Cutting thread

Alright so I am 4 months into my current cut and I have hit the point where I am no longer sure if I keep cutting or bulking.

Pls help

Height: 6ft
Weight: 180

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Well you don't have any muscle tone from what I can see. Perhaps you cant go wrong either direction you go.

It's probably better to cut since you're probably a noob.

Been lifting for around 4-5 months now. I do not think I have been eating enough to build muscle though.

you look pretty skinnyfat, keep cutting, also whats your lifts look like?

My lifts are pretty shit.

I can bench 60 kilos
Squat around 60 kilos as well
Shoulder press around 20 kilo dumbbells

you're fat. like, really fat.

keep cutting until you can actually see the scant muscle you actually have, i.e. 15% or less, THEN think about a 200kcal surplus per day to build muscle.

Tbh you like a hungry skeleton. I think you should dof a slow control bulk.

yeah just keep cutting then bulk to build a shitton of strength and muscle and then cut once more, you should look pretty huge by then.

am I really fat or a hungry skeleton

How do I know when to stop cutting?

Idk, Id say bulk, but keep it as clean as possible, high protein, lower fat/carb. If you cant keep clean though, just cut some more before bulking.

You just have a higher body fat percentage to most people...

Your body doesn't look as though there is much natural muscle i.e. muscle built from sport or your childhood.

You body structure isn't amazing by the disparity between shoulders, waist and hips etc.

Fill it out with bigger lats and cannonball shoulder delts.

Build more physical muslce through boxing

Keep in mind you look less than 18... so you still have a few years to develop.

Males don't stop growing until mid 20's especially facially.

If you're late teens then its definitely the prime time to develop your body

Cheers for the feedback familia.

I just wanna make it

I turn 19 in october

4 months? Nigga that's called dieting

Whatever it is. I was lifting and eating at a calorie deficit. Went from 110kgs to 81kgs now,

Great progress so far! I'd say keep cutting. Muscles wouldn't really show right now underneath the top layer of fat. It's better to be skinny and build on top of that.

Sweet you're about the same age I was when I started getting committed.

Ultimately don't cut or bulk. That 'cycle' lifestyle isn't as amazing for everyone.

Lose weight = cardio and high sets & repetition / endurance workouts i.e. 5 x 15

Aesthetic Muscle = Swimming + super sets on rotational weeks and middle range weight reps / sets i.e. 4 x 8 - 12 alternating weeks with super sets

Strength Muscle = 5 x 5 (not SS etc) Full body workouts (NOTE: this is the harder option for results driven weightlifting and takes a longer period to really increase)

All good variety of workouts

I am currently doing a brosplit

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Shoulders/Abs
Wednesday: Back
Thurs: Arms
Friday: Legs

What should I do for aesthetic muscle.

And if you want combinations like losing weight but being strong then do full body workouts with cardio thrown in.

When I was your age I was running, weightlifting and doing kickboxing... Made me look good but at 72kg and 6 foot its easy to look well defined.

I'm 27 now and am in law enforcement. I now weigh 90kg and still do cardio with full body workouts cause that's all I can fit into my life.

Depends what you're training for...

Bro splits are good and at your age probably desirable to get aesthetic muscle.

Keep in mind every few months have a 'rest' period where your body can have a good recovery period. Since you're young the body is more forgiving so you have a higher recovery rate than me.

With your body fat and only starting to train it's all about time and dedication. It'll be years until your close to what you envision as a goal body but by then you won't be happy with it. You'll want more and more etc.

Mix up exercises every few months to keep yourself interested and muscles guessing.

Thanks for the tips.

I just wanna be happy with my body, Its probably never going to happen though

Oh and you can cut it down to 4 days easily...

Mon - Chest / Arms

Tues - Backs / Triceps

Wed - Light cardio etc biking or fartlek running

Thurs - Shoulders / Abs

Friday - Legs or make it a powerlifting day with leg exercises thrown in like deads and squats

Do 4 sets of each body group i.e. Monday is 4 sets of chest and 4 sets of biceps.

I started training when I was 18 with a mate... got serious about it around 21 after being a curl bro. Now 27 and your fitness goals will vary...

I use to run marathons then gave that up and did kick boxing then gave that up and now just do strength training for work. At the end of the day do what you are interested in and what will make you happiest.

I hated running after the marathon stage and didn't do it again for 3 years but now I'm back into it... life is up and down but just stay committed

What weight did you start at?

I'm going to guess you're in the low 20's for body-fat. Your best bet is to cut down to around 160-170 and eat at maintenance. When you start to struggle on your lifts, up your caloric intake by 300 calories a day. When you stall again, up it another 300. So on and so forth, until you hit 200-220 - then cut back down to 180-190.

You're on your way, keep it up.

I started at 110

Fix your diet OP You have shit bodyfat insertions.
Also keep cutting

Thanks Senpai.