
cheating frauds general


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Do you guys use hcg for pct? How expensive/available is it in aus? Do I need to refrigerate it?

>Do you guys use hcg for pct?
unless you wana come off completely.

What if you're just taking longer (3-6+ months) breaks between cycles?

idk, you could if you want to.
I wouldnt tho.
just b&c

Wow man, some piece of shit in the bar punched me in the jaw about an hour ago, almost knocked out out of my teeth. I've got a scar on my chin now and apparently one of the bouncers that was at some afterparty 3-4 weeks ago that I embarrassed myself at was goading the dude into doing it because he didn't like me. I was just in the bar drinking and some dude out of nowhere punched me in the chin so hard that he nearly knocked out one of my bottom teeeth, now I've got a scar there and dude just took off with the guy that told him to do it while the bar employees gave me an ice bag and were tending to me. I just called the police and filed a report of assault because of this bullshit, I've never had anything like this happen in my life dude, what the fuck. Why do people do this man? I don't fucking get it, my shit is fucked up, I'm just waiting in case police show up at my house now and want to take pictures of the damage, I've got a half inch scar on my jaw now and a ton of damage on my inner lip, dude punched me so hard that I couldn't find my glasses, what the fuck is wrong with people dude?

track him down and fuck his shit up.

I've got no idea who it was, other than the guy who was apparently goading him into doing it. I don't have anything against anybody, even after this bullshit. Yeah, I embarrassed myself at an afterparty a few weeks ago, and that means that the guy has to tell someone else to fuck me up for no reason? Jesus christ, I don't get that shit. If somebody's got a problem with me, why don't they fucking say it, I went out tonight ready to apologize for that shit and the guy acted like it was cool, then he convinces some asshole to fuck me up on his behalf? Fuck people, dude.

thats fucked man. I'm not sure what to say other than some people just enjoy voilence and are pieces of shit.

nothing you can do now, really.

I'm sure karma will get him, hopefully.

Yeah man, it's me.

I've never experienced anything like this before man, this shit is fucked up. I don't think I'm going out drinking again. First time in over a month IIRC, and this shit happens. Drunk people are fucked up, I'm not down with that shit.

I wish I was there I would have gotten a swing in too you fat sack of shit.

OT pls


>I wish I was there I would have gotten a swing in too you fat sack of shit.

Happy memorial day shitlords!
God what an ugly fake looking bitch. Looks like the type of cunt that shits out 3 kids by 25 and gains 100lbs.
HCG will always help with pct, it can never hurt. Yes it has to be refrigerated.


That is a male

>God what an ugly fake looking bitch. Looks like the type of cunt that shits out 3 kids by 25 and gains 100lbs
If you have left the house before or just seen cheerleaders on the Internet you would know that they always use a ton of make up and hair products when they perform

N2guard and hcg for LGD-4033 cycle support. Thoughts?
And what do I use for PCT?

I think there is a penis under that apron


What LGD is liver toxic?

>If you have left the house before
You got me bro1! ahahahaha soooo funny
>LGD-4033 cycle support.
>And what do I use for PCT?
I have never ran any of the sarms that can cause shut down but honestly if you are gonna shut off your balls why not go for the good stuff?

Fuck off cunt

what happened at the afterparty?

I drank a little too much and someone served me up with a large dab and that tipped me over to being way too fucked up and I had to have some people bringing me water and a bucket the rest of the night because I was puking.

How about no? I want my balls back once cycle is done. You meathead stop giving shit advice

n2guard does nothing at all
hcg isnt necessary and will probably fuck you over more than it will help
pct should be nolvadex 20 mg ed for 4 weeks or so

>How about no? I want my balls back once cycle is done.
So run HCG during cycle so your balls stay working like you already said?
My point before which you completely missed is that there would be no difference running HCG with SARMs or actual steroids.

>hcg isnt necessary and will probably fuck you over more than it will help
Nah it will just make you cum "jumbo jet loads of cum" per my friend who shoots HCG while natty for the last 6 months or so.
He is a fatty on one of those medical weight loss diets that I keep trying to explain to him that doesn't work but whatever.

sure bro just inject hcg all day it doesnt even do anything bad bro

That sucks
Chill on the popo tho

Unless youre gonna try and sue i guess

>sure bro just inject hcg all day it doesnt even do anything bad bro
It's gonna raise your test and estrogen and increase sperm count and quality. I have even been to one doctor to try and get TRT and he prescribed me HCG and Clomid for TRT and claimed that's what he ran himself and was easily able to get test over 1000+
I am not trying to argue with you but I am not aware of any harmful effects of HCG use even in the long term so if you actually know of something speak up.

you even mentioned it in your own post
>It's gonna raise your test and estrogen
it raises e2 more than it raises your test, making the idiot running an lgd only cycle need an ai

>it raises e2 more than it raises your test
I am not sure about this but yes I do agree it raises e2 a lot.
As for the original question he was asking about HCG and shutdown which if he is really concerned about shutdown he should either not take anything or learn about HCG so he doesn't get shut down no?

Eh, I'm not going to press anything beyond filing the police report, dude's just a piece of shit for doing it.

i think sarm only cycles are stupid anyway
carries more or less the same risks as steroids with a fraction of the results
im not sure about the whole hcg making you immune to shutdown, it kind of makes sense in theory but people still have to use pct drugs once they come off which suggests that it isnt really that simple
which makes me think that hcg is going to be more trouble than reward for sarm-only cycles, lots of shit we dont know about it yet so might as well steer clear if you dont /need/ it

This is why you must never relax in a bar or downtown in general. A lot of people go there just to start trouble. Hopefully you'll be able to get some money out of this at least ?

On this note whats the consensus of hcg on cycle?

I was looking at running 500 weekly for 10 weeks to help prevent atrophy but others say to blast it last 2 weeks of cycle

there is no consensus

Sorry bro, some people are just assholes

Not interested in money, just never want to see that piece of shit again. Not going out to the bar again before whenever I move, so that'll be easy enough.

Yeah thats scummy behaviour
Although i was terrorizing a dude apparently lmao

Tbf you ptobably could have fucked him up
I know how it is tho

I broke my ex's best friend and her bf up yesterday. Feelsgoodman.jpg

She had a hand in our break up, finally got around to payback, part of it anyway.

They were about to move in together just a few weeks ago.

I feel pretty good now. Pretty sure she's had a mental breakdown by now too.


NotOp approved.

Definitely could've, if I wasn't lit as fuck and he didn't sucker punch me in the face I would've done something about it. I'm a happy drunk though, and I'm not used to that kind of shit, all I could manage was bewilderment in that state.

I'm fucking shaken by all this, I'm pretty much put off going out to the bar again until I'm amongst civilized folk. Fuck hicks and fuck my own kind (natives), they're a bunch of goddamn philistines.

The hell dude
Youre really different than back in the day huh
Me too i guess
Were all depressed and vindictive now lmao

How does it feel to be a petty, vindictive cunt?

Lol there is a huge difference between running sarms, hcg and steroids in terms of shut down. You obviously need to keep on reading.

I got a headbutt to the side of my face once. Because some idiot walked into me with a cigarette and broke it.

Apparently not acting like that's a big deal triggers fat foreigners.

Though he was drunk and I had just arrived so after he tried to hit me a second time I could just punch back. Once was enough, he was pahjeet level fit and fat. Like a walking balloon.

Bouncer saw and threw him out after that.

that's awful.

Just get big as possible. People are really intimidated by my presence and i always get instant respect. Nobody wants to fight me really

i mean, come one, who want to fight this guy. I know i woudn't


I feel you so much about hicks lol
Im a square peg in a round hole here
The only people i really hang with now are black


Better than being a passive apathetic idiot.


She'd been telling my ex I'd been manipulating her for almost 6 months, only because she preferred being with me and watching a movie or going out for dinner to clubbing.

And coming from a best friend. That does affect people.

I'll see how far I can go, her suicide would make my day tbqh. I'll literally go piss on her grave and post it here.

I'd wanted to do this since I found out. Never really got around to it. I got a chance to fix some stuff at a party last weekend and went with it.

Tell me about your mental experiences on TESTOSTERONE



I needed less sleep.

That's it.

Mdmagirl is single again as well. Though I'd preferred her to have a relationship we did warn her.

Her now ex cheated on his former ex with her. And before that, same thing. And, yeah, did it again for 2 months before they broke up.

I don't quite understand it anyway.

Looking soft in that lighting senpai.

I'd fight you, you look like shit mate. Have you even been in a fight before.

Lol i kinda identify with the ex
Didnt do it consciously but p much everything ended up that way

on 250mg, nothing much

on 750mg, god-tier feeling, euforic, alpha

on 950mg, tired all day, sleep all day, shit feeling

it's called bulking

i will stay cutting until i see results like pic related again. I'am really autistic & disciplined when it comes to diet and results.

fucking pussies have no discipline these days

faggots like you, don;'t even try to stare me into my eyes irl

I honestly can't even think about cheating on a girl. It's weird but it's a huge turn off.

For me to cheat, them having a bf doesn't matter.

Yo fl whats that bigass scar you got a couple years ago like now

>that belly button
HAHAHA maybe it's because of your autistic glare and it creeps out alphas like me. You're probably that fucking retard that rambles on about absolute bullshit to people at parties. That fucking faggot that just doesnt shut the fuck up

You should see mine, I got stabbed in the neck about a decade ago. It's nearly healed now.

Still wonder how I survived that.

That mindset will serve you well lol
Im married now and im not bout dat life at all anymore
Just making life difficult for no reason
Be single or dont t b h

It's satan's THIRD EYE. it spots dyel betas like you


the last sentence doesn't make any sense. kek the cringe

I guess you are stonger than the average person but to think that has any advantage in a fight is overestimating your own abilities.

I know a few guys who like to fight and by no means are they big. One of them kidnaps people, beats them up and drops them off somewhere for a a bit under 1000 euro;s.

You run tren to cut?
how did you get to road map status?

low bodyfat+low subcutaneous water retention+full glycogen stores+high blood pressure=pissening veins

Oi! I'm gonna be in NYC next week. Wtf should I do? Anyone of you been there?

It did. Honestly, the amount of ex's friends into me was ridiculous. Some were pretty hot too.

I flirted back a bit but that's it.

I'd definitely date her former best friend though. But I've known that girl far longer than my ex. And that would hurt things with ex even more. I've already slept with 3 of her high school classmates, I shouldn't add one of her closest friends.

Shortie, qt, and very loud in the bedroom tho. Or so I've been told.

Recovery should be faster if you run hcg on cycle rather than at the end of the cycle.

I recommend at least visiting RRL and Frye there.

Oh and barney's has a huge selection of awesome jeans and high end boots.

The 9/11 memorial is lame. Everything there is actually pretty boring because you've seen it destroyed at least a dozen times in movies.

I think brick might know though. I've been to a few clubs with a friend of mine and we've woken up in a random hotel room a few times. Had to get her sister to cover for us at our own hotel, her parents kept wondering where we were.



>just went out for breakfast

I can't even fight. I have done some kickboxing and wing chun in the past, but it's just basic stuff

I'am just saying that most don't want to fight me.

1. carb cycle till 9% bodyfat
2. on your carb day, lay in the sun for 30 min
3. do some push ups
4. make picture

no tren needed

Sweeeeet! Thanks a lot man, all I have so far is just some places to eat :^)

Don't order anything in a club if you don't know the price. I've never been had but I remember two friends getting a 400$ bill for 7 drinks or so.

And in Italy I remember being charged +- 6€ for a bottle of water, but my friends were fucked with 15-20€ for an espresso. They all had doubles.

Basic big city shit though.

Neighbour and a friend once got hit with a 1700€ bill in Tokyo. They'd had 4 bottles of cheap bubbles, but the club charged them expensive ones.

They ran, they ran so far awaaaaaay.

Hahaha damn! I'm a small city boy, thanks m8 I'll be on the lookout for those big city cheaters.

>Just get big as possible.
that wouldn't work for someone like me that is 5'6 people want to fight me even more now that I'm bigger

Yeah, drunk people aren't known for logic. But they are known to be overconfident.

I have been 85kg at 184-185cm. And fairly lean.

Always the biggest of my group.

People would always try to fight me. Even if I was taller and had 15kg on them.

I didn't drink or do drugs back then though, so provoking me was hard.

I'm better at not getting hit than I am at hitting hard though. But I usually play "dirty".

Don't hit back like an idiot. just hit their balls and then go for the eyes. If high % alcohol is close, throw it in their face.

You fight like a coward, except if they sucker punched you. Hitting them in the nuts is something a woman would do.
Step up your game

muh honor

If someone starts a fight with me, I'm gonna make sure his ass is through the ground by any means necessary.

>that is 5'6
that's true. people will always dominate your ass.

try high heels maybe

i'am 6'0 and that's midget over here

Plz don't scare me and no bully
I'm on LGD cycle but never tried actual roid so I can't comment on hcg and n2. That's all what I heard
Can I consider hcg and n2 as super sized multi vitamin rather than any drugs?

My ultimate goal is not to have any permanent damage on natural test production

n2guard is practically a sugar pill
hcg is a very serious drug and should be considered as such

I really dislike this attitude
Lol my dude who a bouncers go to was straight up booting dudes in the solar plexus
I dont like kicking cause unless you know what youre doing youre getting scooped but that would end shit quick lol

Go and find the guy who was doing the goading and fuck his shit up.

>that's true. people will always dominate your ass.
yea I always get dominated by pic related kek

>try high heels maybe
lmao, I always wear shoes with a heel though, dress shoes, loafers etc

forgot pic

Man i think i may need to cool off the mt2

Ashy af
White people not supposed to get ashy


I feel as though our leg would break if I were to roundhouse you.

forgot to crop


kek'd hard irl

>"s-six foot m-master race"

>fight like a coward

No such thing. Only winning and losing.

I don't go out looking for a fight. Ever. I've only been in three fights and one of them was just pathetic. Don't try to hit someone half a foot taller who's in shape when you're a 170cm tall fat pahjeet.

The others were just drunks trying to punch me, all that was necessary was throwing vodka/tequila in their eyes.

Why the fuck would I bother fighting back and possibly getting arrested or being thrown out when a drink to the face is enough?


I know two guys that look very much like that. They roid and have probably had 4 leg days in the past decade.

One seriously looks like he just came out of a wheelchair after years.

How long do you fuckers run tren for before having a break from it? And what dosages do you use?

True, i looked like that but smaller when i never trained legs.

But everyone made fun of me at the gym, so i took that shit to another level and trained them 2 times a week, to bring them to decent standards