Help me Veeky Forums

Help me Veeky Forums
>walking the dog this morning
>holy shit almost stepped on a bird sitting in the path
>it's still alive, just giving sitting there lol
>go to yank dog away and continue on walk, but he's staring off up the path
>shitty cat off in the distance, just staring at us, with its beady little eyes
>bird is just looking silently up at me
>fuck, what do
So anyways now I've got pic related, it's name's Chris O'Donnell. I can't tell what's wrong with it it just seems really weak and can't stand up or fly. I tried feeding it some worms but it just bites down on them and sort of holds them in its mouth. I want to rehabilitate it and let it go, maybe get it started with some wing extensions or something, but it isn't even eating. It needs its protons, I can tell.

Prolly should get chris to a vet desu

cats need protons too

Well, I'm taking the dog to his acupuncturist on Monday, but I don't know if Chris can hold out that long. Also, acupuncture may just sort of kill him, I dunno If that's the best solution

fuck cats

Your dog gets acupuncture? neato

did you take that dirty ass bird in your house user? this is new levels of autism never seen before

Take good care of it. At night but some clothes over it so Chris does not die of cold temperatures. Give it some water, put the tip of his mouth in some water, don't force him, and he should be able to drink.

Watch some YouTube videos on bird care.

You're a good guy user.

You're probably not going to be able to rehabilitate him on your own, I'd try and get it to drink, maybe hold a bowl of water up to its mouth, and if there's some sort of petstore in your area maybe pick up a small bag of birdseed, but more importantly you need to call either a vet or some kind of animal hospital in your area and talk to them, find out what you can do to assist it, and if it needs professional care, you're just some random guy with no bird experience and this bird is injured.

Also you should make a thread on /an/ asking what to do, they'd give better advice than us.

Two birdbro threads this week?

Take it to a vet dude

Cook up some rice and soak up individual grains in water for a while, then cut that in half and try to feed it to him.

>thinking anybody on Veeky Forums wouldn't have both feet firmly planted on the the spectrum

give it a protein shake

If i get trips you have to cut off it's head and eat it

>hey guys it'll be funny if I keep shit posting with these stupid bird threads everyone will think i'm so cool

Chris says you're a faggot

how many birds must be saved to finally get us gf's

Chris is short for Christina

Birds are very hard to rehabilitate OP. If it's injured they can die very quickly and suddenly.

If it's a baby, well, it might've been better to try to have moved it somewhere out of reach and let the parents take care of it. Contrary to popular belief birds will continue to take care of babies if they're touched by humans, and if they fall out of the nest too.

Try to figure out what kind of bird it is. I don't think most birds actually eat worms and when they do, the parents regurgitate it mashed up not whole.

From what I know though most birds eat bugs and seeds though. I attempted to save several baby birds when I was younger when we had chickens and I would feed them chicken feed soaked in water to soften them. Most of the babies died though. I think only 2 or 3 survived and grew into adults that flew off into the sky.

Tldr; i fucking love birds

It looks like a Redding thrush, user. Are you from Ireland? Could be a bird that just fell out of the nest and can't fly yet, but your bird looks pretty mature. Feed it some berries and worms.

My guess would be insectivore

I'm like 99% sure it's a fledgling robin, hence it's name

I think it's a little retarded, it's clearly old enough to know how to feed, but it doesn't hold it's mouth open like normal baby birds, it just opens it halfway for a few seconds max and just generally makes it fucking difficult to feed. Maybe it hit it's head.

maybe because it's fucking injured birdbro.


You're right, I didn't know baby robins looked so different.
As far as its beak not staying open,
most likely its parents regurgitate into its mouth so they probably hit the "switch" with their own beaks that keeps the babie's open.

>fledgling robin

Nailed it.

Get ready for it to fly into windows

Idk about songbirds, but my chickens love worms brah. Anytime I'm doing digging work the come running to the fresh upturned dirt to hunt. Watching them eat whole works is the coolest shit.

OP, take him to a vet, get him some water and bird food in the mean time. Birds kick ass

Ok, so I got some worms, mashed them up with warm water, and stuffed it all into a syringe. Turns out nobody taught Chris basic fucking table manners, as he just spat half of it all over his box, ungrateful bastard.

Does anybody know how much protein per lb bodyweight for Robins? Let's assume bulking because he needs his strength. According to the bodybuilding forums earthworms have 7g protein each, or 42g per serving, so I'm thinking of just putting him on a modified GOMAD based around worms, thoughts?


Are you really so autistic that you can't call a professional and ask for help ?

This post was so Veeky Forums that it gave me austism

I've come too far for that

2nd birdbro in a week. I love you Veeky Forums

Put it in a bowl of water and submerge it

He won't drown as long as you keep him under the water, birds have gills, so they can breathe under water just like fish

I'm a vet trust me

Dubs of truth say thee OP promise lands await!

Good thinking but you should really take it to a vet or someone who specializes in rehabilitating wild animals.

>he fell for the GOWAD meme

Tell that fag to lift user

>that guy who checks dubs
>btw check these dubs

>we help an injured wild life and simultaneously eat those that are specifically bred to be slaughtered, what's up with that?
Consider me vegan baited.

I saved a sparrow 3 years ago, and now he's my pet, you should get some high quality dog food, mashed it with some water and mouth feed him with a tuberculin syringe with out the needle of course, and give some water with it, for some time, then try to get him to it some seeds and bird food bu hiimself. DON'T FEED HIM WITH MILK OR WHEY, they're not mammals
pic related

It needs protons
>i can tell

damn kek'd

After seeing the thumbnail it was hard to read op post. My mind kept autorrecting the first part to 'stepped on a dogshit'

I can tell you like him, but he's a wild bird and should probably be let go

>Veeky Forums - Ornithology

He would not make it since it was a baby when i picked him, little bastard is to lazy to hunt and shits