acid shit? Not sure. But drinking straight water is unenjoyable to me as well, so I pound Mio like no other. Dat Tangerine flavor is life.

Then I thought
>why not try to get back in that mindset but get `addicted` to something productive like reading or studying or drawing
Sadly life doesnt work this way.

>yerba mate
>green tea
>lemon water
>ginger water
>cucumber water

Any addition? I like to keep it [synthetic] chemical free and avoid things like suggested.

Hah, I've legitimately tried to get re-addicted to video games for that exact reason, to help space out when it comes to hunger cravings and such. Sadly as a 29 year old guy every game I play just doesn't entertain me like they used to. Tried Diablo 3 and it's expansions, mmorpgs, FPS, survival horror stuff, nothing works. It's like I outgrew gaming in general. Kinda sucks being an adult in that regard. Virtual achievements in-game used to feel fulfilling, be it a raid boss or PvP rankings whatever. Now they just feel like a waste of time. Killing mobs feels like a grind to get to the next grind. A really strong story-focus can help, something like the Metal Gear Solid franchise, but honestly I'd rather go on youtube and watch a summarized playthrough+cutscenes in 2 hours than spend 100 hours playing through the game just to see how the story unfolds. Fuck. Why can't I be a neckbeard any more.

I feel the same. I loved ragnarok and I enjoy remembering those times but I cant get back into it. My theory is that back that time my life was boring and the game was magic. Today I have a fuckton of more brain engaging options to do with my life and a fuckton more of freedom. For example I really like reading about architecture but for some reason I cant spend 14 hours a day reading or drawing about it. Maybe its due to it being an active activity instead of passive (gaming).

IFer here. Fasting is awesome when you fucked up your satiety and fullness sense. It's the only way I can sanely cut anymore. obese-> anorexic -> binge eater -> chubbster over a period of 1.25 years. Shit sucks.

You should play old games. Srsly.

I am 29 too and games like Metal Slug, Shock troopers, the Megaman Zero games etc. all have this good old vibe you search for. And they are only as grindy as you want them to.

If you want a newer game you can play on your phone, try Planet Diver. Best fun i had in a while.