How do you show off your gains without looking like a douche?

How do you show off your gains without looking like a douche?

Don't wanna scare away the shy QT im going out with tonight, but at the same time I wanna show off.

Is a V-Neck too dbaggy? I wear a gold chain which kinda makes me look like a tool. Mostly other dudes mean mug me and shit.

How do you show off those gains brehs?

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Depends what your style is fuck face. You sound like a douchebag so dress like a douchebag, douchebag.

>Gold chain
Don't worry about it Jersey shore

if you actually have "gains" you can wear anything short of a baggy shirt or hoodie and it will be obvious you lift.

ill dres ur mum kunt


>you will never be the main leader douchebag with 3 supporting lesser douchebags to assist you in taking douchey pictures

Who wears a gold chain. I mean seriously dude.

First reply best reply

this thought keeps me up at night

It depends. Is this girl really a man? In that case dress casual, and with a somewhat refined theme going on.

Really though, if you met this chick wearing shit that makes you look like a douche, just dress like yourself nd be yourself.
Honest hoping you're not as douchey as you dress, though.

Good luck, Jersey Shore.

the two on the left should hook up while the two on the right kill themselves

thanks guys. I will just be myself :)

You don't you stupid fuck. Wear clothes that fit and look nice. You always top off Veeky Forums with a bit of Veeky Forums. (Small amount, be careful there or you'll look like a fag)
Ditch the fucking chain you dip. Literally everybody you know is making fun of you for it.

same logic as women wearing clothing to give off an illusion. the body is still there, it's just decoration and style that tells more of a story. but their body hasn't changed, they can try all they want.

If you dont wear really illfitted clothes, people will see that you lift

Nothing more attractive than attractive guys who either don't know that they're attractive, or at least don't act like it
Modesty and humility is cute guys

Jus b urself ;^)

>hahah the mates always dog me around lol calling me faggot and fuckface and spills my drink when we're out partying lol they're always messing around I don't mind being the butt of the joke it's just friendly banter

>shy QT

implying that this matters, even the shy nerdy girl with glasses wants CHAD.

Haha barely noticed the cuck. Quality post friend jajha

fukken lol I can actually connect that greentext and picture together

>wear t-shirt backwards or inside out
>"user your shirts on wrong"
>act embarassed and take your shirt off to put it on properly as an excuse to show off your gains
Not that hard

>How do you show off your gains without looking like a douche?
turn this the other way round... explain a non douchy situation where it would be appropriate

If you need some techniques or strategies to to make people notice your gains you don't have enough gains.

i always have this same question. Honestly OP the time just comes. Don't say you lift doe, let her ask you then say that you don't

i never got this. whats so bad about people knowing you lift? Dont tell people you lift, but if they straight up ask, just tell them. Dont sperg out about it, but no need to hide it.

You don't show them off.
You wear fitted clothes, not oversized or too small. If you actually lift, most people will know that you lift.

But no one will know your actual gain levels. And that's the secret.
So when you finally get that girl home and you take off your shirt she will make the most sincere "oh my god" of her life. From then on you can do whatever you please, she doesn't mind because she thinks a literal greek god is fucking her.

And the morning after when she wakes up she will see you even more shredded than the night before because of all the vascularity coming through because of the alcohol dehydration from yesterday. The gains just keep providing

But all that falls apart if you walk around normally with an absurd XS shirt or a small ass wifebeater.
Show off when the situation tells you to show off.

This guy fucks.

if you need to show off your gains your small bruh

this, but there are times when you can do a little extra to show off some.

>had memorial day cookout party this weekend
>its 90 degrees out
>wear a well fitting tank top
>did a workout to get a pump going

If i know ill be going out in a situation like that, ill always time my lift to be about 1-2 hrs before hand.

here is your answer OP

So is your iq the same as the whether?

its about 135


Based user tells it like it is

I go on bike rides down by the lake to chill with my friends, just from holding the handlebars all of my friends who are female make comments on my arms. Let them notice without showing your shit off like a douche.

Never let women know that you're showing off to get their attention. Act like they barely even exist, because that shit drives them wild. And I don't mean be a douche, just be casual and act like you see them nothing more than as a friend. Women live for the feeling of having men fawn over them, since it happens often.

Mental Retardation: The Post


why would you want to show your power level nigga

white t-shirt. Minimalistic, classic

reminds of a time where school mates told me that it's cool to wear your shirt inside out

boy that was fun when I actually did that for a week

no, it didn't shatter my self esteem at all lol

OP here. Texted the girl an hour saying "hey still good for tonight?"

No reply, and were meeting at 6. its 5:30 now.

should i bother showing up, or jsut call it quits?

So you will be a douche?

whats the setting? is it the bar? Are you going with friends? Is she bringing friends?

Why the fuck are you so insecure
If you've agreed a time and a place then there's no reason not to be there

Show up and have a good time. If you don't get a response from her then, she flaked.

Don't give her any more attention if you don't hear back from her. You will just feeding her ego and making yourself look more insecure. Other fish in the see and what not.

On the bright side, at least your not a fat fuck that keeps falling in love with lesbians like I am.

Yep, well fitting but not tight t-shirts and jeans are your friend. Or in a less casual environment, fitted/slim fit shirts and trousers. You don't look like a douche, but people can tell that you are in good shape.


I might do this one day.

This is the most hilarious autism-inspired plan I've ever seen because it might actually work.

I can already imagine all the autist from Veeky Forums wearing shirts inside out at parties and panicking after 5 minutes of no one noticing so you run into the bathroom to put it back on properly and hope no one notices anything for the rest of the night

You guys cant be this braindead, dude use whatever the fuck fits your personality. I like V-necks because I hate shit close to my neck I don't give a fuck if Chads like to wear them too.

You wanna show off gains? Invite her to do some physical activity or go walk in a park, it gives you an excuse to wear a t-shirt or even a tank top.

Also, jesus christ wear whatever the fuck you are comfortable with don't go on the internet to learn how to dress yourself.

Went and she flaked. Them feels

is he natty?

that sucks. at least you tried. im still here replying to you because i have no life. dont overthink it and just brush it off.

>drinking alcohol unironically

reported, filtered, opinion discarded

Sorry bro, she wasn't worth it then

You still have us user

>without looking like a douche

>implying I wouldn't just pull in my arm through the sleeve hole things and rotate the shirt around my body very awkwardly

Yeah im pissed and have no idea how to vent it. I wanna send her a text but fuck

guess not. what a waste of time though :/

Thanks brah

a ton of guys do where I'm from.

my grandma gave me my first one when I was like 9 or 10 and I've been wearing one (bigger ones as I got older) everyday since.

this is nj tho

My grandma gave me a winchester model 63 when I was 9 and I would go shoot squirrels with it. Hell, still do. NJ seems like a different kind of wilderness. Filled with chris christies broken dreams and the smell of spray tans.

Came here to post this.

Fitted clothes are what you need to wear. Nothing looks more pathetic than the guy trying to show off his abs by wearing a t-shirt tighter than the butthole of a straight guy on his way to prison.

Don't send an angry text, it fucked my relationship with some girl recently. Just don't text her.

>found the filthy immegrant
New law in all western countries. Alchohal and pork is part of a mandatory diet.

Bro, worst thing you can possibly do is send an angry text. My advice: if you know her as a friend, keep your distance and keep it friends. If it was a hook and meet, like an online dating thing, then delete and block. Move on. Do not get desperate for pussy. Women have the most accute noses when it comes to thirsty niggas.

can tell you're
by simply recommending gold chain and v-neck. kys

>mfw this isn't common knowledge
c'mon Veeky Forums

I won't. I want to, but theres no way Ill send a pathetic text like that. It's unmanly. Thanks guys....

She actually just texted me back and said she had to go to some rehearsal and that she was sorry.

I'm gonna give it another shot, but I feel disrespected that she didn't let me know before. Just gonna play it cool tho and see what happens. I have other options, but like this girl the most.

Should I make plans again, or ask her to make them? I'm new to this online dating thing, it's tinder btw

Don't make them again, kinda show her that you feel disrespected but you are still interested, so she has to make the plans. As some one already said batches know when you are desperate for pussy and if make plans again she will notice you are desperated

Oh and just keep moving on, if you are using tinder just keep getting new matches and try with them while this bitch makes plans. It's always a numbers game, the more dates you are having the easier you gona get pussy.

Word, thanks man.

Heres a QT

Ok here's what you do, can you can rock the dishevelled look? Good, now toss on a shirt with a tasteful graphic inside out. Hopefully the broad you're targeting goes "Hey user your shirt's inside out" at which point you take it off, flip it inside it inside right in a deliberate, but not slow, manner, allowing the world to bask in the glory of your sexually unbound upper half.


I've been in your shoes and will say this. If she doesn't plant the next date, she's not interested and will flake again.

You would have to be zyzz shredded for a girl to want to sleep with an actual retard who cannot dress himself

now my shirt is backwards and inside out!
>tfw cant tell between b8 and retards

Move on lad.
Tell that bitch she's a bitch for wasting ur time, delete and move on

That girl is adorable. Definitely qt

how do I become the leader of a douchepack?

Vnecks are not fashionable. This is a question for Veeky Forums

depends of the length of the v neck

Thank you.

she isnt worth your time. Ignore her texts

>She says, as she hops into bed with another "bad boy"

Is there porn of this woman?

see rule 34 and/or 35


>I wear a gold chain
>Doesn't want to look like a douche

Top fucking Kek

dem treefrog toes

>I wear a gold chain

I laughed

Man fuck that bitch.

Now you have time to get more swole and powerful.

You don't. Women don't give a shit about it and you shouldn't either.

It's not about what you 'have', it's what you are. Your personality is all that matters.

Goes for everything else too. If you try to show off - your car, your money, your abs. Then these are things you have and can lose. If it's all assumed - of course, why wouldn't I be fit? Then it's what you ARE.

tldr; stop thinking like a douche and you won't look like one.

>only a 4 pack

Your aunt/grandma you mean

If your gains are unnoticable with a simple t-shirt on than you don't have any, summerfag.

> Speaking to KTRK TV, one unnamed student said of the student and his teacher: “He like grabbed her butt, and everybody saw it. And then they were talking about it.”
> “She explained that the next day, she went over to his house again because his parents weren’t home. She said this was the first time they had sex.”

CHAD when he was 13 years old is BANGING his TEACHER while you were busy playing VIDYA all day

Looks like Supermang got his shit together
