Cardio at home?

What kind of cardio I can do at home that can reproduce the effects of running(lower resting heart rate better sleep runners hight etc.).

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Punching bag. One minute if that if youve never done it before is like jogging

I forgot to add that It should be without any equipment.I thought about doing these fitness blender video where you do exercises for 30-40 minute or they will not work in the long term?

Jump rope

Not the guy you're replying to, but for somebody with zero boxing experience is there a high risk of wrist, hand, or arm injury if you start working out with a punching bag with, say, only video or written instruction on how to properly punch?

the room I use is not that big.

Leaving your moms basement and running.


you can't stand upright in your room?

Jump in a spot and pretend

Kettlebell swings

Sorry , OP. Seems like you have to go outside and just run. I doubt there's any at-home, equipment-free exercises you can do thatvare adequate

I can but the room is not that big to be able to jump rope freely and the house is old enough that I'm scared to jump.

then i doubt there is going to be any cardio you can do in your room

What about this videos?
I'm sure that they are enough intense.

I gotchu senpai

Nice! I will do it but really prefer it to not be a jumping exercise.

why not? you can't get injured if you wear shoes and land on the balls of your, you will be ok. Also it's not boring, as opposed to running..


Because I live in old house that can't handle way too much jumping.
>you can't get injured
You can get injured by doing it?I thought of doing it barefoot.

I did it barefoot and the below of big toe is kinda sore. Don't even try it with socks.
Now, if you are so limited in cardio at home, I think you are doomed to go outside. Jogging, Swimming, Brief Walking, anything, but it will have to be outside.

Not even OP here, but kys my man. HIIT is about intensity and time spent on cardio, not about the place. HIIT can be running, Jump rope, Swimming, Boxing, anything, but it's about intensity not place.


This is true, but the intensity that you want depends on your goals.

>extremely high intensity
Builds fast twitch muscle fibers, but does not increase aerobic capacity.
>moderate intensity below lactate threshold
Increases endurance.

Have you thought about getting over that anxiety by going outside know...running?

wish i could but its not that easy.

Nah, it's easy as fuck. I had the same issue...until I realized it was all in my head and the ones that do make fun of runners are fatties and smokers. Most other people are impressed and are in their minds teling you good job, but don't tell you since they think that would make you mad by disrupting your run.

I don't live in america or some ultra normie western european city.also my town is small.

>my town is small.
The population of the town I live in is 653.

Stop the excuses.

>just do it meme
if it was this easy i was going to do it already but i'm shut in who never goes outside.

So was I. Running is what got me outside.

Stop making excuses.