Bikram Yoga

There's a bikram class on today but a few things holding me back from going:

>people say it's only worth going if you go every day
>it's fucking expensive
>the guy who invented it is a freak

I've gone before though and I always feel good after I go
Is it worth it?

Other urls found in this thread:


mfw OP is a rich dumbass

>that pic
Jesus fucking christ...

I do ashtanga yoga, and the whole concept is you internally heat your body, instead of externally heating the outside area around you. I still need to give bikram a go, but you could always go into a sauna and go through some sun salutations instead and get the same benefits. The heat shock proteins your body produces are pretty rad, increases insulin sensitivity and helps keep you lean. It's a good practice based on what I've seen, regardless if the dude is a creep or not

>found guilty of sexual harassment
>moves to the rape Capitol of the world
I understand why Rich wanted to leave us behind.

anyone have a normal sized image of OP's picture?

>I do a specific kind of yoga

My mom tried it once and legitimately did not feel well the remainder of that day or the next day.

I don't think it's really that good for you.

Granted she's like 50.

It's always horrible the first time you go, like really overwhelming
But you get used to it
I really enjoy it but its so expensive idk

Yoga is god tier for preventing injury, staying mobile, and keeping your joints and spine healthy.

Bikram yoga is fantastic and yes the guy who created it is a nut job but that doesn't mean his style of yoga is ineffective.

This is true, I'm an expert on bike gram yogurt and it gets easier.

i've done it twice and both times i felt amazing after, but it was so hard i didn't go back the next day. groupon and other similar websites always have bikram deals so check that out before you commit. at least then you're only out like $20 if you only go once.

Ive done it a few times and i really like it. my friend is a yoga instructor so i get in for free. I normally do vinyasa tho.

> internally heat your body, instead of externally heating the outside area around you
Bullshitting intensifies.

What's the thing around her knees called and where do I get one? Knee wraps? Knee sleeves?

I do Wii Fit Yoga. Come at me faggots.


I tag along with my cardio bunny girlfriend. It helps with height related back pains.

It's pretty chill, just don't buy into the pseudo spiritual zen shit you fucking heretic.

Yoga is just re-marketed German and Danish calisthenics from around 1900. Look it up.

Sorry for the shitty source, but you can probably find the book they talk about online.

Also, note how the "Western Barbarian" is actually more flexible and relaxed than Iyengar.

>Bullshitting intensifies.
Bro, any kind of exercise heats you internally. It's called Physics.

This is actually true. And maybe, some people are like me and start researching where our training methods actually come from.

Don't. You won't like the answers.

This guy could shit on his own head

yoga is like 2000 years old you fucking idiots.

No it isn't you gullible cuck.

>April, 2002
>not a single citation
>monks meditating doing meditating monk things

Cool story, bro.

Nope. At least the asanas practice isn't. What you know as Yoga is about 100 years old and European in origin.

Research this! It's very interesting. For example "Chakras" were in invented by American spiritualists in the 19th century (iirc, maybe the 18th).

Yes it is. I read parts of the veda and the upanishads and many practices including positions and chakras are mentioned.

I don't know from what shitty tin foil internet site you get your conspiracy facts, but please provide them.

>Yes it is. I read parts of the veda and the upanishads and many practices including positions and chakras are mentioned.
That's strange beacuse in these texts, there is explicitely no mention of asanas or chakras.

The earliest mention of asanas is somewhere after the medieval period. However, only sitting postures like padmasana are used. Nothing like the Yoga you or I know.

>I don't know from what shitty tin foil internet site you get your conspiracy facts, but please provide them.
Pretty mad, buttboy. But here you go.

Enjoy voting for Bernie, btw.

Absolutely destroyed! what a M A D M A N.

you autists keep posting this
but who cares where it came from?

if it's good for you, then do it.

>What you know as Yoga is about 100 years old
>The earliest mention of asanas is somewhere after the medieval period.

Pick one

And no, the earliest mention of asanas that Ben Singleton found, were from medieval period.

He literally says in the article you posted, that all of this stuff he found was in the ancient Indian texts he studied, the focus was just different.

More at 11!


So your only source is a freaking yoga magazine from the usa and from there you derive the claim that it isn't mentioned in the old texts?

I'm not gona bother to go through the whole thing if that guy already says that your own article contradicts you already?

Of course I get mad when freaking amerifags try to take other inventions again because they haven't invented anything apart from peanut butter. Next you're gonna tell me Benjamin Franklin actually invented the light bulb.