Am i zyzz mode yet?

Am i zyzz mode yet?

are you 2 feet tall?


Cut more then you might come close. Looking swole though

Calve raises?

I think im as lean as him but i retain more water that's why i dont look as good as him

>varicose veins
Sorry lad.

What shoes are those they're great!

This guy is leaner, he just has worse muscle bellies and insertions

Natty? Celltech? [spoiler]creatine?[/spoiler]

bought them from h&m kek
i like wearing yellow shorts more they are in contrast with my tan

You are zyzz mode but you dont have his insertions , face , and flawless skin.
You are the closest i saw on this board though

That's actually really damn zyzz. Routine? Time lifting?

cycle, routine, diet?

I lift for 12 years all natty bro

lol stfu lying faggot please killyourself

I´m sure you get more mires from gays than girls

Nice, but your chest looks small as fuck in that pose. You got a side-chest pic?

>those delts and veins

Try again
Also how is being 5'4 treating you?

That dumbbell rack is driving me insane

>insecure roidhead

Yes you are very close to zyzz mode user.

This same shit was posted like a year ago, fuck off

lmao stop tanning in the fucking solarium. I realized you are white looking at the other pictures, when i saw your thread i legitamely thought you were indian or some Black/brown mix.

jesus fuck

i thought he was a pajeet until i read this lmao

>Insecure about roiding on anonymous mongolian board.

This is why you wont ever truly make it no matter how aesthetic you are, its all about in the head bruh.


Who do you think you're kidding on an anonymous chinese cartoon porn imageboard?

Is that tan natty at least or do you inject melanin?

You forgot op doesn't have his HEIGHT and FRAME

this, nice job senpai, natty?