I will do ANYTHING to get buff

Hi Veeky Forums,
My girlfriend dumped me about a month ago and I've been feeling pretty shitty about myself.
I've decided to completely change my lifestyle. Currently I do no exercise,
I'm 18, 6'2'' and 65 kg skinnybro
I have unlimited free time (gap year) and access to free weights and a gym. I'm willing to do anything to get incredibly ripped.
What should I be eating?
What exercises should I do?
How many days a week should I work out and for how long?
Thanks guys

Other urls found in this thread:


Read the sticky

>I will do ANYTHING to get buff

except read the sticky


I also hope that fuccboi isn't your goal

Is that a current pic of you? You're small as fuck and need to eat more. Try starting strength and reading the sticky.

I love how people come here, don't read the sticky, give us no information, but expect results.

Kind of like those people who go to the gym, don't read how to work out intelligently, go all out, do the wrong thing, and quit after three months.

Also, that guy in the picture is good looking but definitely has little muscle mass. He's anything but "ripped."

How long have you been working out? Do you know anything about working out? Were you an athlete in high school?

I have the same body type as that guy
I know nothing about working out
Not an athlete
Can't understand the sticky

Oh, hi there, Summerchild.

Have fun in your 1month lifting lifestyle.

>can't understand the sticky
Look up TDEE calculator. Eat at maintenance + 500 cals/day. Do starting strength.

im gonna be nice to you
1 if you are skinny, eat like a motherucker, everything that has protein, carbs and a bit of fat.
2 look for starting strenght program.
3 follow that program in the gym.

and to avoid wastin time, if you think you can get ripped and then stop lifting, do not even start, this shit is for life

read and understand sticky
pretty much the simplest explanations you're going to find with no bullshit.

just stick to it and it'll all come into place

don't listen to this guy, starting strength is a meme.

this is the best beginner routine for aesthetics:
> forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149807833

Food: Eat enough calories
Structure of food :
Carbs - Only eat carbs you can process and use to build muscle (vegetables, rice, whole-wheat bread/pasta, beans, lentils, spinach, everyfuckingnatural thing)
Protein - Eat proteins that won't fuck your fats up (Lean chicken breast, turkey meat, beef, eggs, milk,fish, tuna fish, cottage cheese )
Fats - Eat healthy fats, that's literally fucking it (nuts, avocados, coconut, fish oil)
Fruits - whateverthefuck
Water - as much as you can , 2-3 l minimum.

Training :
5x5 will make you stronger thus you'll be able to lift heavy weights -> fast progress

Brosplit after 2 months of 5x5 if you're into looks
Continue 5x5 if you want more strength.

That's about it.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it


read that, it's much more digestible than the actual sticky.

Do Candito, ask someone to show you proper form. Don't do SS it's shit and boring program.

5x5 is a meme. Do SS for at least a couple months, make sure your form is good. SS may be kind of boring but you want to have a base to start with if you go into bodybuilding. If you like SS you can stay, otherwise I recommends switching to Phrak's Greyskull LP for a little bit, incorporating accessories that you like such as skullcrushers or barbell drag curls or spellcasters (do whatever you want, but those are just exercises I like) and eventually you can switch to PPL when you feel ready. Don't be a moron who jumps straight into PPL, you will lack flexibility, basic stabilizer muscle strength, endurance, understanding of muscular groups, etc. Starting Strength really is the best to start with, not even just because of the results it gives but also what you learn from it.

>Starting Strength
Rippletits please go.
There was a thread of this sad victim of SL not so long ago, don't make me post it here.

>implying the picture on the left is any better than the picture on the right
Deformed as fuck either way

You better stop.

Once you start working out, follow GOMAD. It stands for Gallon of Milk Every Day. This will give you the adequate nutrition to pack on muscle mass. You're gonna make it, scrub.




>more than doubled his squat
>more than doubled his deadlift
>70ish lbs to bench

Gynodino please stop.
Both meme routines.
Them sweet gyno gains right bby?

>Can't understand the sticky

I have the feeling that your gf dumped you not because of your physical appearance

Anything except for reading the sticky i guess.