/uncucked general/

What traits/behaviors/qualities should one have to not be a cuck and be an alpha?

>inb4 /pol/

Infopics, tips, videos, book titles, anything

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hello redit

For starters, not shit posting on Veeky Forums.

You can be -like- an "alpha" by figuring out things for yourself but everyone starts somewhere.

The most important thing by a large margin is social experience. Go out and approach women.


Ask women for the time, then say thank you and then walk away. Eventually say thank you, then give them a compliment and walk away. Eventually say thank you, and start a short conversation. Maybe ask them a question or two.
The second most important thing is to not study before going out.

Seriously you will fuck yourself up, you think your different, you want to be prepared, you can handle it, right?


I thought the same, the man who taught me thought the same, and the man that taught him. You are not special. Go out and be an alpha, don't know how? Still do it and you'll be one. That's what a man(alpha) is, he overcomes fear for the growth of himself and his loved ones. You will not be alpha reading books, watching videos or posting on Veeky Forums. Men(alphas) go out and do things, stop being a spectator of life.

Stop asking people on the internet how to be an alpha, that's why you're not one. You will not take it upon yourself. Carve your own path.

IN CONJUNCTION WITH GOING OUT EVERYDAY, you can read; The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction & The Six Pillars of Self Esteem.

Stop saying 'if you want' when asking girls to meet up, just tell her to meet you and state time/place.

Don't take advice off Veeky Forums

Number 1) Don't have autism

Ooooooh sorry OP, looks like you're out!

Don't enjoy when (if) other people are fucking your significant other

And remember,
Sloots gonna sloot

Self discipline is literally all you need

IMO the most important trait that separates the alphas from the betas is always putting your own needs and desires first and never sacrificing them to please others, this is especially true in relationships.

once a cuck always a cuck, you can't "become" alpha, the girls you lift for can always sniff it out. you're either born an alpha male or you're not.

Dont be a cuck faggot.
Oh too late.

Sorry OP

don't ever expect a woman to make a decision. As a man it is up to you to lead the interaction.

If you act indecisive it will cause women and people in general to think you're a weak bitch.

avoid creating these kind of threads is one

Makes you look confident as fuck

That isnt how you meme, bro.

>he parrot posts

Also, never fucking say "can I kiss you?"

So alphas and betas must both be cleansed.

"Hey, come here."

1. Don't be a manlet.
2. Don't be ugly.
3. Don't be white.

1) Eat organic and eat hardy (Avoid sugar, preservatives, etc)
2) No porn, obviously
3)Fap only 3 or 4 times a month max to let matured, unused semen be reabsorbed into the body.
4) Lift regularly
5) Be aware of your posture
6) Avoid mental virus/brainwashing
7)Speak calmly and clearly at all times
8) Work a respectable job and don't slack off
9) Have moments of leisure. Watch a sunrise or a sunset with some delicious tea. Do not bring phone or computer
10) Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night

>being fake alpha by acting like an insecure asshole

Thanks this is what I'm talking about
This isn't about meeting women

>not be a cuck
>isn't about women

Then what is it about, MGTOW?

Get the fuck off Veeky Forums.

I mean that literally, not as an insult. Or at the very least stop taking anything here seriously. The discussions on these boards will always be about the absolute extremes. Look at any board and it's the same.

Just take a step back and look at it.

Not asking for advice on a Himalayan snow trading catalogue

>3)Fap only 3 or 4 times a month max
There's nothing with wrong with fapping it increases testostertone and is perfectly healthy. You should fap multiple times every day
>Joe Rogan podcast by night
>listening to a pothead
Shit advice

>be confident
>make self-deprecating jokes but obviously be confident
>confidently only show half interest in women
>be devoted to your passions and confidently talk about them

See a pattern here user?

Do everything in green?

Did you just link me to a fucking blog as a source? Fuck outta here you beta faggot.
I think you got some nuts to bust on yourself.

>Did you just link me to a fucking blog as a source?
Yeah retard, with sources. Your advice to cut down fapping is bullshit