Who do women like more, Chad or Tyrone?
Who do women like more, Chad or Tyrone?
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Race aside, chad is literally more aesthetic
>Tyrone's shit chest
No thanks.
Jeff is more aesthetic, but only men - the gay type - like his physique.
In all cases, Chad. Women of all races prefer white men, and according to all that OkCupid data white women are the least likely to miscegenate.
Hierarchy, for those confused
> Chad
> Tyrone
> Power Gap
> You
You want the serious answer?
Both. In an Effiel Tower. In her apartment or dorm room after a night out at the college bar.
don't take it literally, it's just a reference for the concept of the top tier males of blacks and whites.
I don't know. I think Tyrone has the better face of the two in the OP.
If she's white, Tyrone.
If she's not white, Chad.
i feel pretty straight but hell i´d date the chad. he´s like a greek statue
white/asian girl = chad
black/hispanic girl = tyrone
for great sex def. tyrone
Joff pls
dating sites stats show women of all races prefer white men the most
except black women
nah where I live even the black girls prefer chads.
Most tyrones I see are with tumblr sjw types or ghetto types
tbqh never seen a tyrone with a 10/10
Today I saw another woman with a mongrel child. Alone.
The worst part isn't that the father left. It's that even though the kid left the mother's womb, she looks absolutely nothing like her.
If I was a woman and the kid didn't look like me, I'd be demolished.
How the fuck can't these women break down is beyond me.
It's a pathetic sight because you can just tell what happened when you see only a black kid and a white mother.
why do you assume the father left?
I have always found it funny even niggers know to avoid negresses.
chad has a little dick
I always give them a great big smile. Sometimes they look down in shame because they know what I'm thinking. Even sadder when they respond with this big hopeful broken smile of their own, as if pleading to be saved.
Because I've seen her several times before, no husband to be seen. We're at the same flying club, I guess you call it that.
dicks usually expand during a boner :I
I do recall reading somewhere that someone that wrestles with Jeff said he had a big benis (presumably saw it during the typical gay locker room shenanigans)but I have no sauce
Chad is clearly in better shape.
Tyrone would try to rape me simply because I'm a tall, Veeky Forums white woman with a big rack.
Chad would treat me like a queen.
Black guy here. the three white girls that I've hooked up with were potheads who didn't like using the pill or condoms
I always laugh when I see that shit also. poor lil mixed nigga.
>dating site stats
I don't even know if I can take that seriously. The test population for those studies consists of people who use dating sites, and the studies were mainly done on sites like OKC years ago. Considering these sites were primarily filled with people who had no chance of landing a date in real life, I would assume that the reason whites drastically had higher reply rates was due to the fact that they had more chances of a chad being online due to being the majority userbase. It's not like all whites across the board got higher reply rates. It was probably one Chad getting replies from 99% of the women. And Tyrones definitely don't use dating websites. Maybe Irwins, but not Tyrones.
I really feel like girls mostly don't care about race and just want a lean guy with a rugged face.
Yeah, it's kinda sad. I'm mixed too, except my mother is black and my father is white (i've never met that mix anywhere else, and I live in France)..
At least my father had the decency to stay around.
Oh well.
don't worry m8 u can become the drake of france
>I really feel like girls mostly don't care about race and just want a lean guy with a rugged face.
this is true for fucking, for dating most girls prefer there own race., cept asians.
white guy i know is marrying a black girl. think it's becoming more common in the last few years.
"white washed" middle class black girls maybe. do sjws really date blacks in america? here they are seemingly some of the least likely to race mix, despite their politics.
Chad, of course. Most women, especially outside of America don't like blacks.
I've seen what you're talking about online. but all the sjw dyed hair chicks here are lesbians or they date black guys.
>be half black half white
>do all right with white girls, but only truly attracted to Asians
>can't get any non westernized Asian girl worth her salt to come to the dark side
>catch 22 because I love their culture, but that same culture prevents them from dating me
They like ethan
Regardless of what cuck porn tells you, women of all races prefer white men
Fuck you that's not how genetics work, the kid looks half like her.
>tfw also mixed
>tfw too white for black people
>tfw too black for white people
>tfw I got made fun of by black people for acting white
>tfw I will never truly fit in
At least my hair is pretty sweet, and I have light eyes ;_;
Hi steph
Black feels thread?
Black feels thread.
>too black for the whites
>too white for the blacks
>shit tier brown eyes
>shit tier hair, so many different textures it's impossible to cut with trimmers without immense pain
>have had dreads for the past 8 years because above, but white hair sticks out of dreads and won't lock up no matter what
>Don't even know what she looks like
>Doesn't know black characteristics are going to dominate the mothers
yeah asian girls mostly prefer white guys for dating but would go after an asian guy over other races.
I don't think you've ever actually met a mixed person.
There's enough genetic distance between blacks and whites that the mother will probably be genetically closer to any random white walking the street than her child, actually.
There definitely isnt anyone with any mental problems on Veeky Forums
>the child literally contains an exact 50% copy of the moms genes, and a black persons genes which are at least 99.99% in common
Yeah, no. What you just posted makes no fucking sense.
Im definitely triggered
mixed here, white mum, black dad, they have been together since the 80's.
its strange that nearly ALL my white and black friends parents are divorced though however
you guys are fucking retarded, im honestly triggered you fucking ugly crackers and niggers
>mad white boy cuz he gots a small pee pee
Tyrone for fucking,Chad for everything else
I actually don't but have an sph fetish so it's awful.
Just real tired of the cuck shilling.
Not really tyrone has the face of a typical negro
jeff pls go
Relax andre
He's talking about women he see's with black kids now a days, our generation.
Your dads generation was more responsible, probably from the days of MLK. Nigga bois these days are irresponsable pieces of shit and you damn well fucking know it. And i will be fair as fuck, nigga bois arent just black, but pretty much anyone with a nigga mentality (fuk bchs, git muny), will never be anything but a sperm donor.
Never, ever take up slack for them. Leave a hood rat a hood rat
if you cover his face, that is a chick; the crossed legs, the way he/she holds the beer
chad ofc...
Nice try kike
I am jelly of almost every negroid having juicy forearms.
Fuck lifting, big chest big shoulders if I still have skinny forearms REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
>Relax andre
>Your dads generation was more responsible, probably from the days of MLK.
Not even American..
Don't you think it's weird to think that every mixed race kid you see with his mother means that the dad left them?
Dads leave families of all races moron
U white bois don't kniwbwgt war that means
The dindu nuffin looks like he did sunthin
>Not even American..
Your opinions are irrelevent then.
Black typically means AMERICAN black. Niggers. Understand andre?
Yeah i understand now gunther
White man - black woman usually results in a succesfull family life and succesfull children who do well in school, behave like civillized beings and are generally good upstanding people. Divorce rates are much much lower than white woman - black man. Such pairings tend to result in single motherhood, the mongrel children joining the ghetto culture and becoming criminals, and have mental problems for the rest of their life because they had no father.
If white people doesn't fight their eventual demise, the resulting mixed offspring will consist of two major classes, the upper class who originates from white fathers, and the under class who originate from white mothers.
Looking at French "people" makes me physically ill
Tippiest of fedoras to thee
That's dave to you
Had to google that one didnt you nigga?
I'm on the list?!
I know that feel bro. As average black dudes were destined to be alone
Speak for yourself nigga. I have a gf.
>be black
>have moderate 7x5.5 (can almost please hightest)
>with group of friends, male and female
>subject of penis size comes up
>say I'm 7in
>girls in unison: "isn't that small for a black guy?" *giggle giggle* *snort snort*
Should I blame the porn Jews for shilling bbc?
I am a highly-textured hair hairstylist, and I've never heard of this. I think you just need to oil your blades
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Many girls can't gauge size and don't realize a 7incher would literally impale their cervix missionary if they don't have a shield of belly fat to protect them from taking the full length.
Just laugh and keep it moving.
Well I grew up in a mostly white area so maybe the barbers didn't know how to handle it. It's been almost a decade since I've actually gone to one for anything other than an edge. That said, I ran into the same old issue with a freshly oiled clipper on my pubes, but I chalked that up to being pubes instead of regular hair
/pol/ doesn't even realize the Jews run the board. When /pol/ says the Jews control everything, that's Jewish kids boasting.
I know plenty of black girls that only date white guys
I don't know any white girls that are BLACKED Only
white pros:
>attractive face
>handsome hair
>better limb proportions
>least likely to have std
>least likely to be violent
black pros:
>slightly higher chance for longer dick
>higher chance of hairless chest and back
>genetics makes them have less body fat so more likely to be toned
but girls dont use logic they just go with the memes. so still chad.
I typically do this technique before doing pube work just so I can get rid of all the length and make it easier for the trimmer, shouldn't hurt here since you're just running the blade over the comb, it will cut everything above the comb and won't move the actual base/root hair much. Can even use scissors
you are fucking retarded and should kill yourself.
>your skin color makes up who you are
while honkeys and niggers kill each other, latinos will slowly take over
>statistics aren't real
build wall
This. Black dudes are for slumming.
>higher chance of hairless chest
Hey man, leave your personal anecdotes out this thread dude.
This is all arguible. One truth is, chad fears the bbc.
>implying chad respects women
>implying you would want that
submit like u want to, u disobedient avocado
That was rather depressing, user
That's Jeff, you fucking moron
Gay man here, I would choose right over left any day.
Jeff seid is way too pretty. Looks like a buff lesbian.