Whats worse?
Skellies or fatties?
Whats worse?
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For sure, nothing pisses me off more than fat people trying to defend why they're fat. No you're fat because you can't put down the fork and go running, I mean even when I wasn't a regular lifter, I never let myself get fat, the most I got was chubby. Skellies are only annoying by trying to prove that they aren't just skin and bones by saying "muh abs".
fake nattys something which Veeky Forums seems to worship like kinobody, zyzz, jeff sied and those twin niggers
Skellies, because they have no self control. Fatties are blameless victims of genetics.
Being fat is a much worse state of existence, but the fatty will be much better off if he starts lifting.
>fake natty
people like you, OP
fatties because they probably have shittier personalities.
You'd probably see some fatty at walmart talking a lot of shit over some small matter, whereas the typical skelly just stands there.
>"muh abs"
this, this so fucking much.
abs on a skelly are like big tits on a fat chick, they don't count
The consolation prize
Skelly here, besides crazy women with eating disorders we aren't annoying as fatties.
>MFW a combination of shit genes and a childhood injury fucked both of my ankles into oblivion
>MFW I gained weight in my early to mid teens because the pain made it hard to get out and run
>MFW I got labeled as obese in late teens and decided that shit needed to fucking stop
>MFW after all the pain I went through to slim down I have to listen to the cattle as they lament their status as celestial bodies
I don't care if I walk like a fucking goober after a good run or a hike to avoid falling over from the pain. I don't care if it feels like i'm being hobbled. I don't fucking care if doctors tell me i'll need surgery if I keep pushing too hard on these shit ankles. I can't stand watching fatties sit there and make excuse after excuse as to why they can't get out and run. I've been told on multiple occasions that if I continue on this course that my options as I get older will be corrective surgery to ensure I can still walk, or a wheelchair. You motherfuckers better believe that i'm going to opt for the surgery and get back outside the very instant that i'm cleared. I refuse to go back. I'll fucking die before I allow myself to become the blob a second time.
He was obviously memeing.
Everyone knows jyzz was a coked out roiding autist.
> jyzz was a coked out roiding autist
Veeky Forums is full of insecure fags who look up to this guy
so i can never be too sure
>annoying as fatties.
lets keep in mind MOST fatties aren't proud of being fat. There is this new bullshit HAES movement though, and they are the most annoying human beings on earth
While your dedication and discipline are inspiring, why not try biking or swimming instead, to protect your joints better?
As a Skelly I find its better to be big as a man, whether fat or muscular or tall (women like you more, guys respect you more, and you can fight better) , so I'd rather be fat than the Skelly I am (trying to get out of) now.
I swim pretty frequently, but I never cared much for biking. There's something about feeling the ground beneath my feet as I move that I enjoy, especially when I hike.
I have never seen a male advocate. I'm not saying it's because they are fat because womyns are just like that
Pls learn to swim or ride a bike, user. I'm worried about you. You should be able to lift too without hurting your ankles further. Fucked up joints will make the fruits of your labor less sweet than they could be.
Have you tried any ankle braces for running? Even if they only delay injury from chronic motion, you don't want surgury to come early. trust me, that body part will never be as strong.
Fuck back to facebook you fucking meme recycling plain basic fuckboy.
Lifting isn't the issue, it's my desire to get out and run that's the problem. See in regards to the biking and swimming.
Tried the copperwear ones, but they're pretty shit. Is pic related a good one? Are there any other ones you recommend?
Sorry, i just pulled the picture from google
After i had carpal surgery i just asked my doc about wrist support so i could still climb. it looked a lot like pic related, so i can't really give advice on ankle braces. I'd just ask your doctor. it might even be covered by insurance, as it's techincally mobility assistance.