CBT - current body thread

Cock ball torture
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Narrow shoulders, wide hips, we all make it
5'7 171lbs

What are your quad measurements? I'm similar in height and weight but my legs are nothing like that!

This is the body you get when you're an alcoholic.

Keep lifting, don't be like me.

I would measure right now but I can't find my tape measure (I just moved). I know they're not very large dimensions wise, but I have small joints so they look big.

rate me you homos. Never curled a day in my life or touched a bench press. oly lifting twink checking in (lifting for 5 years)

guess my lifts

6'2", 185

Ok, looking good dude

my fat body at tryhard angle

also manlet btw


Considering adding a HIIT day to lower body fat a bit more

Stats/time lifting?

Try flexing the abs more when doing crunches and shit, even during squeezing motion

>doesn't post back or legs

6'2 200 reporting in

Thanks breh, what's the giveaway that I'm not doing that?

Hungry skelly mode

you can tell his traps are huge as fuck. you want his dick pics too ?

not really. he looks pretty dyel in every regard. i can believe it because some dudes just dont look good with oly lifting because of genetics, but youd think thered be something there.


oly lifting isn't about looking good

Very few of the elite oly lifters even look like they lift except for legs. The amateur oly lifters look even worse.

>oly lifters dont look good
they dont look like bodybuilders, no. but theyre just as aesthetic as any other athlete if you ask me.
the super heavyweights dont look good because theyre fat, but the same goes for linemen too.

shit, im an amateur oly lifter and i like to think i look pretty good

>huge as fuck


>amateur olylifter

You're a guy that does oly lifts

You're not a olylifter

whats the difference

You picked it up because it gained popularity in the fitnessindustry because of crossfit

If you were an actually amateur oly lifter you'd have been training since you were very, very young.

If you are doing that I'll shut my mouth but as of now you're no better than the dyel lifters who lift for 3 months and call themselves bodybuillders

Back on topic

You look pretty decent, albeit you have some fat on you. Still a little small, but if you cut, you'd look respectable. How long have you been lifting for?

If you got your chest ripped and got a little triangle shape with your lats and beefier arms, you'd have a 9/10 body. Otherwise, you look like a dried-up otter - not bad, but you could be better. Eat more

Yet, even on this emu meatball recipe forum you can see people on /owg/ that don't look like utter shit, like you do.

>am·a·teur: a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis.
>you: a person who engages in sniffing his own farts

are you so insecure that the second someone says you dont look so good you instantly call them a crossfit bandwagoner? and no, an amateur oly lifter doesnt start when theyre very very young because those that do become
>pro·fes·sion·al: (of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.

Oh wow

>calling me insecure after this insecure post

wew lad

I didn't say you are a crossfit bandwagoner, I used crossfit as an example as to why it became popular. You assumed I said it, you're the faulty one

Are you that insecure you directly jump to conclusions of what people mean?

Also, I'm not the guy you were talking to

Not in the west they don't. Oly lifters don't earn shit from the sport.

>inb4 I don't look 220
Trust me I know

Mirin fridge
Good job dude

bear mode god reporting in
5'11" 220

>small cock loser reporting in


>just as aesthetic


Oly lifters usually look like crap because they train only for two lifts which are mostly just back and legs.

The only oly lifters that actually look THICK, JUICY, and TIGHT, are celebrity ones that lift to also look good so they can keep up with appearances.

You look like the kind of guy that'd be pretty hot to fuck, but you'd avoid in fear of catching something.

184 cm, 74 kg, 18 y/o

Prepare your SS+curlbro memes boys

wanna be my bf and do lewd stuff together?

First time posting.
1,80m 75kg
Rate / advice?

DL: 415
B: 260
S: 335
OHP: 155

5'10 170lbs
Squats been lagging for 3 months, bench shot up 30 lbs due to actually doing fucking chest accessories and not being autismo

5"11 167~ 1.5 years lifting 18

fap accomplished

this is my goal actually

lets do it

You're mad you aren't worthy

I definitely could see that happening but I do not give off that vibe, at least I don't think I do. Get laid pretty frequently, nothing crazy however.


reit boooooooooooiz

>Violation intensifies

you really look stronk, perfect cuddlematerial. Best of luck in your search for the hightest woman / husbando

how long until hercules mode?

If this guy cut he would be hercules mode

if you wear pants like this people are gonna think it says homosport


any pictures with a higher bf? or did you start off skelly?

R8 or h8

220lbs, 16-17% bf (7point caliper test)
was 335lbs, 55% bf

loose skin and tits suck, I'm going to get them removed

at least you have sick legs m8. When do you plan on getting that skin removed? Pretty impressive.


what are your lifts tho, just curious

thanks, I'm pretty happy about my legs too
I'm a Slav so I love squatting

I still think ill get the skin removed early next year. I can't do it earlier due to work obligations.

6'1, 180lbs
Started vegan
Started cardio
Lost weight

Back on the bulk. Need to reach 200lb by July.

>Need to reach 200lb by July.
You're planing on running a cycle? Because otherwise that's not going to happen.

I'm , I feel like this shit doesn't check out although I know my numbers are correct. Are my bones filled with fucking helium or something? Can some medfag explain what's going on?

Bench: 205
Skwat: 315
Diddly: 335
Been lifting for 3 years but I'm only 18

natty? you are perfect

6'1 190, been lifting 5 years. cutting for summer since a week ago

This board is for white people only


Natty. Not on creatine or even whey right now, trying to keep it all in the diet. I've dirty bulked, clean bulked, done with supps and done without... No supp diets result in the most keepable gains.

lmao you think there's a point to asking people if they're natty?

Also, thank you for kind words. Been lifting for 5 years so I didn't start out this way, I used to think my body was so skelly and misshapen I'd never look acceptable.

We'll all make it bro

That's a first for me! Also, nice trips.

Are you a tank?


shit you natty bro?

what bf?

what a cancerous faggot always talking like hes top shit. insecure

>Homosport underwear


how do you get your skin so smooth?

Single bby ;)

Baby oil


Almost ready for summer.

Goal body

6'0, 180. Feels like I've made zero gains since Jan, despite finally reaching 3 plate bench, lower BF%, and a literally perfect diet. I just know I'm wasting my time natty. I should be posting in /fraud/ to jump on, but here I am in cbt, posting a pic that I feel I could have taken six months ago. Again.
Jelly. 200lbs may be too much, depends on how aggressively you bulk. What's your cals at?

Leg/Calf definition is already good, Awesome progress. Keep at it, you'll get the procedure soon enough.

Run a peak program before the 4th and you'll get some definition for photos. Six weeks isn't enough for real abs, but you can get some good shreds in time if you peak out.

Huge arms, props man.

You are hitting the natty limit where you will start to plateau.

imo jump on a cycle. See pic related. Look at it like an s curve. Yes you are making progress but its minor.

But thats just imo, you are bigger and stronger then I am.


Igbo master race

height? you're 5'7''?

that breast

you never was masters doe

Post pics

No way this is 5 years. You look like shit

Just fuck my shit up senpai

6'1'' 162lb (BF% estimate?)

BP: 185x3
OHP: 135x3
Squat: 245x1 (injury)
DL: 275x2 (injury)

I'll admit legs used to be my absolute favorite but nothing but upper body has been pretty nice. I'm hoping to be back at the squats in at least 2-3 more weeks, will probably not DL for awhile though

Is that bad sempai?

I'm 5'9

5'9 185

Gonna start working out on monday.

I use to work out for sports in high school but for the past 2 years i've pretty much watched my body turn into pudding.

Can I get some routine suggestions?

I don't know if ss is a meme so i wanted to get some second opinions. and if that is the best to start with, what would be some good accessory exercises to add?


Feel like I need to get bigger and leaner, but I gotta stick with the bulk for once.

Hi could you guys please rate my routine?
Im 6`2 skellington mode
The trainer at the gym gave me this:
3x12 on everything
1 min rest
chest press machine
butterfly machine
OHP machine
row machine
lat pulldown
leg press machine
ab machine
Is this OK for a beginner or would you change something?
Sorry if my english is bad im german

Move to free weights on as much as you can as soon as possible

do sl+dips+pull-ups+upright rows and eat more
film yourself to do your workout with perfect form

Seriously man? What kind of advice is that? I get my body from mostly machines. I use free weights but machines are excellent too. Not to mention, someone who's brand new and wants to grow big should do endurance cardio for the first few months to build more cappalaries so that when they actually move to weights they have more blood flow to their muscles which will mean quicker restoration of nutrients depleted in their lifts.
